LEAD Pods are the official USMB podcast devoted to leadership development and spiritual growth for Mennonite Brethren churches.
094 | FPU's Bridge to Ministry & Equipping Young Leaders (Quentin Kinnison & Darren Duerksen)
Season 1
Episode 94
As we launch into a new year, we're continuing our theme from December of what our denomination can do to better prepare a new generation of leaders in our MB churches. This week, Dr. Quentin Kinnison and Dr. Darren Duerksen from Fresno Pacific University share details about their Bridge to Ministry Pathway that makes it easier for students to earn a master's degree in ministry.
Plus, Quentin and Darren share their desire to equip Gen Z and Millennials to lead and use their talents to serve the local church. Since they work with college students every day, they also share insight into Gen Z's motivations and goals and how church leaders may be able to utilize young leaders for a new season of ministry.