What The Fuck Is Happening?

Back Off Bobbie: Making Strides in Eliminating Predatory Formula Marketing with Andrea Haskins

Season 3 Episode 31

Andrea Haskins with Radical Moms Union is back on the show to get more specific about why predatory formula marketing is destroying breastfeeding relationships & undermining public health, specifically in the United States. Andrea gives us action items to disrupt Bobbie in their harmful marketing and joining the mission to preserve the mother-baby dyad.

In this episode:

  • How corporations attach breastfeeding relationships
  • The history of formula marketing: Is it even legal?
  • Bobbie’s manipulative & predatory formula marketing strategies
  • Do formula & pumping actually offer more freedom & autonomy?
  • Radical Moms Union disrupting Bobbie Zoom meetings
  • Stop arguing in comments and create actual change: how to join the mission

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