The Boonafide Experience

Andrew Ellis- Business Mindset Coach

Kyle Warren Season 2 Episode 4

S2: E:4

This week, I expanded the scope of my podcast, which in turn will provide even more value. We are switching things up a bit and classifying the podcast as a Business Podcast with a hyperfocus on esports & the creator economy.

This week, we have Andrew Ellis but he prefers going by Andy, or... if you're a REAL one... Bottom Frag 😉.

Andy helps entrepreneurs who are ready to take action master their mindset through habit building, levelling up their business, finance and life. He changes the world through many different forms of content such as his E-books, Instagram page, and his podcast.

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Kyle Warren:

Good morning, and welcome to the Boonafide Experience Podcast. I'm your host, Kyle. But really people just call me Boona. This is a business podcast with a hyper focus on esports and the creator economy. If you're not subscribed or following on your platform of choice, please go ahead and hit that follow or subscribe button. Doing so supports the channel and gets his content in front of people who need to hear it. If you're listening on an Apple device reviews help, plus, I'll shout out reviews and future episodes. So exciting new enhancements and content options planned to be released by the beginning of May. So if you're not following me on Twitter, which is@bonafidegaming, I suggest you do so for the most recent updates. With that being said, let's go and get started with the show. Good evening, Andy. How are you?

Andrew Ellis:

Man, I'm doing fantastic Kyle what about yourself?

Kyle Warren:

I'm doing really good, man. It's been a it's been a much better start to the day. And just to give some transparency, we went through a slew of technical issues between audio not recording, platforms, not recording video, you know, but I'm so grateful that Andy is a mindset coach, because you know, like he was able to I was able to like walk through that without feeling judged. I'm glad to be here. And I spilled the beans a little bit man. But you know, for those who are who those who do not know you and to gas up your, your current following man, who are you, man? What do you do?

Andrew Ellis:

So hi, everyone, I'm Andyand I currently live in in Scotland and have my whole life. And I'm working towards becoming a mindset coach, I would like to help people take the first step in creating the life that they choose to do. I think a lot of us want to do, and have options in our life. But many of us try and we get stopped at the first hurdle. We never try anything because we're feeling judged fear of success, failure, everything that just blockades as in this, fast moving world. And I would really like to help people take control of their life, finances, relationships, anything to help them take that first step and really move in the direction that they want to go.

Kyle Warren:

Sick, man, I love that dude. And for those, and again, for those who don't know you, how old are you,

Andrew Ellis:

man? I'm 22 currently just turned 22 in January.

Kyle Warren:

That is I'll tell you like I like I was not doing anything. I had nothing remotely close to that mindset or motivation to even want to help people at that at that time of my life. So kudos to you, man.

Andrew Ellis:

Thank you. I really appreciate that.

Kyle Warren:

Absolutely, man. So one I want to touch base at like, you know, we met we'll get into I'm sure we'll get into our history a little bit here. But what you know why the switch? You know, I know you started off in a different path. Like, why did you what what motivated you to start doing this?

Andrew Ellis:

Yeah, so I used to be a Twitch streamer, and was really passionate about social media, you know, helping people develop their social media in that way. And it got to a point where everything always, always always came back to how many followers can you get? How many likes can you get on your thing? And for me, that was never the case. You know, I didn't care about that, because it didn't make an actual difference in my life. Understand, people with millions of followers have more opportunity in terms of sponsorships, and all that sort of stuff. But does it really give you much more happiness in your life, getting a few more likes on social media. And I've always felt that even as much as I've tried to help, the sort of understanding of not treating social media is just a numbers game. No one wanted to listen to that, you know, no one wanted to hear that we're too dead set on the world that we're currently living in on "followers matter,""numbers matter." So I thought, What is my true passion? What do I really like to do within that area? And it was helping people understand that social media wasn't that, and then that sort of led me down the path of saying," Well, maybe it's not social media at all that I'm loving to teach about and wanting to push forward with." It's living a life that you want to live choose in that life that you want to do. And I decided to take a step back from Twitch, I no longer stream at the moment, I took a lot of step back from certain social medias' I was posting on, and I'm now currently working with incredibly professional people who have got a lot more experience than me, so I can hopefully learn from them. And push forward with that. And that's how I saw I ended up here and where we are today.

Kyle Warren:

That's awesome. And, you know, I'll tell you I've taken I've been taking a break from Twitch too, you know, I have I have some I have some, some hesitancy about, like, fully announcing, like a full break.

Andrew Ellis:


Kyle Warren:

Because I don't really know, you know, for me, but I'll tell you, that's a from someone who this is I mean, we met through Twitch, we actually met through a friend group through, you know, through through a bunch of great people, that we're both still friends today. And, you know, that's a big deal to like, step away from Twitch, you know,

Andrew Ellis:


Kyle Warren:

it's a big deal because that's, that's how we all start. That's how we all meet and that's how we all connect. And it's like, that's a huge, I mean, it's a huge step man, you know, like, tell me about like, what that specific process were like, was that a struggle for you?

Andrew Ellis:

Yeah, it was, it was hard. I'd actually been thinking about it for a couple months. I wasn't enjoying streaming as much anymore. just didn't seem to click with me. I always felt that when I woke up in a day that I was streaming, I just didn't want to, you know, I was like, I'm questioning today. And it just wasn't good. But the problem was Twitch was where I started, Twitch was where it all started. So I think even thinking about leaving that behind was something in my head for a long time. It's like, no, that's a no go, you started in Twitch. that's where you originated, that's where you got everything going with this. Don't Don't quit. And the thing is, as well, another thing that was stopping me was the sort of hold on the monetary input. You know, I was Earning a fair amount. For me remember,

Kyle Warren:


Andrew Ellis:

And that was something I'd never seen before from from a business that I was doing. So when I was thinking of that I was thinking, you know, can I can even make money elsewhere can actually build a sustainable business elsewhere. And eventually, I said to myself, you know, the only reason I am fearful of this is because A: I don't have all the answers to what I want to do next. And B: there's a sort of monetary line holding me up there at the moment. And at that point, I was learning a lot more about my own mindset. And about myself and I was reading a lot more. And I said, screw it, you know, this is a fear that's stopping me from trying something new, because I'm scared of what the future will hold. But I'm never going to get better. I'm never going to improve. If I don't take this leap. And I, you actually use what I speak and put that out there and take action.

Kyle Warren:

Yeah, I mean, and so what i what i picked up on those, okay, and I'm really glad you touched on the monetary aspect, because I, like, I'll be transparent, like the the level of monetary income for me wasn't that much. But at the same time, it's giving up. It's giving that up as a challenge, you know?

Andrew Ellis:


Kyle Warren:

And I think that's a and I can, I can only imagine, you know, the the shift it like the paradigm shift that had to take place, because there was two things that I heard. You know, is that, you know, you you, you said you got, like you"had" to wake up and stream. Like, it's that simple thing that I really want to touch on that is like, you know, if I got to stream or if I have to stream? That's already that's already incorrect.

Andrew Ellis:


Kyle Warren:

You know, it's it. If it's not something that I wake up and want to do, why do I have to do it?

Andrew Ellis:

Yeah, exactly.

Kyle Warren:

I think it's, uh, you know, I'm sure you ask people that question as well, you know. So kudos on you for that. Because I know with me, it's a, it's still a constant challenge. Because the thought comes back in my mind again, like, how do I still incorporate this? How do I still, for me, I still view twitch as a as a form of content that I want to produce on. I just don't see it right now.

Andrew Ellis:

Yeah, no, that's fine. That's the thing it does. It comes at different points. And maybe just for right now, it's not the thing for you.

Kyle Warren:

Yeah. So tell me tell me about like, after you took that leap of faith, you know, what, there's always you know, what was the net that caught you?

Andrew Ellis:

Oh, that's a good question. What a great question that is, the the net that caught me, I would say was Hal Elrod, now he is the author of The Miracle Morning. And I had never really read books, since I left high school. Didn't really like reading books at all, never really. The only books I'd read that the Harry Potter books. And so I picked up the Miracle Morning After getting some recommendations from from people in in some YouTube videos that suggested and I thought, you know what this book starts with seeing that this is gonna change your life. And this has changed people's life. And I was very skeptical. I was like, No, no, there's no, yeah, I'll give it a go. But I don't have a book say that.

Kyle Warren:

How many other books say that?

Andrew Ellis:

All of them probably say that. So I was like, Yeah, okay, right. I'll read it. And I'll read it twice. And I'll see how I feel and what I can pick up from it. I was never able to get up early in my life. I was horrible at my alarm became a part of my dream. And no alarm would literally play for about 20 minutes until my dad came storming in the room really angry at me that the alarms that went off early in the morning. So I've tried so many times to build habits like that to really build up and the Miracle Morning as a way to build habits and get things done before 8am and I have bee getting up consistently a 6am for the past 46 days, wh ch is something I've never be n able to do. So when I seen th power that educate myself do e, take an action on that ed cation done in the mindset sh ft that you can have on pu ely the words that you tell yo rself. That's when the net so t of sunk of saying, This is wh t you're meant to do. you're me nt to do this. And I think th t's that was the starting po nt of everything that that ca e together.

Kyle Warren:

That's so cool man, that I you know that that is a That is a cool thing because I recently for the past two weeks, I have been challenging myself to get up, because normally I'll get up at seven, which means I would get out of bed by 730. Because I, like, you know, I do this snuggle thing with the dog, you know, I gotta like, but the the past past couple weeks ever since really even giving up gaming for the past two weeks for me. Like, I have noticed that I actually want to wake up at 6am. Yeah, and now I haven't achieved the 6am consistently, but I have achieved before 7am for the past two weeks, not during the week. And I think that's a huge start for someone like me, because we have some very similar like what you touched on, I didn't read a book after the two towers for Lord of the Rings, and I read up to the fourth Harry Potter. And at that point, I was the same way. Yeah, like, exact same way I didn't like reading. I wasn't really attuned to it. I always thought it was a waste of time. I don't know if you can relate that. But I always felt that when I was reading a book, like I felt like I should be doing something different. Like I felt like I was literally wasting time reading a book. And what a what a? I mean, what a crappy mindset.

Andrew Ellis:

Like stole mine!

Kyle Warren:

Yeah, like, because, you know, the last one of the last guests I had on here, his name was Edward Cleland. And he's a, he's a performance specialist for 100 thieves. You know, he's a mindset coach and performance specialist, brilliant, brilliant guy. And in one of our offline chats, he's like, you know, when when you sit down after you read something in a book, do you learn something?

Andrew Ellis:


Kyle Warren:

And I said, Yes. And he didn't really say anything after that. I'm just like, "Okay. You got that, You got me on that." So you mentioned you know, that you had the net that caught you read the book, you know, when it went once you once you figured out that, like, this was like what you wanted to do, you mentioned getting into room with a bunch of smarter people, you know, what is what does that experience been? Like, you know, what does? What does Andy's like day to day look like when it comes to this like mindset coach? And like, how did you start making these connections?

