The Family Disciple Me Podcast // Discipleship Starts With a Conversation

Celebrating a Milestone: Pastor Kelly Williams' Journey of Reading the Bible 100 Times

Tosha Williams for FDM Season 4 Episode 16

Imagine setting a goal as a young adult and seeing it through a hundredfold, decades later. This is the story of my husband, Pastor Kelly Williams, who joins me in my cozy "cloffice" to share his extraordinary journey of reading through the Bible 100x. This commitment forged in his college years is a tale of unwavering dedication and the profound impact that this spiritual discipline can have on a life. Our brief conversation in this episode not only celebrates his incredible milestone but also challenges all of us in our pursuit of God's Word.

My husband's daily commitment to Scripture became a disciplined practice interwoven throughout the fabric of his pastoral life and personal devotion. Despite the relentless pace of daily duties and the multifaceted demands of ministry, he has remained steadfast to his promise, absorbing God's Word every day, ten chapters at a time. 

Kelly's story is a vivid reminder that consistency results in transformation, and it's an invitation for all of us to consider how such dedication might affect our own lives and spiritual journeys. Join Kelly and I as we delve into a discussion that is less about a number and more about the life-changing power of a disciplined relationship with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.


The Family Disciple Me ministry exists to catalyze devotion driven discipleship in our homes and around the world. We believe that discipleship starts with a conversation, and FDM provides free, easily-accessible, biblical resources to encourage these meaningful conversations along life's way. Sign up through our website to be "the first to know" about upcoming releases and resources (including the FDM App - coming soon!!!) You can also follow Family Disciple Me on social media.

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Speaker 1:

Every once in a while, in the midst of just ordinary life, there are some extraordinary moments, and well, today, in my family, in my life, in my husband's life in particular, we are celebrating an extraordinary moment. Today, my husband finished his 100th reading of the Bible. There's quite the story behind this and well, it's something I've been watching, that I've been witness to, for over 33 years now. When my husband started his 100th reading, I tried to get him here into the podcast studio, but he said, no, wait until I finished it. Well, today he finished that 100th reading. So I twisted his arm and well, he's coming down the hallway to join me here in just a few moments. So, as I wait for him, I'm going to cue the intro and then we'll be back for me to do this interview with my husband, kelly Williams, about this amazing, extraordinary moment in his life and in his walk with God.

Speaker 1:

Welcome to the Family Disciple Me podcast. Our goal is to catalyze devotion-driven discipleship in our own lives and relationships and then around the world. We do this through easily accessible biblical resources that help us meet with God and make him known. We call this Seek Him, speak Him. You can find out more about this, our ministry and our resources at FamilyDiscipleMeorg. Hi, my name is Tasha Williams. I'm delighted to be on this journey with you, so let's spend this moment together, seeking God in his word about what he first has to say to us. Pastor Kelly, thank you for joining me here for this really special moment.

Speaker 2:

It is an honor to be here, Tasha.

Speaker 1:

This day I am actually well recording my first podcast interview here in my new cloth office here at Vanguard Church.

Speaker 2:

It is an honor to be a part.

Speaker 1:

So if our listeners could just see us. We are here, scooched up in this tiny little space. It literally is a closet, but it's also a podcast studio. And because this is here, I'm so excited because I was able to have my husband, Pastor Kelly, come down the hallway and join me here for just a few moments for us to tell and talk about something extraordinary in his life.

Speaker 2:

I am glad to be here.

Speaker 1:

Well, Kelly, today is a huge moment in your life, a moment that began in August 1989. Can you tell us about the commitment you made?

Speaker 2:

In August of 1989, I went off to Liberty University in Lynchburg, virginia, to study to become a pastor. And as I was leaving, my mother, linda Sue Williams, gave me her Bible that she had gotten in 1986. And she wrote my name in as the recipient of this Bible. And I took that King James Version to Liberty where I met my roommate Joel Willits, who is still a wonderful friend today. And on August 16, 1989, I made a commitment to the Lord that I would read the Bible 10 chapters a day until I had read it 100 times.

Speaker 1:

Why did you make that particular commitment when you made it?

Speaker 2:

I have no idea.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so you just literally made that commitment that day.

Speaker 2:

I did. I felt like the Lord had been talking to me about making certain commitments, and I also made a commitment on that day to no longer drink Coca-Cola. I was from the farm, I did not drink coffee and we were up early every day, so I became rather addicted to Coca-Cola and at that time I was drinking about 12 coques a day.

Speaker 1:

Fast forward just a few months. Kelly and I started dating in January of 1990. And two things I observed beginning at that time I have never seen my husband drink a Coke not once. And the other thing that I have witnessed him live out all these years is faithfully reading God's Word 10 chapters a day. Tell us about that. It's not like you didn't have anything else going on in your college years or that you haven't been a very busy pastor all these years. How have you maintained that commitment, that goal, for so many decades?

