The Everyday Leader
The Everyday Leader are lessons you can use to build and grow your influence every day. This podcast is for everyone. Leaders are not defined by a title. It's an attitude; how you conduct yourself in any aspect of your life. John Maxwell says "leadership is influence." We all have the ability to influence.I created this podcast to share decades of experience in leadership and provide guidance on how you can be a little better every day. Over time little improvements lead to tremendous gains.
The Everyday Leader
The Everyday Leader Episode 16: Leaders are Learners
Laura Thompson
Episode 16
Today I am going to talk about the one single thing that probably launched me further in my career than any other thing and that is the discipline of self-improvement. You see, if you want things to be better- you want to be a better leader, you want better results, you want a better career, you want better movement up the up the ladder to bigger and better roles, you want to be the better candidate for the job, you want better relationships. The only way to get better things is to be better yourself.
There is never a point where our need to grow stops. No matter what level of success we reach we can never stop learning and feeding our minds with new thoughts and ideas.