Welcome to the PRmoment Podcast.
Here’s the third of a new bonus pod series where I chat to Andrew Bloch about PR Pitches and merger & acquisition trends in the UK PR scene.
Andrew is a co-founder and Non-Executive Director at Frank PR and is now Head of PR at the new business consultancy firm AAR. He is also a partner at PCB Partners where he advises on buying and selling marketing services agencies.
Don’t forget the entry deadline for The Creative Moment Awards is coming up on Friday 1st July.
Thanks to our PRmoment Podcast sponsors, The PRCA.
Here’s a summary of what Andrew and PRmoment founder Ben Smith discussed:
1 min Andrew gives us his run of this month's biggest pitching scene - including wins for Hope&Glory, W, The Romans, Cow and Manifest.
3 mins The Dept for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy announces its roster including Four Communications, M&C Saatchi, Freuds, Havas and Engine.
5 mins Andrew’s rundown of interesting M & M&A deals in PR, including BGF’s investment in Media Zoo, another private equity firm Northedge invested in life science specialist Ramarketing and Clarity acquired 93xdigital.
8 mins and 13mins A discussion of Next Fifteen's potential acquisition of M&C Saatchi for £310 million.
“We’re seeing the future of marketing where data and tech meets creativity and that blend is driving the market”
10 mins Andrew on why the PR M&A market is so hot at the moment.