the eXchange church Podcast with Pastor Andy Meyer

Acts - The Early Church - February 2023

Andy Meyer

The idea of what church is has been distorted over the years, making it difficult for people to grasp its true essence. In this blog, we'll delve into the Bible and understand what church truly is and what it means to be part of it.

According to the Bible, the first church was a community of believers who gathered to worship God, do life together, and take care of each other. They met in each other's homes, took communion, shared meals, and praised God, all while enjoying each other's company. This was a group of people who were the church, not just a place or an event they attended.

Many of us have been brought up to believe that church is a place we go to for an hour or two on Sundays. However, this is far from the truth. Church is not an event, a place, or a service. Church is a group of people who are marked by the presence of a greater God and come together to worship and do life together.

The church is not just dependent on one leader or pastor but is a community that builds big tables and convinces everyone that they have a seat. It's a gathering of people who recognize the awesomeness of God and come together to worship and praise him.

God wants to speak to us, breathe life into our marriages and children, and light us on fire to spread his message to those around us. If we don't know Jesus, we must know him and let others know about him too.

We have slipped back into the temple mentality where only a handful of people are anointed by God to do the work of the ministry. But this is not what God wants. He hates hypocrisy and wants his people to be free from the chains of religion that have kept them out of his presence.

In conclusion, the true essence of church is a community of believers who come together to worship God, do life together, and take care of each other. It's not just a place or an event but a group of people who are marked by the presence of a greater God. Let's break away from the temple mentality and recognize that we are the church and come together to worship and praise our awesome God.