Enterprise Architecture Podcast

The Secret for Architects in Driving Digital Transformation

In this podcast, we will be listening to the audio from a recent webinar with Nick Reed, Chief Strategy offices at Bizzdesign, and Jason Bloomberg from President and Found of the analysts firm Intellyx. Jason is a leading author, keynote speaker, and globally recognized expert in enterprise technology and digital transformation.

In this session, Nick and Jason discuss The Secret for Architects in Driving Digital Transformation and how Architectures can take a design-led approach to architecture to ensure the success of their digital transformation initiatives.

About Bizzdesign
Founded in 2000, BiZZdesign is the trusted global SaaS Enterprise Architecture platform and recognized as a leader by major analyst firms. We help the world’s leading public and private organizations guarantee the success of investment prioritization, transformation initiatives, and risk management. Bizzdesign helps architects and executives to see a full multi-dimensional picture, find and design the right path and execute with confidence to their targeted future. Success should not be a matter of hope. It should be by design. For more information, visit www.bizzdesign.com or follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn.