Big Shiny Takes

Existential Glee (ft. NiceMangos)

Big Shiny Takes
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00:00:00 | 01:41:11

Polite Conversations host and leading Intellectual Dark Web scholar Eiynah, a/k/a @NiceMangos, joins us to scrape the bottom of the IDW barrel.

Gad Saad, who is now a National Post columnist, is a marketing professor who fashions himself as an expert in the defence of Western Civilization.

He wrote a piece in the Post about how happy conservatives are, in which he informs the reader that he is very much not mad about the woke left.

Plugs & Recs (The Rinse)

Listen to Jeremy on Polite Conversations, part 1
Listen to Jeremy on Polite Conversations, part 2
Pre-order Jeremy's book, Kenneyism
Eiynah's Woking Up series
Check out Unrigged
The Hoser's Grocery Tracker

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