VideoBros | Life, Love, Video.

Grip, Electric, Biden on the Brink, Car Wraps & Dustin's OnlyFans Plans!

• VideoBros | life. love. video. • Episode 39

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Hey everyone, welcome to another day at Video Bros! We're diving into the chaos of our lives, from the nitty-gritty of film sets to balancing personal passions and family life.

Join us as we spill the beanie babies on the realities of film industry grunt work, parenting rollercoasters, and epic tech fails. Plus, we're peeling back the curtain on personal branding, from truck wraps to hilarious business names.

So, buckle up for a wild ride with Video Bros, where life's a set and we're chasing the best angle! 🎬

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Speaker 1:

oh, hey, here I am. I'm dustin, I'm one of the video bros, the other one's michael.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's us uh, it's been a weird day so far, man, I've watched my kids fight like nine times. My wife is gone most of the day for this yoga teacher training. She's gonna start teaching yoga, I don't know, yeah, but hopefully I don't know she's gonna teach enough yoga to like pay the mortgage. But that would be nice.

Speaker 1:

And uh, yeah, I'm just gonna have I think it would take a lot of more, a lot of yoga, to pay off a mortgage. Good luck to you dude?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I don't know.

Speaker 1:

I feel better this week than I did last week, as far as last week. On Saturday I woke up and felt like I was dying this week. I got up and I was like like, oh yeah, I mean I'm a little sore, but actually I was more sore on uh friday than I was today. So I'm like, okay, I can do some stuff oh so yeah, I feel the opposite. I feel, I feel depressed this week yeah, but you didn't like work all week on set like I did.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I feel better this week than I did last week. I feel like I'm finally starting to, I'm not fucking up quite so much. I'm not just constantly stepping on my dick. I'm getting better at knowing what I'm supposed to be doing and kind of knowing my role, and I'm picking up a lot of the terminology, so I'm not just constantly going what does that mean? What is that? What could that be? Hey, I got a new one for you this week, All right. So I have been using for years Not all the time, but you know, whenever it's local or I don't know whenever you can I've been trying to use moving blankets for sound treatment.

Speaker 1:

You know, put it down on the floor or put it up on some C stands or something to try to block some sound and try to dampen if there's any echoes and stuff like that. And we used some even on that um film I dp'd last year. You know we had some bathroom scenes that were echoey. We put blankets up over the shower curtains and so guess what a moving blanket is called in the film industry? You're not going to guess because it's ridiculous it's called uh, it's called a towel it's called a fernie, which is short for furniture pad.

Speaker 1:

So the DP is like can you go get a fernie?

Speaker 2:

And I was like yep, right on it.

Speaker 1:

And then I had to go to somebody and go what the fuck is a fernie? I don't, ever, I don't. I'm not super comfortable admitting to the DP that I don't know what he's talking about most of the time, so I just try to memorize what he's saying so I can repeat it and be like hey guys, what the fuck is this? Um, yeah, it's a. It's weird. I don't know that I'm necessarily a better or worse filmmaker for knowing that, but I definitely. It definitely makes you a better or worse crew member. That makes sense. You know, like, if somebody, like if you can't communicate, uh, you're not, you're not going to be good for production. So, yeah, I'm learning stuff that makes me a better crew maker. I don't know that I'm necessarily learning stuff that makes me a better filmmaker. Hey, you know what? Uh, some of the, some of the guys in camera, I don't know. I kind of feel, you know, I want to work in camera really bad, but I'm working in grip and electric because that's where I could get hired and you know, I need to make money and and really I want to do every job on film, at least for, you know, one show or something. If I could, like I'd like to work in audio. You know, uh, I w I wanted to PA for a while, but now I kind of don't want to do that anymore. I kind of feel like I've done it, just enough to know that I don't need to do it more. Um, but anyway, everybody in camera keeps telling me dude, if you want to be a DP, you're right where you need to be. Like working grip and electric is actually way better for training you to be a genie. Because one guy goes it took like five minutes to set up a camera. Anyone could do it. Setting up the lighting and know how to light and stuff like that's the stuff that makes the difference for a good DP. And so he's like you're learning way more over there. I don't know that I feel that way necessarily because, like I said, I guess I see where he's putting, I see where he's putting, I see where he's putting stuff, but I'm not necessarily like knowing what his thought process is, you know. And then I'm not ever going over to look in camera like I'm not looking in camera seeing the problem and then going, oh, here's how we fix it. I'm kind of just going, you know he's going, go to left, go to left, go up, go right, get this thing, put it there, okay, and then, like I'm not really looking at, then I got to get out of the way. You know what I mean. So I'm not really looking at the uh, like the results of the work and stuff and taking it in, but I guess I need to try to pay attention a little bit more.