Andrew Ellis:

So I was approached by someone who had actually competed in the professional COD scene for many years back in the day. And he actually found me on Instagram, through a hashtag sorry, on your work.

Kyle Warren:

And that's something that once you find out what you want to do, people just start approaching you?

Andrew Ellis:

Yeah, that's Yeah, I didn't think of it like that

Kyle Warren:

Continue, I just want to I wanted to interrupt you there.

Andrew Ellis:

So yeah, for sure, right. And he sent me an email. And he said, he found me through a hashtag on Instagram. And it was Scottish entrepreneur. And this is a hashtag, I put on most of my tweets, because I've not really found many people from Scotland, who are entered the business sort of side of things in building their own business from the ground up. So I wanted to see if maybe anyone had done that, as well as I checked the hashtag quite frequently. And I'd see if there was anyone you know, I could maybe connect with to email me and he said, he's been watching me for a few months. And he's been figuring out who I am, what type of person I am. And he loves my content. And he wanted to introduce me to sort of networking group of business people who are from the UK somewhere with the UK, but most are from the UK and someone from Scotland as well. And I went to an event, he said, it was just a networking event, it was the first networking event ever done is it's quite a new thing. And you had that sort of speed dating, for introducing yourself. And when I got in there, the person who had connected with me first John, who emailed me, made sure that I was in the room with people who who he thought I would connect with the most no an ugly basis. So I went and to the to all the rooms and the first thing I said to everyone, as you know,"Listen, I've never been to any of this before, but I'd love to hear about you." So I'd learn more about them, I'd learn what they do. And I'd write stuff about what they're doing. And after the networking event, and after it all sort of happened. And it finished, John messaged me after to see that everyone who is with me was sort of surprised because they've never had anyone who's came in for the first time and asked them about them rather than talk about themselves. And at that point, I found people who were in property investment, which I'm really interested in I phone people who were the main set courts in the area, which I mean, that's what I want to do, and are also other coaches, other people who run their own businesses or CEOs do law within their own business in terms of conditions contracts. So when I found that group, I got meetings one to one meetings with these other people who do these things. And I cannot tell you the difference it makes not only in your your own mindset, but in your whole life, your whole perspective. For the longest time I never I never thought there was many people out there who are interested in business and wanted to actually see your progress forwards. Yeah. And then again to the room with one to one people who are all Asking you and really, really excited to learn more about you, how can I help you? How can I add value to your life? And you're just, you're just an all cause for Twitch. for the, for me anyway, for me personally, I don't know, if you've, you felt this way as well. But all the time, you know, you're constantly trying to give it your all. And there's always amazing things and it's hard you get to hear about other people's life, you get to hear things about others. I've never, ever had someone come to me and say, How can I add more value to your life? You know, and I was just that it sort of dropped there. You know, I was like, Oh my God, this this is, this is the tape I had. Yeah, this is what I want to be a part of!

Kyle Warren:

Yeah, and I really I want to, for the for the audience's listening, like you, you this everything that you said, this is a this is a take of mine, everything that you just said, this experience that you had, the way you connected with these people really wouldn't have been possible if you hadn't come in there with the mindset of like, "I'm here to listen," you know, like, like, if you came in acting like he knew some shit, you know, if you knew things, if you like, you know, like, this is like, if it was about you, then that that whole story may not have ever happened.

Andrew Ellis:

Yeah, no, no, I'd probably be out. Probably when right now. Right?

Kyle Warren:

I think it's incredibly important because like people, you know, networking, I... it's such a, it's such a word that has really been tarnished from the Twitch community. You know, and I, like, it's it I hate that it has, I hate that I have such a negative, like, like feeling towards it, because I genuinely believe in it. And I just, it gets so misplaced along the way that that you have to make everything about yourself in order for you to succeed. But it's the farthest thing from the truth. Like, it's like this, like paradox that people including myself at a couple periods in my point, like I did in my life, I didn't, I didn't know how to do that. I didn't know how to not make it about me, you know, what do you mean, it's not about me? Like I'm trying to grow here, you know, obviously, is a need for people like you, Andy, It's that that and that's something that I feel for people who that comes off naturally is it's there. It's my my belief that the the gift that comes to you naturally is the is your responsibility to teach other people that And to me, that's my, that's my take on that is the thing that comes naturally easy to you. It doesn't come that way to everyone. And it took me a long time to figure that out. Like, like me, I'm good at relationship building me like I like I'm naturally like I naturally can find common ground between me and a stick, you know, that not everyone can do that. And so that's where I started. That was actually my take into podcasting. You know, like, that was same realization man, like, this is what I'm good at. The same thing when I would approach people for DM's, like to come on the show, it was never about how my channel could grow. It was never about fluffing them up. It was about I want to hear your story. Yeah I want to provide value to your audience. I want to grow, you know, but it's like in in turn, making that about them grew my audience

Andrew Ellis:


Kyle Warren:

Grew my respect and it's, it happened without me having to manage it.

Andrew Ellis:

Uh huh.I love that that's the best way to do it. And you're so right. We are, we're in such a place now, where there are so many shiny objects. Everyone sees their flaws from someone else's strengths. And they think, okay, maybe that can be my thing, when in reality, that's a flaw of yours. And yes, it's important to sort of, I always think it's important to work on some of your flaws that are important to your business and what you're moving forward with. But if you just focus on a few your strengths, you know, a few of them that really come naturally, you're good at naturally, you will fly, you will be flying. The problem as we see that shiny object, we run for it, and then it doesn't work. And we wonder why it doesn't. Which is a shame.

