knitting with confidence & hope

Vacation Knitting

holly Season 1 Episode 47

In this episode, I talk about the pressure to find the perfect project for vacation knitting. 

Music credit: Ketsa "Day Trips"

[Upbeat musical intro with bells and trills; "Day Trips" by Ketso]

Holly 00:30
Hello! I’m so happy to be here. Right now it is very quiet in my house but my son is awake and hasn’t slept so there’s a nervous energy in the room because we are about to leave for vacation. We’re leaving in a couple of hours and there’s excitement and stress that comes before a change in the routine.

Holly 01:11

I thought I’d hop on here briefly and talk about vacation knitting. I’m finding myself obsessing right now. My own version of that crazy energy is searching patterns on ravelry and trying to dig things out of my stash. And I know that’s usually shawls. I think Elizabeth Zimmermann always says that fingering weight shawls are always the perfect travel knitting project. But I think she was taking more luxurious vacations than mine. I’m a single mom and there’s just a lot of work before, during, and after a trip that doesn’t necessarily mean that I have lots of time to sit in European parks and knit a fingering weight shawl. 

Holly 02:08
But I do have a lot of time to knit on this trip. I’m going to see my parents. It’s been so long since I’ve seen them. I think the last time I saw them was the holidays! So it’s been over six months. And my dad hasn’t been doing well so i don’t think we’ll be doing much other than hanging out so there will be lots of time to knit. I’m also heading to the beach for a few days in between visits to my parents. 

Holly 02:50

And this is very exciting! I’m really feeling like this is the last hurrah of summer. When we come back there’s only a few weeks before we all go back to school. I can already feel the change in my email inbox and in stores with “back to school” shopping. So I know that when I come back I’ll be resting and trying to get settled with the change of pace in our schedule. All of this is making the pressure to pick the right project completely essential. I know this is just me being busy. I’m uncomfortable, and I like my routine, and I’m freaked out about change (even if it’s for something fun like vacation). And that has led me to searching ravelry hours before I leave for a trip trying to find the right needles, yarn, and project.

Holly 04:03

The answer is socks. It’s always socks. But the problem for me is that I can’t find my double pointed needles. It’s really annoying! I can’t just bring a pair of socks (which would solve this). So I thought I’d try to find a hat pattern that would work. You know, find one pattern and two kinds of yarn and get some gift knitting done in July! 

Holly 04:44

I found one pattern--on the c train by espace tricot. (a yarn store in...I think Montreal… I may be wrong it may be in Toronto).  It’s a simple rib knit pattern and I think it will work with this lovely skein of yarn that I found in my creative recycling centre. It’s lovely. It’s supersaturated hot pink and it’s a merino cashmere… what is that called… MCN? Merino cashmere nylon blend? It’s worsted weight and lush. I think it’s uncommon threads Lush Worsted. But I only have one skein. I could use it in a shawl but I think it’s perfect for this hat pattern which calls for worsted weight yarn. I also snagged a skein of Shelter yarn at the same creative recycling center and I think it will work for this pattern too. So I could just get into the rhythm of rib hats while I’m hanging out with my parents and then bonus I have two hats I could gift to my two friends (who are married). I like the idea of making the same hat for both of them. 

Holly 06:20

I also have a pair of colorwork mittens on the go. I thought this would be the perfect project--challenging enough and satisfying enough--esp for the nights in the hotel room after hanging out with my parents, for when I want to decompress (but you know also zone out because I’m in a hotel room with my kids). Colorwork seemed perfect for, you know, needing to both focus and zone out at the same time. But again I can’t find my double pointed needles. I’m so frustrated!

Holly 06:47

And I know that this is reflecting the fact that you shouldn’t make last minute decisions like this! They’re probably right in front of me but I just can’t see them since I’m feeling so frenetic.

Holly 07:01

Finally, I am bringing a shawl. Well really it is a scarf or a shawlette. I’m already into it. I’m about a ⅓ of the way done and my fear is that it won’t last. It’s not big; it only takes three balls of yarn; and it’s very manageable. so I thought I’d throw it in the bag. The problem with it is that it requires a chart and I’m not quite into the rhythm of it. So it will certainly work in the hotel but not really when I’m hanging with my parents and wanting to focus on my time with them but keep my hands busy. I do need a sock or some kind of project… Hopefully this hat project will work. 

Holly 07:53

And I know there’s a lesson here about relaxing and doing nothing.  This is certainly not fulfilling knitting. This is me stressing out about knitting, especially about finding the “right” project to take on vacation when the answer is probably nothing. Just go on vacation! Read books and relax! But I will feel better with a bag full of yarn in the car, even if it means that I’ll get there and i find out I don’t have what I need.

Holly 08:31

SO that’s me. I’m going to keep this super short. I hope you’re in a great place at this point in the summer. I’m feeling a lot of stress and my knitting is reflecting this. I’m trying to undo the mind set that there’s high pressure on this vacation to really RELAX and make the most of it because there’s this feeling of doom hanging out at the other end of the vacation. 

Holly 09:10

I’ve gotten some challenging news at work and I’ve had some major home repair to attend to so I’m feeling really broke. And I’m feeling that disorientation of summer. Right now it feels like time is on my side, the days are long and the pace is slow but I can also feel that change is coming and it creates anxiety for me. I know that this is just a feeling and that once we get into the new schedule things will be fine. But I don’t handle transitions well. I get really anxious. And I think my kiddos also get anxious. There’s just a lot of energy. And that connects to knitting. And one of the ways I settle myself down is through knitting. And so my anxiety about the project and yarn choices speaks to my discomfort in this moment of change. 

Holly 10:20

As excited as I am about the week ahead it also marks a shift ahead. So I definitely need to do my daily al anon readings and really work on staying present and enjoying the gifts of vacation. I’ve worked so hard for this. My kids are so excited. I can’t wait to see my parents. And hopefully when I get home I’ll feel rested and ready to get down to business. 

Holly 10:50

I’ll end there. I’m so happy you took some time to listen to me ramble about vacation knitting. I hope that you have the perfect summer project, whether it is something challenging or something super simple. And I hope that you can find your needles and your notions. [laughter] Unlike me, who is struggling to put together a project bag after 15 months of knitting at home. 

Holly 11:20

As always I want to remind you to take what you like and leave the rest, especially about the stress and strain of the summer… and summer knitting. 

Holly 11:33
Take care! Happy knitting!