Léargas: A Podcast by Gerry Adams

Cease Fire | Féile | James Woods

September 01, 2024 Gerry Adams

The 94 Cessation

The IRA cessation is 30 years old this Saturday. That Wednesday morning on 31 August 1994 two journalists – Barney Rowan from the BBC and Eamon Mallie from Downtown Radio – arrived at The Patio Restaurant in the Kennedy Centre. It’s where 26 West is now. They met a woman republican activist who took from her pocket a small scrap of paper – a comm – on which was written the IRA statement announcing a “complete cessation of all military operations”. While there had been significant speculation over the previous months of the possibility of a ceasefire the enormity of what was being read to them - very slowly because Mallie doesn’t have shorthand - was not lost on both.

Another Look Back at Féile 24

Last week’s column reviewed aspects of West Belfasts Féile An Phobail - Féile24. In particular, the Debates and Discussions elements.  It also foolishly committed me to looking back at other aspects of this year’s  events. I say foolishly with good reason. The Féile has so many dimensions it is impossible to do justice to them all. Six Hundred and thirty six events in 11 days. Events for families, youth, communities, women.  Including Art, Tours and Walks, Theatre, Classes, Irish Language gigs, Comedy, Food and Drink, Sport, Health and International Affairs.  Literary events, the Environment.  There were also Trad sessions and loads of music. So mindful of the multifarious get togethers that are omitted in this piece I am going to conclude my Féile  retrospective by dealing only with music in the park.

Opinions, Interviews Life Stories by James Woods

Seamus Woods is a gifted writer. This is his second book His first one, Hard Times. Good Times And The Celtic Tiger was published in 2011. I enjoyed it immensely. James brings his own unique style and insights to his writing. He is a natural story teller. He is also a long time dedicated writer of letters to the papers.  Particularly on political affairs of the day. That’s how he started. In London. In 1987. Those were turbulent days in Anglo Irish history.