CHCA Entrepreneurial Podcast
Leveraging key thought leaders including influential CEOs and business owners, this podcast takes listeners into focused conversations and interviews that reveal key aspects of entrepreneurship. Covering topics such as innovation and ideation, customer-centric design, leadership strategies, startup advice, and more, this podcast has material specific to entrepreneurs at al levels. Listen in and be engaged.
CHCA Entrepreneurial Podcast
Sarah Sloyan on Leadership, Team Building, and Delegation
Stephen Carter / Sarah Sloyan
Season 2
Episode 11
Sarah Sloyan is the Senior Vice President of EntreLeadership, part of the Dave Ramsey Network. EntreLeadership focuses on helping small businesses grow and part of that comes from their ideology around leadership, team building, and delegation. Sarah shares her thoughts on these topics including how to find a balance in one's life between seeking results and maintaining relationships--she explains that leadership starts by "leading yourself."