Conversation 4 Exploration. Laura Lee Show, Cuyamungue Institute

Scientific Evidence of Past Lives - Tom Schroder

April 21, 2023 Laura Lee & Paul Robear Season 4 Episode 115

A riveting firsthand account of one man’s mission to investigate and document some of the most astonishing phenomena of our time—children who speak of past life memory and reincarnation.

For thirty-seven years, Dr. Ian Stevenson has traveled the world from Lebanon to suburban Virginia investigating and documenting more than two thousand of these past life memory cases. Now, his essentially unknown work is being brought to the mainstream by Tom Shroder, the first journalist to have the privilege of accompanying Dr. Stevenson in his fieldwork. Shroder follows Stevenson into the lives of children and families touched by this phenomenon, changing from skeptic to believer as he comes face-to-face with concrete evidence he cannot discount in this spellbinding and true story.

In 1997 Dr. Stevenson agreed to let Tom Shroder, an editor at the Washington Post, travel with him through India, Lebanon and the United States as he investigated cases of children who seemed to remember previous lives. Shroder, with Dr. Stevenson’s permission, wrote a book based on those experiences.

From the Archives: This live interview was recorded on  September 18, 1999 on the nationally syndicated radio program, hosted by Laura Lee . See more at 

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  • Laura Lee, Laura Lee Show, Conversation4Exploration. Conversation 4 Exploration, ConversationforExploration, Conversation for Exploration, Cuyamungue Institute