Kyle Warren:

Yeah, like running after the the the, the shiny object for twitches, the verifica, you know, partner, you know, or the blue check on Instagram or the I mean, it's, you know, and even myself, like when I start getting caught up in things, you know, like, I'll be honest with you, when I first started streaming, I put all of my investment I invested so much in my setup, because I thought that was gonna make me a better content creator. You know what I mean? When in reality is I'm just a nerd who loves technology and was really scared to produce content, you know, so I figured that that would that would make me better, but it really didn't know.

Andrew Ellis:

So it's sorry, you go.

Kyle Warren:

Yeah, yeah, man. So it just, it's a it's a fun journey to figure that out. And I and I'll tell you, you know, I didn't figure that out overnight, you know,

Andrew Ellis:

oh, yeah, no.

Kyle Warren:

and I think it's, um, I want to hear your your take on this, especially with what you do with your clients because I, I keep asking myself, if I could go back and do anything different would I? And it's always No, always No, like, I would do nothing different. And, you know, what is your.. Do you believe in that question, and I'll tell you my reason. I've been I want to hear yours like nothing, I believe in that?

Andrew Ellis:

Emmm.. yeah, I'm familiar with you on this, I completely agree that I would never change anything, because you wouldn't be in this position that you are. And if it weren't for the mistakes, and the downfalls and the wins that you've had, you know, you would never be here. And the butterfly effect can obviously become so hit, there's so complicated, you know, because even if you snap a certain time, that could change your whole paradigm you know. But when it comes to the bigger decisions, when it does come to the things you choose to do the platforms, you choose to work on why you choose to work on certain content, why you choose to make certain decisions, they are all what made you who you are as a creator and I would not be in this position right now. if I did not make all the mistakes or choices and all the things that I had done and the team of being that so I'm grateful for them everything bad that happened. I'm so glad that that's because that's how we draw it not so it will become stronger.

Kyle Warren:

Yeah, I mean, we don't we don't get better by like no one, you know, no one became like a, you know, like a like a Hollywood actor overnight, no one became like a Grammy winning, you know, artists overnight, no one became well known. Like, there's nothing that happens overnight. And I, like, you know, it's it's a it's a we have technology that moves so fast these days. And it's so it's so easy to get caught up in like, my success can be fast tracked?

Andrew Ellis:

Uh huh.

Kyle Warren:

You know, and it really can't. I mean, I mean, it can, but it won't last.

Andrew Ellis:

Yeah, it won't be sustainable. I think it was, I don't know if it was Jeff Bezos that said, you know, overnight success takes 10 years that whoever said that is spot on, no one has overnight unless you win the lottery and your class that is monetary success. Great. But think of the percentage of people who win the lottery and then go back to the same way there were livin after a couple years, you know, it's overnight success and sustainability, which is the most important thing of the success, and whatever we're calling it as the big thing here, which takes years to develop.

Kyle Warren:

Yeah, I mean, it I've thought I've literally I've thought about that more than once. You know, I've thought about like, if I blew up tomorrow on Twitch, like when I was streaming, or if I blew up, and podcasting tomorrow, if I blew up in whatever, I would be so unprepared for the level of work that it would take when someone blows up. Right? Because I haven't been through the growth period. I haven't been through what I need to I haven't learned any sort of lessons. Like, you know, cause if I I'll tell ya, if I had a chat with 10,000 people in chat, I would just shut the stream off. I wouldn't know what to do, you know, like I like, you know, I would have no idea how to handle that. And so I think it's the same, it's the same concept with the lottery is like, many people that win the lottery go broke, you know, because they don't, they didn't know how to manage their money before. And they don't know how to manage their money now, you know, and so just because they have $10 million, doesn't mean they know how to manage their money.

Andrew Ellis:

Yep. You know, you're, you're spot on as it's that growth period of being extremely uncomfortable. But there comes a point where too much growth becomes far too uncomfortable, and you actually cannot sustain that. And that is where some people crumble, you know, and that's why leveling up, you know, you consistently level up your your ladder, you're climbing that ladder, some things are going to fall back down. And that's okay. But as you slowly climbed, you learn more you're gaining more experience, you understand how to make your systems and your processes flow, and that's what allows you to be at the stage where something does change, you're ready for it, you already knew it was coming, because you've put the work and you've put the effort, the dedication, and you're there, you're you're ready for it.

Kyle Warren:

Exactly, man, you know, I want to I want to switch gears a little bit man and talk about talking about the kind of like the daily work that you do. You know, when it comes to when asked about your client base, you know, what type of clients do you work with? You know, what's the predominant industry? What are you? Who do you mainly work with?

Andrew Ellis:

Yes, so this has been in the works for the past couple of months, because I have, I've got a business coach now. And I'm working with a few people who are trying to help me understand my whole processes better. So finding the right client for me has taking time. But I believe I've narrowed it down to a certain area, which I'm really, really happy with. And what my sort of thought process came to was, I don't want someone who has just started their business, you know, I want someone who's taken some leaps taken some chances become quite uncomfortable in his failed that some of them because that allows that allows you to see you know, they've got grit, they know that they're not going to get the success like that. But they're ready to make that change. So my target right now is sort of entrepreneurs looking to really take the leap up in their systems, processes and habits to move forward consistently with their business and not be afraid of taking jumps consistently to be outside that comfort zone. So that's the sort of area I'm targeting right now. And I wouldn't say I have an age demographic

Kyle Warren:


Andrew Ellis:

for that sort of thing because I have had people who are in their 50s approached me for help and I've had I've had people who are 18 1920 approached me as well. I've not worked with a not with not enough clients just yet to understand where my age demographic fits perfectly. But I would say that's where my sort of what would be the what would be the word for that sort of preferred client would be in that region, someone has already shown that they've got the grit to make this work, you're willing to put in that work. And I just want to help them make systems, processes, and habits that give them sustainability for the long term. So they consistently work on that and take those leaps to get them to where they want to go.