Speaker 2:

I think through the seasons of my life over the last 34 years I've tried to make that a priority and thankfully, because I grew up on a dairy farm in Kentucky, I already had the discipline of getting up early, and sometimes in college I would read late because I had to be up early for other things. And over the years I've come to realize that there's no better way to begin the day than to begin it in God's Word.

Speaker 1:

So, as you finish that goal, as you reach the hundredth reading completion today, what are some of the let's just say, the top three lessons that you've learned about reading God's Word. Not about God's Word, but about reading it that you would speak into other people's lives.

Speaker 2:

Well, in the New Testament, the writer of Hebrews said that the Bible is active and alive, and so my experience has been that until you experience certain things in life, you will not see God's truth about that experience through His Word, until that time comes.

Speaker 2:

And so the Word of God is very in real time and it convicts and it pierces the depths of our souls in the context of the experiences, the relationships and the things that we're thinking about in the course of that day.

Speaker 2:

And then, second of all, I would say that Jesus' brother James said it's not just what you read, but it's what you apply, that you can go look into the mirror of the Word of God, but if you don't apply the Word of God, it's not going to make a whole lot of difference in your life. And then, probably last, in the book of Revelation, jesus makes it really clear that he's coming back, and when he comes back, he's going to reward those for what they've done for Him. And so, for me, my motto in life has been what we do for God matters, and in the end, it's really all that matters. And so, as I reflect upon a hundred readings of the Bible, I found that it was very surreal and I found that a lot of life passed before my eyes this morning as I was thinking about it, as I was considering the good moments, the bad moments and everything in between, and I'm just so grateful that I have this practice of dedicating each of my days to what God thinks as opposed to what I think.

Speaker 1:

And Kelly, I have been so privileged to watch you live that out faithfully, day in, day out, year in, year out. Our whole relationship from the time we were dating through now these many years of marriage. I wonder what you would say specifically to other men right now, because I know the impact you've had on my life as a wife as I've watched you live out that discipline. What would you say? How would you challenge other men who are listening to this podcast episode right now?

Speaker 2:

I would just say that everyone, regardless of how busy you are or what age you are, you will find time to send. So I would highly encourage you to find time to read God's Word, because it is the only thing that will combat the lies, the temptations and the drift. And for me, the only thing that has saved me from self-destructing over these last 34-plus years is the reading of God's Word and the applying it. And Henry now and said it best you know. Someone asked Henry, the famous Catholic priest and author Henry, it seems, if you spent so much time with God, you'd be godlier. And he said, yeah, I couldn't agree more. Can you imagine how bad I'd be if I'd have spent no time with God? And I can relate to that.

Speaker 1:

So a challenge to men, and really to all believers, to spend time in God's Word. I wonder what you would say, in particular, to the young adults, the college students, the young professionals, those who are finishing up high school. Maybe they're in college or starting their young adult life right now and they're hearing this story and they're wondering is that something I should do, that I should practice in my life, a discipline that I should begin? What would you say to them? How would you challenge them?

Speaker 2:

I can't think of a better way to spend your life than spend it reading God's word and hearing what he has to say. And so is. I don't know if it was Mark Twain that said this, but the best time to plant a tree is 30 years ago. The second best time is now, and so don't look at the time you've wasted, look at the time you have left, and however much time you have left, make sure you dedicate it to His word.

Speaker 1:

Amen. And I know I see the ripple effects of Kelly's testimony in my own life, in many of our children's lives. I see the ripple effects within our church. Just this last week or two I was talking to a woman in her 60s, late 60s, who said I'm reading the Bible for the first time. I pray that everyone who hears this podcast episode will be encouraged, will be challenged, will be blessed in reading God's word. Kelly, as we conclude this podcast, any final thoughts that you would add to this very brief conversation about God's word?

Speaker 2:

This morning, my fifth born, Jenny Grace, came in my office and she said hey, I'm curious, what number of the Bible were you reading when I was born? And I think it's kind of cool to think that you could mark your life with the number of readings that you're on in God's word, and I think that's a heritage that you could pass on to the next generation that they could be proud of.

Speaker 1:

Amen, Amen. Well, friend, as you listen to this, be encouraged, be challenged, be blessed. May the Lord bless you and keep you. May the Lord make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you. May he turn His countenance toward you. And as you turn your countenance toward Him on a daily, consistent, regular basis, may he give you peace. Kelly. Thank you so much for joining us.

Speaker 2:

Thank you for going on this journey with me.

Speaker 1:

I'm so thankful and so proud to have you as my husband, as my leader, as my example, as my mentor. I'm a very blessed wife. So, friends, as you listen to this, I pray that you will be encouraged to speak into other people's lives, to be an example, an encouragement to those that God has entrusted to you. Now go read His word, be encouraged Until next time.