Leading Change in Education - E116
The EduGals Podcast
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The EduGals Podcast
Leading Change in Education - E116
Feb 28, 2023 Episode 116
Rachel Johnson, Katie Attwell

This week, we are chatting all about leading change in education. Whether you are in a formal leadership position or an informal role, change is uncomfortable and messy. We've got some great tips and strategies on what you can do to lead change in your school community.

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**For detailed show notes, please visit our website at https://edugals.com/116**

  • Natalie Vardabasso - Tweet
  • Follow Natalie on Twitter @natabasso
  • Examples of changes: equity, destreaming, mastery-based classrooms
  • Quote: "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result"
  • Change takes a lot of time and not everyone is at the same level of readiness
  • More about Steven Katz
  • First 50% - early adopters, early majority
  • Second 50% - late majority, active resistors
  • Grow the top 50% (early adopters, early majority), nudge late majority, mitigate the negative impact of active resistors
  • Diffusion of Innovations by Everett Rogers
  • Leading change starts in our school communities
  • Hold the space for the struggle - don't give up too easily!
  • Find your people! Modern Classrooms Project, Twitter communities (UnGrading)
  • Tips for leading change:
    • Baby steps - The ONE Thing by Gary Keller & Jay Papasan
    • Know your staff (learners) - develop strategies and honour boundaries
    • Watch each other teaching
    • Open your classroom door to others
    • Strategic staffing based on goals
    • Mitigate the negative impacts of your active resistors - have conversations, investigate the why, compromise
    • Where do you want consistency?
    • Hold the space for the struggle

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