Derate The Hate

Episode 2 Please, Thank you, and the importance of Gratitude

April 28, 2020 Wilk Episode 2
Episode 2 Please, Thank you, and the importance of Gratitude
Derate The Hate
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Derate The Hate
Episode 2 Please, Thank you, and the importance of Gratitude
Apr 28, 2020 Episode 2

In our second episode, I continue on my journey into learning how to use my podcast equipment and I'm hoping we've made slight progress from episode one.  There is very little in life quite so important to one's happiness as being grateful.  Teaching your children to say please and thank you is an essential part of gratitude and gratitude is an essential part of being a happy person.  This is all essential in helping to turn down the hate.  From all of us at and the podcast, thank you for listening, be kind to one another, be grateful for what you've got, and remember, it's up to you to make each day what you want it to be...
For more from Wilk, please check out or get in touch with us on Facebook or Instagram.
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What have you done today to make your life a better life? What have you done today to make the world a better place? The world is a better place if we are better people. That begins with each of us as individuals. Be kind to one another. Be grateful for everything you’ve got. Make each and every day the day that you want it to be!

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Show Notes Transcript

In our second episode, I continue on my journey into learning how to use my podcast equipment and I'm hoping we've made slight progress from episode one.  There is very little in life quite so important to one's happiness as being grateful.  Teaching your children to say please and thank you is an essential part of gratitude and gratitude is an essential part of being a happy person.  This is all essential in helping to turn down the hate.  From all of us at and the podcast, thank you for listening, be kind to one another, be grateful for what you've got, and remember, it's up to you to make each day what you want it to be...
For more from Wilk, please check out or get in touch with us on Facebook or Instagram.
Please subscribe, share, and leave a comment if you like what you hear...

What have you done today to make your life a better life? What have you done today to make the world a better place? The world is a better place if we are better people. That begins with each of us as individuals. Be kind to one another. Be grateful for everything you’ve got. Make each and every day the day that you want it to be!

Please follow The Derate The Hate podcast on:

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Subscribe to us wherever you enjoy your audio or directly from our site. Please leave us a rating and feedback on Apple podcasts or other platforms. Not on social media? You can share your thoughts or request Wilk for a speaking engagement on our site’s contact page:

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I look forward to hearing from you!

