ABC Mission Partners Podcast
The ABC Missions Partners Podcast is the podcast of African Bible Colleges. It is designed to keep our ministry partners informed about all of ABC's latest ministry activity in Liberia, Malawi and Uganda. Our shows include a combination of the following: reports and updates from our ministries in Africa, interviews with ABC students, alumni, faculty and staff, and discussions of important topics related to global missions.
In order to communicate with us, send us an email at the following address: podcast@africanbiblecolleges.net
To learn more about the ministries of ABC, visit our website: www.africanbiblecolleges.com
ABC Mission Partners Podcast
The History, Mission, and Vision of ABC with Dr. Paul Chinchen
On this episode Tim talks with ABC President, Dr. Paul Chinchen about how the the vision for ABC began in the early 1970's with Paul's parents' ministry to rural pastors in the jungles of Liberia. ABC now has Christian universities in three African countries as well as a hospital, a Christian Academy and other Christ-centered ministries. Year after year ABC continues producing some of Africa's best Christian leaders, making an impact for the Gospel in the church as well as in the spheres of education, business, communications, and government.
On this episode there is also another coronavirus update. To make a donation to help ABC's response to COVID-19, click HERE. You can also give toward our project to get laptop computers into the hands of every ABC student or our scholarship fund.
The music on the podcast is by Psalm Project Africa.
Host: Tim Kay, Vice President of ABC
Producer: Drew Kay