Sis, Playtime Over

Breaking Cycles

Keona Speaks Season 1 Episode 7

In all families unfortunately, there are not only positive and influential habit traits that get passed down generation to generation. You may be the one person that is called to break the cycles dysfunctional behavior patterns from your own transformation by becoming self-aware, taking ownership, and become an example for the next generation behind you.

When you are the one that is breaking cycles in your family it can be very hard at times and may feel like a huge burden is on your shoulders which is normal. You’re doing something that’s never been done before in your family. 

In this episode I walk you though the importance of not giving up when tasked with such a big responsibility breaking Cycles and pitfalls to look out for so you won’t be blind sided when family members come up against you when your trying to do something positive, something different, and something new for you.

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