Meeting Mister Gogus
Meeting Mister Gogus
The Quiet Brain
‘We’ve been playing those mind games forever’ sang John Lennon; and then he chanted: ‘Love is the answer’. Yes, it is. But we won’t find much love in mind games. So I question the utility of ‘the mind’ in a world of insane ambition, division and abuse; when our times are out of joint and we seem to be sleepwalking towards the next crisis. I say it’s time to lose our minds and wake up sane, with a clear head and a quiet brain. Then love may indeed become the answer.
Episode Eight of this podcast is mostly about the difference between a still mind and a quiet brain, philosophy and wisdom, time and space - with a dose of hokum, and laced with snakeoil.
It was recorded on 2 July 2020.
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