Speaker 1:

I do have a appreciation for how many fucking c stands it takes to make a show. It's fucking unbelievable. You literally could never have too many c stands. They're always calling for one and we're out. You need like 50, you know, you know. You know like 50 c stands and like fucking 10 light, like 50 lights and like I don't know, it's wild, it's wild. Um. So tell me about your depression, just general, not sure what you're doing with your life, don't want to keep doing what you are doing, but you're strapped, you're trapped no, I don't, I actually don't know what's going on.

Speaker 2:

I I really don't. I'm like uh, just this whole week. Every time I wake up I'm like oh, I just wish I was sleeping again I don't, I don't mind sleeping I don't mind sleeping. Sleeping's pretty great yeah because you're unconscious yeah, but then I wake up and I'm like what is all this?

Speaker 1:

I think living in the world is terrible.

Speaker 2:

I think it's the non-stop like work, having to work, non-stop to accomplish. And then, even then it's like, oh, it's not time for a break. And now I'm watching my kid like eat my other kid's ass.

Speaker 1:

I'm sorry. What's that Like? Hey, let's rephrase that Henry pull up your pants. I'm sorry. What the fuck You're going to have to edit this out. There's. I don't know what you're talking about, my four-year-old stick his face into the ass of my eight-year-old, who has his underwear pulled down. Dude, I don't think you should put this on the podcast, man?

Speaker 2:

I mean it's not. This isn't. It's a fucking weirdo. This is why it's not a video podcast. You want to do video and I said we can't do that because it's illegal what is the explanation for that behavior? Ask, ask a four-year-old and an eight-year-old. I mean, these are the things that I never thought I would have to say to either child, which is like hey, you don't let your brother stick his face in your butt, cheeks.

Speaker 1:

Dude, I'm telling you.

Speaker 2:

It's wild around here and that's the good part of my life.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's the thing that doesn't make you super depressed. I listen to Tom Segura and all his various different podcasts or whatever, and he talks about how his son, who's probably the his various different podcasts or whatever, and he talks about how his son, who's probably, you know, the same age as yours or whatever, he likes to go into a room and bend over and go hey dad, look at my asshole yeah, my, my four-year-old loves to.

Speaker 2:

Um, he likes to pull his underwear down. They just think it's so funny bend over and stick his butt in your face Like they think it's so funny.

Speaker 1:

It is kind of funny. If I did that to you it would be pretty funny.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, definitely do that to you it is funny, but it's also like they have no regard for the fact that if you get somebody's shit on you and you're a four-year-old who sticks your fingers in your mouth all the time, you could really get sick you know, you could be. You could be spending the next 24 to 36 hours just barfing your brains out because you ate your brother's shit, you know, unknowingly.

Speaker 2:

It's not good, it's like it's like you stuck your hand in there and then you went and had your quesadilla at lunch like nothing happened, and uh, then you pay for it what a time to be alive yeah, I'm watching them roll around in the backyard. I finally got them out of the house. They were like playing game boy and watching movies the whole morning and then I had to coerce them outside. And now I'm watching my eight-year-old sit on my four-year-old's head. I mean it just never. It never ends, dude, it never ends.

Speaker 2:

I think that's part of the depression too. I can't really do anything because I have to make sure that they don't suffocate each other with their butts.

Speaker 1:

Do you think a big part of your depression is that I moved away? That's probably what's really going on.

Speaker 2:

That's the real.

Speaker 1:

That's probably the real void in your life. That's the undiscovered thing or or maybe it's you know what it is it's that it's gone one step further because, like, first you had to deal with me moving away and like, okay, you handled that and we're getting through it, but now you have to deal with the fact that, like, I'm pretty much unavailable to talk Monday through Friday Cause I'm on set 60 hours a week, 60.5 this week, as a matter of fact maybe so now you're like, you don't even, I'm not even a phone call away, so you must really just.