speaker 0:   0:00
Welcome back, my friends to the D rate to hate podcast. I am Wilk from wealth world dot com And thank you for joining me and thank you to all the new list minutes that are joining us for the first time. Thistles Episode two of the rate that dot com podcast Today we're gonna be talking about please thank you and the importance of gratitude. So first things first. They just want to kind of re introduced myself for people who might be listening for the first time. Like I said, I'm will from oak world dot com Just an average guy with average outlook on life, What could be better? The world One attitude at a time. Now, much of what I say is completely unscripted. A lot of it's just a stream of consciousness about how I've met people, how I've done things over the course of my life and mistakes that I've made in the wisdom that I've gained from making those mistakes because, after all, life is about making mistakes and gaining wisdom from the mistakes that we make. So let's get into it. Just like the title of this episode is Please thank you and the importance of gratitude. I wanted to talk today about why. Please thank you. And gratitude are so important. Years ago, I, ah, I had considered and actually started writing a book. Ah, what happened to please and thank you? It's not something I ever finished, which I wish I had. But the reason that came about was because as a truck driver, which is what I did for several years and was a taxi driver for a short period before that. A couple years, actually. But, um, you know, I spent a lot of time out amongst people and going into different restaurants, fast food, truck stops, this that the other thing. And it never ceased to amaze me how big of a difference it was. How big of a difference I felt. Ah, after leaving a place, um, based on the way that I was treated and in fact, that leaving go back a little bit further than that when, uh, back back when I was in the Navy, in school and and on Thursdays would get to step out off the base a little bit for lunch with her with our whites on, and we'd go to a place called CC's Pizza and every time we'd walk. And I don't even know if Sisi Peter is still around anymore. But we'd walk in and and, ah, bunch of people, you know, Hey, welcome to CC's And it was it was always a pretty cool thing, you know, just the polite atmosphere and and, uh, and then in more recent times, I I don't think there's anything that better exemplifies Ah, the the gratitude shown by, uh, eating establishment than Chick fil A, which I know, like sister of a bunch of controversy among people that I don't quite understand. But, you know, with with Chick fil A, there's there's nothing that better exemplifies the, uh, spirit of gratitude then than the way that you're treated. When you go to a chick fil A restaurant and and the fact that when you go through the drive through ah, how can I serve you Today would be a pleasure to serve you at the window, and the way that you're treated is is unmatched by by nearly any any kind of restaurant, let alone fast food restaurants. But ah, you know, going back toe when I when I was thinking about right in that book. What happened to please and thank you? I started to see a trend on. I can't even remember when it was. But ah, when? When I would go to a fast food restaurant when I had stopped for lunch. What? Whether it was when I was driving taxi year or Ah, or driving trucks and I'd walk into Ah, a restaurant and I'm not going to name any names, but but there would be more people working. Then there was, Ah, was people in their eaten and and it was almost like they had to argue over who was going to take care of the customer. I just I got to see that way too many times, and I never could quite understand it. You know, they, the employees, would be all disheveled and not looking like they wanted to be there and and certainly didn't treat the customer like they wanted to be there. And I thought that was odd and and it just it just got to me. Especially if somebody who started working in fast food restaurants when I was 13 14 years old, was always expected to show gratitude. to the customer when when they showed up, because obviously they were paying my salary and the idea of serving them should have been a pleasure to me. So the more I got to see these kind of things, the less I went out to eat. Unless I went toe especially fast food restaurants. And even to this day, I very, very seldom will to any fast food restaurants because not only because of that, but it's just there's there's just I see too much waste and and, quite honestly, not enough appreciation for me to feel like it's worth my time to spend my money in those kind of places. And I think that's unfortunate because I I think it really comes down to the way that they're run and and and quite honestly, the way that some of the people there working in there are raised and and they just don't have the appreciation and gratitude that I think people need to have. So I got off on a little tangent there, and but, you know, I don't think I'm the only one that feels that way. In fact, I know I'm not have talked to several people that say they feel the same way. And please don't think I'm generalizing about all people that work in fast food restaurants Are anybody that works outside of Chick fil A Because I am most certainly not. I I I worked in in fast food restaurants for several years of my life, and they're some of the hardest work and best people that I have ever encountered over the course of my life, working in fast food and work in restaurants and work in the hospitality industry. So I'm not by any means trying to single out anybody or make any kind of generalisation as to the way that the people in those industries are or how they have been raised or how they work. But But again, what does this have to do with please and thank you? I mean, I think please and thank you is one of the most important things that can be taught to a child. Ah, when they're brought up. I mean, I know Ah, my steps on. Every time he wants to get up from the table is May I be excused, please. And I think that's just one of the very important things that we've instilled in him as a child, and and I think any any time, anybody, I don't care whether your child or an adult or whatever, if you're asking somebody to do something I mean, I have several people that that