Ministry Coach: Youth Ministry Tips & Resources
Kristen Lascola from North Coast Church gives weekly insight and tips on how to grow the size and health of your Youth Ministry! With over 20 years in Student Ministry, Kristen shares her knowledge and experiences and frequently features guests from various ministries, churches and leadership roles so that you can use proven strategies to increase your impact from your leadership role. This podcast will help you grow your leadership skills, enhance your youth group, learn new youth group games, put on impactful youth ministry events, build a thriving volunteer staff, grow your influence and create a healthy environment so that you can help take the ministry God has you in to the next level. Hit subscribe and get ready to advance your youth ministry!
Ministry Coach: Youth Ministry Tips & Resources
Why a Combined Middle & High School Youth Ministry is Killing Your Growth
Okay...we realize that this is going to a very touchy subject since the vast majority of Youth Pastors minister to middle school through high school; but, hear us out. What we want to make very clear is that doing student ministry with middle school through high school doesn't mean you are doing BAD ministry...it doesn't mean that you CAN'T grow...it doesn't mean that you are a HORRIBLE student pastor and how dare you even think to combine them. No. Not at all. In this episode, we will be talking about how combining middle school ministry with high school ministry isn't IDEAL. It's not ideal for you, for the students or for the growth and health of the church overall. Again...the key word is: "ideal." This podcast is dedicated to seeing you winning. This podcast is here so that you can grow the size and health of your youth group. This podcast is available so that you can win more students for the Kingdom of God. With that said, we won't be holding anything back and we will always be giving you the best advice that we have. Okay, now that all of that is out of the way....don't kill us, but you need to seriously consider splitting your middle school and high school students into two separate ministries and we go over exactly why in this episode.
This episode was suggested by a listener! We love hearing from you all and we do our best to provide powerful and insightful youth ministry content on a weekly basis to be that coach and mentor you may not have, but desperately need.
If you have a story to share or have an episode idea, please E-Mail us at MinistryCoachPodcast@gmail.com! Thank you for those who have submitted!
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(#085) How to Do Youth Ministry at a Dying Church
(#088) How to Balance Multiple Ministries in One Church
(#073) 5 Things That Can Hurt Your Youth Ministry's Growth
(#024) Raising Up Leaders in Student Ministry - How to Duplicate Yourself!!!
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