Speaker 1:

yeah, I can see why you want to die.

Speaker 2:

It's not great. I don't know what's going on with me. You know what it is. It's the nonstop work just to get by. And then, when I do have Now I'm watching. Now I'm seeing full frontal nudity. Hold on, hey dude, keep your underwear on please. You're outside, dude. When we started the podcast, I walked outside and he was peeing on the tree in the backyard that's normal boy stuff.

Speaker 1:

I did the same thing. I'm grown up, I did that it's all good, but like it's just non-stop them pulling their pants down around here I wanted to pee outside at work the other day so bad and I almost did it and I was like no dude, you're like this is a real job, this is. You're not. You're not just fucking going to the barbecue place with michael, this is a real job you know what it.

Speaker 2:

You know what it is it's. I saw this thing on instagram. I saw this thing on instagram this morning. That was like like I don't know what's the dude from that show. It's like that comedy sketch show.

Speaker 1:

Oh boy, this is going to need it.

Speaker 2:

You know, that thing of it's like that guy and he's like yeah, it's the guy who screams a lot in the sketch show like the coffin one. Remember the coffin one where he does the sketch about like it's like the like the something about they drop the coffins are you talking about the show uh? Or coffin drop or whatever casket drop you know what?

Speaker 1:

I'm talking about eric oh, eric, andre I don't know, is it eric andre I? Don't know his name or is it the guy from? I think you should leave it's that guy I think you should leave. Uh, what's that? Fucking okay. Well, anyway, what about it? You saw a video with him. Tim robinson, he's the guy goes. You sure about that? You sure about that? Yeah, yeah, yeah, okay, what about it? You saw a video with him tim robinson.

Speaker 2:

He's the guy goes. You sure about that? You sure about?

Speaker 1:

that, yeah, yeah, yeah, okay, what about him?

Speaker 2:

I don't know. I saw some instagram posts with him and he's like screaming like what the fuck, what the fuck? The caption was like how everybody makes like a six-figure income. Nobody can afford anything. Turn your, turn your face, oh dude. Can you put your FaceTime video on what? Because you're like I don't even.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, because my screen is fully blacked out. I'm honestly just talking on the phone. I forgot we're on. I forgot we're on FaceTime. Let me see Camera. Oh OK, now you're showing me your kid walking around the backyard.

Speaker 2:

All right, yeah, they both are now in their underwear, thank god um before it was. It was much worse before yeah.

Speaker 1:

So we started talking yesterday. We had a lot of downtime yesterday. I actually fucking hated it. Um, there there was way too much downtime and uh, I don't know we. They just started talking about like the rate that we're getting on this show. They were saying like it's actually a really good rate and we're really lucky to get this, because most shows like this would pay, you know, a lot less. I'm not going to say what the number is, but anyway. And then when they're talking about like yeah, a lot of shows, you get this amount, and I was just like, fuck, I can't imagine doing like having days that long being away from home, this many hours, this many days in a row and make it less than that. And then they were all just talking about how, because of people like me, that moved there.

Speaker 2:

Not that they say that, but I mean obviously, as well, oh, you mean the droves of people that moved to atlanta yeah, the droves of people that moved to atlanta which is probably not non-existent what do you mean?

Speaker 1:

the droves?

Speaker 2:

yeah, you think a no, there are yes, why?

Speaker 1:

there are droves because they had a really big year right at like after covid and the word got out that there was work there and you think it's because that one idiot that told you that there were like a bunch of jobs you think he has like tons of.

Speaker 2:

Maybe that guy has like so many friends and he just told all of them fucking the whole fucking industry.

Speaker 1:

I don't know, man, the whole fucking town is like I think a lot of people are like faking it till you make it. So everybody's talking about how great they're doing all the time. So then people move here. But I don't know, they were just like one of the guys that's been in the business for like over two decades was just saying how he used to have no equipment at all and would just walk on set and get a job and was making more money then than he's making now with like tens of thousands of dollars worth of stuff that he can rent out and I don't know. Just that every single year is less and less profitable, and you know. And then they started talking about how, like you know, his uh, his the rent at a place he was staying at got six times more expensive in a three-year period and he's like I don't make six times as much money. I don't know how this is possible. And it just kind of tanked me out hearing just how and none of us have anything after this show.