Kyle Warren:

Exactly. And you what I gathered from that as you want to work with someone who's going to work with you, like yeah, like, you know, your job is not to chase people, your job is not to like, yo, your job isn't to, like, chase people down into it to want their success for them. I mean, it's so I really, I really respect like what you do there, because I get it, that ensures that, you know, you're not wasting your time, you're not wasting their time. And vice versa.

Andrew Ellis:

Yeah, you know, exactly, you give people the tools, but you're not, you're not the one reliable for their success. Right, they have to do the work, you know, you have to think for a while people do that, you know, a lot of people put their, their whole heart and soul into it, and think that their success is also your success, but it's not, you know, you're just helping them understand how to make the process easier, and actually happier for them, you know, rather than tearin' their heart out, and allowing them to make their own. And if they choose not to do that, that's not on you, you know, you're giving them the best work that you possibly can the highest possible quality you can, but it's not your job to make them successful.

Kyle Warren:

I'll tell you, I was uh, you know, I was a business coach for.. for people for the past two and a half years, I my my day job, you know, that was I was an actual business coach that helped customers, you know, they would, because, you know, you file your business, then it's like, what,

Andrew Ellis:

what now? Yeah, I

Kyle Warren:

was I was the guy that helped them through the"what now" phase.

Andrew Ellis:


Kyle Warren:

You know, so, ground level, you know, like, some, some people had it, some people didn't. But, you know, the, the people that did have it, there goes my dog, the people that did have it, you know, I was always willing to make more time for them. Yeah, I was always willing to give them a little bit extra than what they paid for, you know, because I don't care If you're emotional towards me, but the fact that you, you, you listened, and you tried something, whether it was exactly what I gave you, or as a version of what I gave you, or if what I gave you inspires you to do something completely different. You know, I could respect that, you know, and I could, and I, I would, I would respect that. And I, you know, but there was a lot of people, and it goes to show why most businesses aren't successful is because, you know, if you can't even, you know, get your compliance, right. You know, if you can't even do a little bit more research upon the tools I gave you, you can't want like, and I would tell people that, you know, one one joke, I made an analogy, or one joke I made with people and I could I had to be careful with who I said this to because, yeah, I do this for a living, I get paid. Yeah, not by me, right? But it was, I said, if you want me to run your business, I can draft up an operating agreement and change the documents where I'm 10% owner in your company, I do that. And it kind of just like.. it kind of just snapped him back and like, like, "Oh, I'm the business owner, I need to do this." It's not to run my business. As I said, "Bro, I can do it. It could be done tomorrow. Like I can I can do that. And let's let's get it man." Yeah.

Andrew Ellis:

That's amazing. I love it.

Kyle Warren:

I had to be careful. I had to be thoughtful. Who I said that because, you know, my bonus was tied on renewals, you know? What I mean? So I had to be had I had to be thoughtful, you know. But I love that man. With you know, with your, you know, with your company now, you know, you manage quite a bit of things. You're going to you're going to university, you're going to school, you know you're living at home, you know what is what is like the typical I want to give some people some insight and like, what like what is the day in the life of a business coach look like? What is it? Like? How does Andy organize his life?

Andrew Ellis:

Right? Okay, yeah, no, I like that. So I guess I'll just take you through what my tomorrow is gonna look like. The interesting thing is while always say to people is that your tomorrow starts with the evening of the night before you know people don't realize the power of preparation. And the night before I do my usual thing you know, I'll do my nightly routine, but I will set my priority list the night before on this note pad of two things, maximum that need to be done that will make my day successful. And then a few other things here in there. Like if I need to answer an email when I've got to do that later on, then I'll have that on there. So I remember but setting up your night before is probably one of the most critical things that you can Do because for me in the morning, when I get up at six, you know, I don't want to get up at no one does, I don't think anyone instantly wakes up and like YES! it's time to go, you know, you do have that little bit of a process. So I have that ready, I have everything laid out my books, my daily, everything that needs to be done, my clothes are laid out for the morning. So I know exactly what I'm going to be doing, I get up and I have that routine ready. And at the start, my first hour of the day is solely based for me, that's that's all as it's not based on my phone. It's not based on social media, it's not based on my computer. it's for me, so I do meditation and my diary, my reading, my learning exercises with the reading, exercise, affirmations, that sort of stuff. So that is the medical morning on a basis and what I spend most usually my first hour doing that sort of stuff. After that, you know what I will do about 25 to 30 minutes of work on the first main priority. So right now, it's actually my uni(University) work, because I have quite a lot of reports and I want to get them done extremely early, so that I have more time to focus on my business. So I do 25 to 30 minutes of those. And that's through a trial and test period that I've done for quite a while to see what works best for me. And I found that if I do that, I get my work started and enter my work brain. And then I can go and get my breakfast, because I'm quite hungry. By that point. You know, I've already been up for an hour and a half. So yeah, I'm already quite hungry by that point, because I'm not hiding anything. So at that point, I'll go downstairs, I get my breakfast, I'll come back up. And then that's when I sort of start on getting my work. And my aim is to get everything done that needs to be done that will make my day successful, in my eyes by 11 o'clock. And..

