Once a Scientist

75. Andrew Akbashev, a Scientist and Creator for Academia, on navigating academia and its challenges as a grad student, postdoc, and group lead

Nick Edwards

Episode 75. Andrew Akbashev is a Scientist and Principal Investigator at the Paul Scherrer Institute in Switzerland. He holds a PhD in Materials Science and Engineering from Drexel University and completed a postdoc at Stanford University. If you're not already, follow him on LinkedIn, X or YouTube for insights into navigating academia and science careers


00:15:14 How to pick a thesis advisor

00:28:06 Evaluating student-advisor compatibility

00:36:31 When doing a postdoc makes sense

00:52:15 How to offer more career opportunities to PhDs

01:12:01 How to incentivize higher risk research

01:20:27  Increasing communication skills among scientists

01:25:21 Role of social media in science

01:26:32 The pressures many group leaders face

01:34:00 Importance of mentorship and the need for strong mentors in public forums

01:41:31 Fostering a collaborative (rather than competitive) mindset