CHCA Entrepreneurial Podcast
Leveraging key thought leaders including influential CEOs and business owners, this podcast takes listeners into focused conversations and interviews that reveal key aspects of entrepreneurship. Covering topics such as innovation and ideation, customer-centric design, leadership strategies, startup advice, and more, this podcast has material specific to entrepreneurs at al levels. Listen in and be engaged.
CHCA Entrepreneurial Podcast
Gardens and Entrepreneurship: Hands-on Education
Stephen Carter / Alex O'Brien / Maria Pancioli
Season 1
Episode 6
In this episode of the CHCA Entrepreneurial Podcast, I interview both Alex O'Brien (class of 2017) and Maria Pancioli (class of 2019). Alex O'Brien began building the CHCA Organic Garden as a 7th grader and, upon graduation, handed the project off to Maria Pancioli. Alex discusses how building the garden taught him the importance of collaborating in teams for problem solving, and Maria discusses how the garden was instrumental in her path to study horticulture. The CHCA Organic Garden is a core part of the burgeoning entrepreneurship program at the school and will be used in bringing farm-to-school hands-on learning to all grades at Cincinnati Hills Christian Academy.