Fearlessly Feral Living!

What It Does

January 13, 2024 Karen Linsley
What It Does
Fearlessly Feral Living!
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Fearlessly Feral Living!
What It Does
Jan 13, 2024
Karen Linsley

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Continuing with our four part series based on the Introduction of the Science Of Mind textbook, today's episode is the third, titled What It Does.

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Continuing with our four part series based on the Introduction of the Science Of Mind textbook, today's episode is the third, titled What It Does.

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What it does

Continuing with our 4 part series covering the introduction of the science of mind textbook, with this third section titled what it does.

But first, the intro!

Welcome to Fearlessly Feral Living!  Broadcasting to you from the Woogie Ranch, out here in the back 40 of northwestern Nevada, where I’m a half hour away from the nearest gas station and grocery store! 

Our MISSION is to teach practical application of Science of Mind principles to provide a strong and unshakeable inner foundation that facilitates long term successful living.

Ok guys, one of my absolute most favorite quotes is in this section!  This quote sums up the first two sections for me, and also has become one of my foundational principles.

Here’s the quote:  “It has been said that we can know God only in so far as we can become God.”

Couple this with the previous section that basically said god doesn’t do things but gives us the power to do, and that it can only work through us and as us. 

And then we get this whammy, which I am going to repeat here because it really is a whammy: “It has been said that we can know God only in so far as we can become God.”

Holmes is saying, want to know god more?  Become god!

And I can hear the objections now.  

“There’s no way we can become god!”  And “ok, you are getting a little out there now, I’m outta here.”  And, the mild ones I get, “well, my god is different than that.”

And that’s from someone who claims to be a religious scientist, a practitioner.  

Ok.  Also in the previous section, we can receive only as much as we believe.  For myself, I’m going to trust Holmes when he says that I can become god as much as I am willing to know god.

Now, admittedly, and now that I have your attention, Holmes did back track a bit when he said of that statement, “It is to be taken figuratively and not too literally, for we cannot really become God, but we can and do partake of the Divine Nature, and the Universal does personify Itself through humans in varying degrees, according to our receptivity to It.”

God works through us. It is as simple as that.  No, we don’t literally become god, but we sure as hell can embody those qualities of spirit that we ascribe to god.  We can base our lives on those qualities, we can use them as principles, as our foundation. You may know of qualities of spirit, also sometimes called attributes of spirit.  Now, there’s a lot of different attributes depending on who you consult to ascertain those attributes.  Today, I’m going to use a list provided by Emmett Fox, who listed these seven attributes of spirit:  life, truth, love, intelligence, soul, spirit, principle.

Here’s how we can embody those attributes of spirit, how we can become god:

Let’s take life.  God is life. Not just living life, nor giving it, but It IS life.  Now, if we believe in oneness, then we believe we are a part of god and it is a part of us.  If this is true, then should we not be living as full a life as possible?  Free of limitations of any kind?  Remember that we can only recieve as much as we allow.  The more we allow ourselves to embody LIFE the less limited we will be.  In all of our affairs.  When we fully express ourselves as the life of god, all sorts of beautiful things open up to us. 

Now how about truth?  My version of truth takes things a bit further than the common new thought definition of truth.  The new thought definition of truth is to know the divine truth of oneself and of others.  This is, by the way, where the process of affirmative prayer comes in, when we state the truth about a thing in the 3rd step of affirmative prayer.  But honestly, there is sometimes a certain amount of spiritual bypass that comes into play with knowing the truth that god is all good all the time and god is everywhere present and living and working and breathing in and all things.  Because sometimes shit happens.  Sometimes life sucks.  And if we go around denying that, we make ourselves sick both physically and mentally.  So I take the truth a bit deeper.  

