The Cannabis Corner
The Cannabis Corner is an open conversation about marijuana and where it is headed in America. As cannabis becomes more mainstream and yet is still misunderstood, The Cannabis Corner strives to bring truthful language to the subject. Hosted by author Joshua Braff and Medical Marijuana CareGiver Adam Titelbaum, this podcast sheds light on questions about medicinal marijuana as a healthier alternative to alcohol or pills. All questions are important. What’s a CBD? What edibles should I try for sleep? How do I know what too much looks like? What is dabbing? Is vaping safer than smoking? Is it safe to buy it where I live? Format includes focused discussion with guests, call-in questions and in Episode One, an interview with actor/director Zach Braff. The goal is to present an accessible and warm community of flat out understanding. We get it, ask us. Have a listen and please let us know what you think - and let us know your questions. See you in the Corner!
The Cannabis Corner
The Cannabis Corner Ep #11: Veterans Show & Cancer Remedies with Sara Payan
Joshua Braff, Adam Titelbaum
On Episode 11 we are joined by two marines to talk about Veterans' relief with cannabis, and we also reconvene with Sara Payan and Dr Patel about cancer.Marine Ryan Miller is the founder of Operation EVAC, Educating Veterans About Cannabis, and is a veterans' support group leader at the Apothecarium, a health-care driven dispensary that focuses on cannabis remedies from migraines to a slew of severe diseases. Ryan’s advocacy for veterans is dedicated to overall wellness for all soldiers and their ailments, including PTSD, depression, sleep issues, pain relief and migraines. Scottie, a Marine from Fort Collins CO, discusses ailments he accrued as a soldier and his experience with prescribed pharmaceuticals and their ensuing side effects. His regimen with cannabis as medicine has been a life changer. Sara Payan and Dr. Rachna Patel join us to discuss cancer, dosing and how cannabis as medicine has strong promise in early cancer studies, while further research stays distant. Sara is a stage three colon cancer survivor that utilized cannabis in important ways during her experience with the illness. She is the vice chair of the San Francisco State Legalization Task Force and the Director of Education at the Apothecarium in San Francisco. Dr. Rachna Patel is a physician out of Walnut Creek, CA. and an expert on new research and medical advances in cannabis as medicine.