Speaker 1:

After this show, one guy's going to go back to working at Walmart. One guy's going to go back to working at Walmart. One guy's going to go back to working at a cabinet shop. One one guy's going to go back to I guess he puts windshields on like heavy machinery. One guy's going to go back to um working in a restaurant, you know. And then I'm going to.

Speaker 1:

I have even less going on. I have to find something. I have to either like start up some businesses, or I have to go get a regular job, or I have to like like a regular job where then now I won't be able to pursue film anymore, or I have to get a uh, you know, like an Uber job that you're. You're not really making money, you're just stealing equity out of your car. It's not really actually a good job. In the fucking slightest, I don't know. I don't know. I don't really want to do anything in service injury street either, because I don't want to. This town's not that big and I don't want film. People seeing me like that would be. My nightmare is I'm a waiter right and I go to a table to be like, hey, let me get your order, and it's a fucking dp that I've you know been your nightmare is having a having regular work I have many nightmares.

Speaker 1:

I have many, many, many at least a waiter hat like has a job every day, these dps and stuff are showing up like I'm not afraid for a week working I'm not afraid to work, I'll I.

Speaker 1:

I it's not that I'm just afraid to be seen not doing stuff, I don't know. I'm just afraid that people will see me in the back. I'm not hiring that guy. He's a fucking waiter, although I think that things have been so bad now. That kind of everybody gets it. But I I do think there was a time where you know, like the people that work are always telling people how much they're working, because they want to be thought of as like, oh, this guy's really got it going on. You know, um, one of the guys on the show just says he has this because every time, like every time he's on set, he takes pictures and shows it off and says here's what we're doing today and here's what we're doing today and here's what we're doing. So cause he just wants people to always think about him working, even if he's really not that working that much. Um, I don't know, I don't know it. Just it was a long talk about how fucking cost of living is out of control and the jobs just aren't there, and it just fuckingmed me out, man, really, really bummed me out.

Speaker 1:

Oh, another wild thing happened that we did. Uh, we had a thursday was really busy, especially, kind of like in the last three, four hours of the night it got very frantic. We were going very fast, moving a lot of stuff all over the fucking place, setting up a scene, shooting it and then breaking it down, moving it somewhere else, setting it up, shoot. You know, it was like really go, go, go, go, go. And right when that happened, one guy like really timed, uh, taking a shit poorly so that we just like were down a guy at one of the busiest possible times because he just wasn't there for a minute and um, so I kind of got to do a lot of the stuff that you know.

Speaker 1:

Normally he'd be pushing me out of the way to do it and, um, I don't know, I just like I really was having a good time and I was loving it and everybody was like I don't know, getting a little negative and complaining about this is the worst day, blah, blah, blah. And I was like look, guys, I don't know how to tell you this, but today has been my favorite day on the whole show. This has been the absolute most I've enjoyed this job yet. And they were all like you're so crazy. And I was like I hate the sitting around.

Speaker 2:

I love when we're fucking going're like like going as lightning fast. I got to move an apple box eight times today by myself, but it's not even that it's.

Speaker 1:

It's so anyway. But the crazy thing is, what I realized was oh, this was the first time on this show that I felt the same kind of rush that you get sometimes at a wedding and I was like, oh, that's so sad.

Speaker 1:

I think the rush of a wedding no, but you know what I'm talking about adrenaline that surges, that courses through your veins during the first right when, like when they're no, but like when they're insisting that you stay there and get a shot of her putting on the dress, but then she practically puts the dress on when she's walking down the aisle, because they're fucking 30 minutes late. And so they put on the dress and you stayed and say get it. And now you got to go figure out how to get two lavalier mics and two audio recorders and three cameras and three tripods with all different lenses all set up and then get your gimbal ready to rock and roll and you got like 45 seconds to do all that shit.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, or you're going to fucking ruin their whole goddamn wedding and you're just like fucking go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go. You're on it. Or you know, the other time is like um, you went out to get sunset photos, a cocktail hour right before, and now you're coming back and they're going to get introduced and then they're going to do their cake cutting and then they're going to do toasts and you got to be ready for. You got to set up audio for that, you got to set up lights, that you got to do all that shit and you got like 12 seconds to do it. And you're just like boom, boom, boom, boom, boom. That's what I'm talking about, that kind of rush and like yeah, the ecstasy you're tired.

