SterileAware Podcast
The SterileAware™ Podcast will provide insight into the Hospital born infection story with interviews with leading experts in HAI’s. The SterileAware™ Podcast is hosted by our founder Charlie Webb, an award-winning podcaster and host of the popular Healthcare packaging Podcast “SPOT radio”. Stay up to date with the SterileAware™ story.
SterileAware Podcast
Instrument Pod eliminates the repetitive chores in reprocessing
Charlie Webb
Season 1
Episode 8
On this episode of the Sterile Aware® Podcast Charlie Webb CPPL speaks with Rob Turbett from Turbett surgical about their instrument pods.
About Rob Turbett:
Rob Turbett is a lifelong orthopedic representative having worked for major manufacturers in the Areas of Hip, Knee, Spine and Trauma as an OR sales representative.
Rob's insight to the hospital surgical environment led to seeking a solution to the repetitive chores that burden the surgical process.
Turbett Surgical was formed By Rob Turbett and Rick Richmond, a serial entrepreneur with six previous successful startups.
Tubett Surgical received its first FDA 510k in 2016 and has had commercial operations since 2017.
Email: rob.turbett@turbettsurgical.com
Website: turbettsurgical.com