Kyle Warren:

Real quick, What is.. What is your version of success?

Andrew Ellis:

Two things at the moment, one, getting Uni(university) work done. And then two working on the progression of my signature course for coaching. That's, that's the two areas at the moment that are my main focus. So once I can come back up, that's when I get started on those things. The Uni(university) one as the first one, the moment, I know that obviously my, to me, my business is more important. But Uni(university) you're still have to pass if you want to go into the next year. So I do want to make sure that I'm I'm doing my best, you know, I would like to do that. So I'm putting Uni first thing. And usually until about 11, I work fully on those two, depending on how far I get. I'll continue that until about 12, which will be my lunch, I won't get my lunch, I will take a little bit of break for myself. And after that, you know, that's when I start to get into the things that are less priority. Because you've been up for a lot, a while now, or know, you know, you've been up since six. So you've done the most important work your day is a success and your eyes, if you've managed to actually crush those goals that you're wanting to do. If not, I'll continue to work on them. And if I have, that's when I get into the things like social media content, you know, we'll be creating maybe some content, I'm going to put on my Instagram, I'll be writing scripts for my podcast, I'll be writing scripts for YouTube videos that I want to do some B-roll shots that I may want to get some photos that I want to do. And that's where the sort of enjoyment of the content comes in, you know, because if you can start your morning before 11am on a whole level of success, the whole other day just comes easy for you, you know, because you're doing things that you enjoy, you're doing things that are still gonna push you forward. Still take a little bit of energy, but you've got the things that you know, are actually going to take you to your success in the future. And then later on, you know, I tried to take time for myself always 10,000 steps is my goal each day. So always go to the gym, that's I've got actually got a home gym outside now. And my garage, it's just a bench and a bar, but it's amazing. And then I'll go my walk, I'll get that done, I'll get my 10,000 steps, and will listen to books. So I'm keeping up with my education and enjoying when I'm out. And then after that, you know, it's just a little bit of a cycle of "Okay, what needs to be done? What are some things that can maybe get me to where I want to go? Can I message Some people ask how they're doing, ask if I can add value to them," and then sort of work on the progression from there. And I actually want to get all my work done by like four o'clock, and then leave the rest of the day for me, I chose to do what I want, I'll go out and enjoy the things I want to do. And I know it was a little bit of a longer overview of what my day is gonna look like. But yeah, that's the sort of in depth of what metamodel will probably look like,

Kyle Warren:

No, and I appreciate you going into that. And so the people that are listening, you know, if you need to rewind that a couple times, do so. Because like that, and the important thing that I've learned is that, you know, the people that I look up to, and the people that I value and the people that you know, have similar interests, a lot of times and it took me a while to figure this out. But I would try to copy and paste exactly what that was.

Andrew Ellis:


Kyle Warren:

But what I failed to realize was that my schedule is different. You know, like, my, my goals are different.

Andrew Ellis:

Uh huh.

Kyle Warren:

You know, there's elements though, that, you know, that if you're listening, I want you to take from that, you know, and so if you need to rewind it, and it's like, at, instead of saying I need to do exactly what Andy does it's like, ask the question of How does this apply to me? Yeah. You know, like, how does this apply to me in what I'm doing? You know, does this does this match up? Do I need to do it exactly? Probably not. You know, but I think that An extremely important point that I wanted to touch on. After four o'clock, you know, let's get into it. Let's get it a little bit more some some outside of businessman. Yeah, what does Andy do for fun?

Andrew Ellis:

I am a very big sports guy. Not in terms of watching sports, I actually don't enjoy watching sports as much as I thought as I used to. I love playing sports, I played football, my whole life I've kept in my teens to win leagues and national tournaments. But I just always want to be active. So I like to play golf, which I've been doing a lot more, I've got a golf course quite close to me. And I play football as well, which is just coming back for non contact football. And thank you, for us slowly getting out of this COVID period, whichever you like, because I've played football my whole life. And I really like to go for walks. Now, I never used to go walks, I used to hate walks, I was thinking, if I can go and walk, then I'll just go out run, you know, until I'd done some research that was actually backed by data. and why walking is incredibly powerful for you on the allowed me to listen to books, or listen to music whatever I was feeling that day. And it's also something that I really like to do, actually, as I go and visit my grandparents more. During that time off, something I didn't do enough, you know, I was always caught up in my business, caught up in my Uni work. Caught up in "And yeah, I'll do the work. And I'll do it later. I'll go and see them later." But what if you don't have later? You know, right. So I always said to myself, every time every week that I'm going out, if there's a day that I can just walk to your grandparents go see them for an hour, because the face that they have, when they see you just oh.. it makes your day, really, really make your day and that's what Sorta my life at the moment anyway, outside of the 4pm mark, or before that I finish early. And I want to take more time for myself. Sort of looks like I would like it to be a little bit different Once COVID is over, you know, I'd like to go to get food with my friends. I'd like to go with with some other people and try different sports, you know, I'd love to go and do like snowboard and that again, to see just try different things. But right now, we can't really do that. I mean, we're not meant to go out of our council. So yeah, you're kind of limited to what you do.