Truth, for me, is to know my values and beliefs, and change them if necessary.  Truth, for me, is to live in integrity with my values and beliefs.  Truth, for me, is to fully be aware of all that is happening inside of me, to know my shadows, my self imposed limitations, my fears and what I do when I’m in fear.  Truth means that because I am acting in integrity with my beliefs and values, there is no need for justification, attempts to control, hiding certain actions, or manipulating people.  And truth means I speak that truth as well.  It really is true that the truth makes us free, and knowing ourselves and our truth is the path to freedom.

Love.  Well, what can I say about love?  It is no accident that love is on everyone’s list of attributes of spirit.  Love transcends all belief systems, all religions.  It is truly the most powerful force.  Love conquers all and heals all.  I have quite frequently used love to heal my relationships.  

But here’s the kicker with love. There’s also this little thing called tough love.  We can love people in such a way that we kill them.  It’s called enabling.  We can love people in very unhealthy ways.  I’ve been accused of being intolerant, of being hateful, of voicing hate, because I freely use tough love when I feel it necessary.  When I see hatred, racism, misogyny, dishonesty, violence, manipulation and/or other forms of the opposite of love, I do not go silently into the night.  I call it out.  If that is hatred, so be it.  But it isn’t.  It is calling people to higher ground, to live better, to fully live in love, and I refuse to be in silence when hatred is practiced. It is, long term, the most loving thing to do.

Ok, let’s move on here.  Next up in the attributes of spirit is intelligence.  Mother Nature is part of god and is intelligent.  Watch Mother Nature do her thing and you witness intelligence in action.  When we mess with mother nature we are not being intelligent.  Instead we are misusing our power, misusing the concept of dominion.  Intelligence means, just like in Mother Nature, all things work together for the common good.  

Soul.  Now, according to Ernest Holmes, soul is the creative medium. Spirit soul body, seed, soil, plant.  This is where we get our ability to create.  Our thoughts are the seed, the spirit.  If we are one with god, then so are our thoughts, unless we are not living our truth.  See how that is connected?  Those thoughts are grabbed hold of by the soul, that part of us that is the individualized manifestation of god, and turned from thought to form, the body or the plant.   The creative process is one of my favorite topics, and I have done many retreats on this topic.  There are also classes about the creative process.

Spirit:  according to Emmett fox, spirit is that which cannot be destroyed or damaged.  God is spirit, and because of oneness, so are we.  There is indeed a part of us that cannot be destroyed or damaged.  This is our ultimate truth by the way, and spiritual bypass aside, when we can FEEL this ultimate truth of our being, we can create it.  

Last but not least, principle.  Principle is that upon which all our thoughts and actions are dictated.  I’m equating principle to belief here.  Whether we are aware of it or not.  We might be aware of the results of the principles upon which we live, but unless we are taught to go deep within ourselves and really know our truth, we won’t be able to address it.  For example, let’s say you are broke all the time.  You might be living in the principle that money doesn’t grow on trees.  Or that there isn’t enough.  Or that you have to work harder not smarter to make money.  In order for you to experience a change and not be broke all the time, you must dig to the level of belief, or principle, and change that belief.  There is indeed enough, money does grow on trees, only it comes in the form of fruit, and we must properly care for that fruit.  

The other aspect of principle is that there are certain truths in life, certain principles.  The law of attraction is a principle.  We attract what we are.  

So we can use these principles to live successfully.  But sometimes we might have to examine and change our beliefs in order to do so.

So that’s how we become god.  We embody attributes of spirit.  How do we embody a thing?  Here’s a practical exercise:  get yourself a list of attributes of spirit.  Google attributes of spirit. You will find one that resonates with you.  Write, them down. Take one at a time and set an intention to focus on that attribute, to behave in integrity with that attribute.  Repeat. That’s how we embody qualities of spirit, and that’s how we become god.

I thank you for listening and for your support, and I am knowing fearlessly feral living for me and for you!

Outro:  Fearlessly Feral Living is a Focus Ministry of Centers for Spiritual Living.  Your support is much appreciated and fully tax deductible!  You can support us in a number of different ways:

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