Speaker 1:

You mean ecstasy. It's just like after hating weddings so much, uh-oh, here it comes. I miss it.

Speaker 2:

I miss the pure ecstasy of weddings. Well, I don't know if I'm going to say, I miss it.

Speaker 1:

I guess parts of it, I miss what I was going to say. Is it's actually not such a bad gig?

Speaker 2:

the emotion. In hindsight, it actually wasn't that bad of a job, oh my God, compared to the bustling film industry of Atlanta.

Speaker 1:

Bustling film industry of Atlanta is fucking depressing dude, those Rocky.

Speaker 2:

Mountain weddings. They're really coming back for your heart, huh. Woo A little, A little Dude you saying that is the best part of my day fuck you.

Speaker 1:

This whole day has been really kind of shitty for me and you saying that makes me feel like how can you say this whole day has been shitty? It's barely noon in your time. I mean, what is it 1 pm where you are 115?

Speaker 2:

it's like talking when that person that you're like kind of jealous of. You're just like man, fuck you, your life is so good. And then they step out in front of a city bus and get just crushed. They get fucking smoked right in front of you and you're like all right, okay, I got. I'm sorry you've been, you've been thinking that my life is so good.

Speaker 1:

I don't know, no, have you been jealous of me? Hey, you know something that I think about sometimes and then I think, oh, I'm obviously delusional, but sometimes I think about what I'm doing out here and I think I'm doing this for all of us. I'm doing this for you, I'm doing it for Graham, I'm doing it for Drake, like I, like I'm, I've gone out here to do this thing and learn this stuff that I'm going to. You know, I'm going to bring that back to you guys, and now we're all gonna you know what I mean Like we're all going to make movies later.

Speaker 2:

I'm coming out here to go learn for all and do it kind of thing, but that's obviously crazy and delusional. You see my kids squirting one out on the tree. Is that kid peeing on the tree?

Speaker 1:

I don't I mean god, that's, that's two pisses on one tree in one backyard within the like. I was gonna complain because the your your wi-fi sucks or whatever. So like the resolution is super low, but then I'm like it's a child urinating. I'm actually really glad that that came in and, like you know, 144p I have this weird thing going.

Speaker 2:

My wife and I both have this weird thing going on with our at&t phones where if we connect to our wi-fi it's worse than if we're just on the network, like weird. You think wi-fi would be dope, but it's.

Speaker 1:

It's a goddamn nightmare there's got to be a setting somewhere in your phone that you don't know about yeah, I don't know like.

Speaker 2:

Uh, oh, you didn't turn the wi-fi should work setting on.

Speaker 1:

I um, somebody sent me a video the other day from his phone, uh, showing me something on his set, and I was like, uh, dude, this looks like a kindergartner tried watercoloring. I don't know what the fuck this video is supposed to be. It was so compressed and shitty and he was like, huh, weird, let me send it again. And the same thing came in and I'm like dude, you got a setting. There's a setting in a menu somewhere. I can't help you because it's not an iphone, but this is not. I mean, why don't you just draw me a picture of it and put it in?

Speaker 1:

a envelope with a stamp like fuck dude. This is so bad dude.

Speaker 2:

So you know how last week I was like, hey, I'm waiting on that window, that big giant window decal for my truck to advertise my videography business. Oh, yeah, it came in, it showed up and it was so goddamn pixelated that I couldn't believe they printed it and mailed it to me.

Speaker 2:

I was like you guys are so stupid. I was so angry. My wife was standing in the kitchen when I opened the box because it had been delayed for like it was like a two week ordeal and I finally got it. And I was so pumped and I opened the box. I took one look at it and I just like crumpled it up and threw it in the trash and I was so pissed and my wife was like you're not gonna send it back and I was like I wouldn't waste one more cent on this stupid, idiotic idea that I had. I was so pissed I was like I'm not mailing this back, I'm not even gonna like. I was just so angry. So I mean they must have.

Speaker 2:

They must have some guidelines for resolutions published that you ignored or didn't find no, dude, these people, I mean I even talked to the sale, like I talked to the lady who was doing it and like you would think they would be like, hey, this doesn't look good. Like nobody.

