Léargas: A Podcast by Gerry Adams

This will Pass | Sactions Now | Ella

June 16, 2024 Gerry Adams

This Too Will Pass

All of this is grist to the mill of our opponents. But we do not begrudge them that. One of our political achievements is to expose the sameness of these parties interests and policies. We now have to create an alternative. So we have to play our own game regardless of what the naysayers claim. Unlike the southern parties Sinn Féin is currently fighting the British general election in the North. So we have to bend our will to that before gathering ourselves for what comes after. One thing is for certain we have plenty of work to do in a changing and volatile political climate with significant electoral challenges.

Sanctions Now

On 12 June, Israel’s genocidal war on the Palestinian people of the Gaza Strip and the west Bank will have lasted for 250 days.

In that time over 36,000 Palestinian children, women and men have been killed and many tens of thousands wounded, some crippled for life with lost limbs and a psychological trauma that will never go away.

Ella O’Dwyer

It was with great sadness that I heard last week of the death of Ella O’Dwyer. Ella was one of a brave band of IRA Volunteers who travelled to Britain in the 1980s. She and Martina Anderson were arrested in Glasgow in 1985. Ella was 26 years old and Martina Anderson was 23. In June 1986 the two along with three male comrades - Gerry ‘Blute’ McDonnell, Peter Sherry and Pat Magee – were given life sentences at the Old Bailey in London for planning IRA attacks.