report to me at my job, and, you know, every time I asked him to do something, I don't order them to do it. I I asked them to do it. Ask him in a respectful way and I asked him, Please, and I say, Thank you when they're done, I think that's the way that it should be done. Um, it's It's very important. Just out of general respect for General, you know, just your fellow man, your friend, your fellow human being. Um there's no reason. Ah ah, no reason not to. And then along with that comes the gratitude. Um, you know, saying saying thank you. I mean, I'm sure we've all been in a situation. I know any anytime I get an opportunity to hold the door for somebody when I'm walking into a convenience store, I'm walking in tow. Uh, wherever some place that doesn't have an automatic door. If I'm holding the door for that person and they walk in and they walked past me and they don't say anything. I I find it quite odd that somebody wouldn't even acknowledge. And I see that happening way too often nowadays and and and that's just somebody that shows that they don't have the appreciation for anybody else's effort. And that tells me one big thing about them and and the The thing that it tells me is they're probably not that happy a person because as somebody who one of the people that I listened to a lot and I've listened to for several years is Dennis Prager. And I see him as somewhat of a mentor ease and nationally syndicated talk show host on radio and and he talks about the fact that it's you can't be a happy person without understanding and and being able to express gratitude, and I fully believe that No, um, not to get a lot into it, but I spent a long period of my life not being a happy person, and and it was a It was a big thing for me to learn gratitude. Not that I didn't have gratitude as you know when I was growing up because my parents very much instilled the please and thank you and be grateful for what you had mentality. But ah, based on the number of things that I went through over the course of my life, I kind of lost my way and and lost my ability to truly appreciate the things that I had and what that said, Um, I lost the ability to see the forest for the trees, so to speak, because if you can't appreciate the things that you have, you cannot be happy. And I think way too many times and way too often, people start to get stuck on what they don't have or what they wish they had instead of being grateful for the stuff that they do have. And that is a recipe for unhappiness. So, um, you know, it really comes down to you Better be able to say please, when you're looking to get something, say thankful or thank you when you do get it and being grateful for all the things that you have and being able to strive for what you do not have but do not focus on the things that you do not have be solidly grateful for the things that you do have. Because if you can't, if you can't be grateful if you can't be grateful for what you do have, why should anybody ever expect you to be happy with the things that you want to get? So to kind of take this full circle? Let's just kind of look at this. Um, like, like our motto for the deer eight to hate Podcast is bettering the world One attitude at the time. So why don't I talk about please and thank you? Ah, and gratitude is because I want everybody to realize not only for themselves, but when they're raising their kids and and when they're encountering people in their everyday lives expressed to them how important it is to to say please, if somebody if somebody expects you to do something, they don't say, please call them out on it. If somebody says, Ah, if somebody does something for you, say thank you. If you do something for somebody else and they don't thank you for it, call them out on it. And I don't mean being a jerk or a scumbag and the way that you do it. But you know, it's something that that it's almost a necessity, because if they're not saying please and they're not saying thank you or you're not seeing, please and you're not saying thank you, you're part of the problem in and how we interact with each other and how we should be interacting with each other. Ah, gratitude is so, so very important in being a happy person. And the more that you show gratitude, the more happy that you are going to be. And the more that you short of gratitude, the more people are gonna be willing to do things for you. So and still it in your kid's. Instill it in yourself. Expect nothing less from the people that you interact with, and life will be better for everybody that you encounter. And and if the people ah, if the people that you do encounter are not willing to play by please thank you and and express gratitude, then that's probably somebody you don't need to be spending a lot of time around. If it'll because eventually that person's attitude will most likely sort itself out when nobody else wants to interact with them. Like I said in the first episode each week, I I look what a lot of different articles and look at it a lot of different things in the news, and most of it's all doom and gloom. But I like to look for a good Samaritan or a good deed article that makes me feel good and makes me think about something positive. And one thing I read this week was there was a what we consider him a biker motorcyclist. Um, I believe, is in Colorado Springs. Who who, ah, saw an elderly person going through a crosswalk and look like look like that person was in some type of distress and needed a little bit of help. So at ah, that biker pulled over, parked his bike and ah took the time to safely see that person across that crosswalk. So something that they would have never had to do something that most people may have never expected that person to do. But this is one thing I will tell you is not all angels have wings. Not all good people dress up to the nines and go to church on Sunday. Sometimes that person that's dressed in denim and chains or leather and boots and just happens to be being to live that person needed at that particular time. Feel with that, I'm going to wrap things up and say When we can get out amongst the people again, be kind to each other. Be grateful for everything that you've got And remember. Ultimately, it's up to you to make each day which you wanted to be. Thank you again from all of us here at Wilkes World for listening to the debate the hate podcast.