Kyle Warren:

Yeah, I mean, just speaking my love language. And snowboarding was something that I did. I was I was I was privileged to be able to go ski or go snowboarding once a year with my family. And so we would go to we would go to different you We mainly would go to play in the United States, we go to Utah, and it was just like,

Andrew Ellis:


Kyle Warren:

that is where I felt at home. And I lived in Colorado for a couple years to where man like that there's for me. Like, I feel like that's one of my hobbies outside of gaming outside of building business outside of doing that, but it's just like, I live in Texas, you know, it's like, it's a, we don't have mountains here. We don't have mountains here. And that's a problem, you know. But that's, I like that man. Because I feel that there's there's this mindset of, you know, and I think talking to.. talking to you would really help explain because there's a there's a mind, there's like an always-on mindset. You know, there was like this, like always, like, you know, grind 24/7 mindset, there's this like it, and I see for some people that it actually works. Yeah, You don't I mean? and so I really, you know, what is your you know, I really want to get inside, like I really want want to hear your take on that, you know, and like why that works for some people and why it why it doesn't work, most.

Andrew Ellis:

Brilliant question, by the way, amazing question. And I was that other person before I was the game 24 seven always on. That was what I'd experienced. That's what I'd seen. That's what I'd learn from and I hadn't really had much experience in other places. So that was my thought process, you know, work hard grind every day, for a long period of time, and you'll get to where you want to go. And it wasn't until I really started to educate myself further, which I saw something that changed the whole thing for me. You know, the people you look, you look up to the people, you follow the end and do it and want to become does their lifestyle, match up with who you want to become? Does your life does their lifestyle match the lifestyle that you desire? And what I found with some of the people I was following their lifestyle was the always-on Lifestyle, 18 hour work days, draining constantly making millions of dollars, payments, anything like that. Yeah. And then I said to myself, you know,"What do you actually want? What does your lifestyle look like? And for me, the lifestyle for me is financial freedom and having options to choose and do what I want when I want whilst also helping people, you know, become the best versions of themselves sure that as the business and that is freedom to me, that is the lifestyle I want to live. Now, the reason I believe it works for some people is because they have that mindset of when I continuously work hard and progress towards it for long periods of time. People will see the dedication to achieving that. And that's incredible, because it works. Some people can put in the hustle you know Gary Vaynerchuk would probably be the A great example of the hustle culture. He has an amazing, amazing example in what he does VaynerMedia you know, it's a multi million dollar company now, expanding to other areas Vayner Gaming has came out recently as well. So there is massive, massive hype for that, and it just goes to show the dedication that he put in to achieve that can end and results. But for me, that wasn't the lifestyle I wanted. And I always thought it was and I think more people need to ask that question, what lifestyle is my favorable lifestyle? And then Tim, Tim Ferriss book, The Four Hour Workweek, he talks about one of the questions and one of the chapters and it said, if you had the 100 million pounds in your bank account right now, what would your day to day look like? You have everything that most people want, which is money. And status is obviously a very big thing as well. People want status in their life, you know, but money obviously, those come a lot of power. But there's a lot of people who say if I have all the money, then all my problems will go away. No money does solve problems. I completely understand that it does. But it isn't everything. So if you have all those problems solved, what does what does your life look like? What does your day to day look like? Is it the same as what you're working towards right now? Is that actually similar to working 16 hour days, if you have all the money you want in the world? And when I read that question and never matched up, I didn't want that I wanted freedom, I want to choice, I wanted to work for me when I wanted and when I chose to, and allowed me to take breaks when I needed without everything crumbling. So it works for some people, because they've got that in their mind that that's the case. And that's how it's meant to be. And that's how business works. And I do believe that's a little bit of an old school method. But it works perfectly fine. You know, for some people who actually, I would just like to give people the opportunity to think a little bit differently for themselves, and ask, what do I actually want my lifestyle to be like, if I have everything I ever need? What is my day to day look like? What am I really going to do in my day to day, once I reach the goal that I have for myself? If I reach 100,000 pounds in my bank, what do I want my lifestyle to be? Do I want to just continually continuously increase that number? Or do I want to relax and allow things to just slow down? Go play more golf, go travel more who spend more time with family? Why can't we do that now? You know, come and give time for that? We may not have that chance. So that was what changed for me from being the grind non-stop always on to I'm choosing the lifestyle I want to live. Not, not what other people do. And that was a big changing moment for me.

Kyle Warren:

I love that man. Because you know, and Gary's someone I've been following for years. And I love his his recent kind of shift and voice.

Andrew Ellis:


Kyle Warren:

You know, like he's been in he's even like, lately me. He's like, you know, I realized that the culture that I drove may not be for everybody, you know, but that same happiness that you and I both felt like when we both kind of took that leap of faith. It's like, that's, like, the 15 hour day is his happiness. Yeah. You know, like, that's like, what, you know, like that. And I think that's a really hard thing to like, you know, to, like, split, you know, to decipher, you know, but one thing that I've read like one of the memes of his that really made me chuckle and it really put things into perspective. You know, that meme where it's like, there's a highway, and then there's a car, like drifting over to the side. Yeah, You know I mean, like, there's like a straight way. And then there's the car. And then it's like, the meme is like, so his thing was, you know, making you know, $500,000 a year at a job you hate, then the car drifting was make $80,000 a year talking about peanut butter. [laughter] You know what I mean? It was one of my favorite memes, because it was just, it encapsulated everything that he stands for, you know, it just, it was the most perfect image about what he was trying to say. And that really, really stuck for me. I'm just like, Yeah, What if I did woke up and did everything I wanted to do? You know, like, would I be comfortable making between $80k and like $150k grand a year, you know, in a podcast talking about peanut butter, you know, or, or you know, what my peanut butter you know what I mean? Yeah, no, I get that. The fact that is a reality is is is incredible. And I think that's really what, you know, I was driving it like helping, like helping to drive the conversation towards it. Like, you know, not everyone wants to be a millionaire. And I think, for me, personally, where I relate to Gary the most I relate to him on a lot of things, but where I relate to him in the most is the legacy.

