072 | Latest USMB Church Planting News (Brian Harris)
Planting new churches continues to be a high priority for USMB leadership, which notably led to hiring Brian Harris as our church planting mobilizer last summer. Brian has been on the job for several months now, and on this week's episode, Brian shares the latest news after his travels around the country and what he's learned so far as he speaks to leaders and develops his longer-term strategy.
As the familiar verse from Matthew says, the harvest is indeed plentiful. Brian reminds us there is definitely still a need for more churches in our communities, and there are unique ways established churches can work together to plant new churches or help resource other teams who are looking to plant. Regardless of the size of your church or your position in leadership, there are ways all of us can work together to help bring the gospel to those near and far ready to hear the good news.