Conversation 4 Exploration. Laura Lee Show, Cuyamungue Institute

Red Elk Speaks - Prophecy and Spirit of the Heyoke

February 24, 2023 Laura Lee & Paul Robear Season 4 Episode 107

Insightful, fun conversation with a native story teller sharing of prophecies, religion and connections from both the Native American and Christian perspective.

Red Elk is an Inter-Tribal Medicine Man,  a self-described half-breed Native of both the BlackFeet and Shoshoni Nations, as well as part Irish and French. Red Elk says he comes from the healing of Inner Heyoka'...Physical and Spiritual (mental) - Wakiyan (Spiritual advisor via Inner Heyoka' Way Purity way). Red Elk pushes the boundaries of the sacred and he's not afraid of controversy, challenge people beliefs and make us laugh along the way.  He says he is from the “Heyoka Secret Society” and now is time, he is told, to share their secrets.

A Heyoka is a very powerful empath that feels the emotions and energy of others inside their body. The Heyoka has the natural ability to help heal  -  often using humor. Sometimes Heyoka is termed the “Sacred Clown or Trickster”, and they are depicted as doing things in opposition to that of today’s society. - which is a wonderful description of Red Elk ;)

Red Elk (June 18, 1942 – June 26, 2015) Unfortunately Red Elk has passed away several years ago but has left us his view of prophecy, the challenges and warnings for our civilization and our impact on the planet.   He also encourages us all to embrace the path of the sacred - not just for the shamans and medicine mens.  " I do not represent any Indian nation. I represent only the Inner Heyoka Society. Our orders do not come from man, but from the Creator only. "

From the Archives: This live interview was recorded on  February 28, 1998  on the nationally syndicated radio program, hosted by Laura Lee . See more at 

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  • Laura Lee, Laura Lee Show, Conversation4Exploration. Conversation 4 Exploration, ConversationforExploration, Conversation for Exploration, Cuyamungue Institute