Andrew Ellis:


Kyle Warren:

it's the legacy and that's like, I am obsessed. One thing I noticed and I know my mind, I have, you know, I'm working through a lot of the shame and the guilt and the, you know, a lot of the some of the things that traumatic experiences that I had, but, you know, I like I'm very very cognizant of like taking steps because of how people will view me and it's, it's a it's a delicate balance of like, is it preventing me from taking action or or am I genuinely being thoughtful about taking the action it's Just there's there's things that I'm working through? I mean, yeah,

Andrew Ellis:

I get that.

Kyle Warren:

So it because that That, to me is the most important thing is like is when I, when I pass, I'm actually asked this question like, if you pass tomorrow, you know, what would you want to achieve? And I just I think it's a brilliant question because I, I just want people to, like, I just want people to like, see what I like, I just remember before what I did and like produce that feeling you don't I mean, yeah,

Andrew Ellis:

No, I get that. I like that.

Kyle Warren:

Yeah, man, you know, so I want to I want to start wrapping things up, man, you know, not with this with this business coaching job, you know, it is there is there like, Is there like a big like, like goal in the future that you're just reverse engineering to get?

Andrew Ellis:

Yes, that I would really like to have a company that goes around the world, and helps motivate people to not be scared of taking that first step, I want to do sort of motivational business talks around the world, showing people that they don't need to follow the normal path, if it's not for them. And that, that fear of jumping is not as scary as they think if they have someone to maybe help hold their hand just for a while, but as the jump and then allow them to fly, you know, that sort of thing. So that's, that's the, I really, really want to do that. That's the, that's the goal in mind that I have.

Kyle Warren:

I'll tell you, man, you're not too far off from that. Because I'll tell you, when you you take some elements of your of your, when you switch to just chatting streams on Twitch. I feel like that's when you blew up. Like, because I remember tuning in on my lunch break. And just like, you know, seeing the amount of love that came from that, and the amount of motivation, the amount of positivity. So I think there's some really, this is just my take on you like, man, there's some really good things to take from that, man, go watch some of your VODs do because I don't think you're that far away from that. You're not that far away from that, I'll be honest with you.

Andrew Ellis:

It's exciting, it's exciting, and I'm really, I'm really hoping to do that. And what I would love to do is, is get other people in Israel, you know, gather if we're doing it in different places in the world, and allowing them to share their stories to show that that leap, that jump as an it doesn't have to be something that always always always came to the back of my mind, you know, as these people are successful, because their extra ordinary, you know, and in reality, they're all ordinary people, they've just consistently worked at what they've done, and weren't afraid to take some leaps here and there to get to where they want to go. And not just not not put it in my brain, you know, you don't have to be special. You just have to consistently work at something and not be afraid of those of those failures of those successes, not be afraid of what's to come because there's going to be downfalls. But that's all a part of it.

Kyle Warren:

I love that man, and actually raised raised the hair on my head like that, because I I'll and I'll tell you why. Like I I always looked for that. Like one thing that like made me extraordinary. You know, like, because I was see people were naturally good at sports. So they were naturally good at this. And I'm like, I have to work so hard to even get respectable.

Andrew Ellis:


Kyle Warren:

in those things. But I just think it's a brilliant thing, man. It's like you don't you don't have to be naturally gifted in those like, popular areas to really make something of yourself.

Andrew Ellis:

No, you're right. It's hard work beats talent when when talent doesn't work hard. That's the right definition. I think it was and his documentary is really cool. And it's it speaks wonders wonders of why people are successful and why people aren't.

Kyle Warren:

It really does. It's It's really that simple. So and where can people it's been a pleasure, man, where can people find you? Where are you the most active? Where do you want people to go to start viewing your content?

Andrew Ellis:

So if you're looking for just day to day, normally stuff of it, what I do and how I can maybe help in any way, Instagram is probably the best place to do it as Andre Ellis with three underscores because I couldn't get any other names. And then if you're looking for longer form content, the YouTube channel will probably be the best place to get that or if you're into podcasts, like tell you I do have one of my own, which I'm very excited to have you as a guest coming soon on on the podcasts. And that's the Power of Positivity podcast and AndrewEllisYT for the YouTube channel if you don't want to wait to check the longer form content. But Kyle, thank you so much for having me on. I've had an absolute blast getting to know you more and being on the podcast. So thank you, seriously.

Kyle Warren:

Yeah, dude, this was I remember, I remember thinking like this has been a long time coming like this...

Andrew Ellis:


Kyle Warren:

this is this has been a long time coming, man. And it's I love I mean, the plight of the pleasures. Oh, my man. It's, you know, I knew even through our technical issues yesterday, we were on. We were on a roll. Like we were on a roll, man and it caught up cut off like right at a really important moment. I'll tell you, man, it just it it just it just devastated me man, like, but I think that just goes to show the power like we've been connected since day one, man. I think we're going to do amazing things together. So

Andrew Ellis:

yeah, I'm excited.

Kyle Warren:

We're gonna we're gonna go ahead and sign off man. I'll go and put all your links in the description below. I'll blast out for people to find you, man. And, Man, I wish you a good evening.

Andrew Ellis:

I did say I hope you have an incredible, incredible day.

Kyle Warren:

Thanks, man. Peace.