Speaker 1:

Well, you're supposed to see it on the other side of the highway.

Speaker 2:

No, it looks so bad. It looks so bad. I was like this and, by the way, I did send it to them in a massive resolution, like I'm not an idiot.

Speaker 1:

So did you follow up with them after to let them know how pissed you were? No I'm not, I'm not devoting any more time to that.

Speaker 2:

Instead, I just called this car wrap place near my house and I'm gonna do a half wrap on the truck what's that gonna set you back?

Speaker 1:

a g, two g's, two g's 2100, 2100, yeah but that includes.

Speaker 2:

That includes all the design that's so much money yeah, but it includes the design work, so well, I spent like 300 online. I mean lawn today, dude, if I book one project from that if I book one project from that, it's gonna more than pay for it well, let me know if you book. It seems like a crazy plan to me, but not really, though I've been looking online and there's a bunch of people that like buy sprinter vans and like wrap them with like the same and they're doing video production.

Speaker 1:

So all right, let me know I'm not buying a sprinter maybe. Maybe I'll wrap the subaru if it works for you I think you should I think you should wrap it with something crazy, like I did that, and then I showed up on on a film set. I feel that I would be kind of embarrassed.

Speaker 2:

Uh, you know you should start a blowjob business.

Speaker 1:

You think people would pay to suck my dick?

Speaker 2:

You could call it furries, because you got a big beard.

Speaker 1:

I don't think that's what furry means.

Speaker 2:

You could call it furry face.

Speaker 1:

That's not what furries are. Furries wear like mascot costumes. All right bro, oh man, interesting stuff costumes. All right bro, oh man, interesting stuff furry uh furry holecom yeah I wonder what the wrap on your, on your?

Speaker 2:

super would look like, but let's entertain it for a moment and just think about would it just be a picture of you with your mouth wide open like how much money?

Speaker 1:

if you found out? If you found out that, like you could, just you know, start being an only fans model and, just you know, posting videos of you jerking off and stuff like how much money would you have to make for that to be worth it for you?

Speaker 2:

Is it like a show your face? It's a show. You're talking about showing your face, right.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you got to show your face how much money every month.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, like everybody's going to find out about it, sort of a thing.

Speaker 1:

Well, I don't know, not everybody just gay dudes, huh, I mean. Well, I don't know, not everybody just gay dudes, huh, like, uh, I mean, I guess if you get well, here's the thing If you get famous later than the whole world, we'll find out about it.

Speaker 1:

But as long as you never become famous, then no, but you know what I mean Like who's really going to know? But if you went like if I, if you end up, you know, becoming a film director and you have a movie that's even, just like you know, an indie success, some asshole is going to be like oh and, by the way, the director, uh, here's his butthole, and you know, and then you could end up being famous god, I don't know.

Speaker 2:

I think it's way different when you have a family.

Speaker 1:

If you don't have any family or anything, then it's like yeah, but you still have a number like if you're making fifty thousand dollars a month, you wouldn't care, right?

Speaker 2:

I wouldn't think monthly, I would think turn it like in annual terms. All right, so if you're making a million dollars a year.

Speaker 1:

You'd give up that privacy and just be like hey kids, sorry, your dad's a gay freak well, first of all, it wouldn't make me gay no, but if all your fans are gay and you're making content first of all, women are never going to subscribe to this right so your man, if you're going into this business, your clientele will be gay. So even though you're not exactly doing gay stuff, I mean showing your genitals to gay men is kind of a gay act- Not when you're not.

Speaker 2:

I mean, I guess if you're doing stuff with a dude, it's not.

Speaker 1:

Like, when does it begin? Well, no, it's just that men are paying to look at your body. Yeah, but that doesn't have anything to do with me?

Speaker 2:

does it? I don't know, not really. I mean, it's not like I'm interacting. Well, first of all, if I was gonna do that, I would just hire somebody to manage it all, like okay oh great.

Speaker 1:

So now you're not even making a million dollars.

Speaker 2:

I'll do the work, I'll do the work, but then I'm not. I'm not interacting with these people, I'm not going to.

Speaker 1:

All right, I'll make the porn. Why don't you manage my account? You have to edit pictures of my butthole and stuff.

Speaker 2:

It does all sound pretty rough. I wouldn't be proud of it. It's a hard job, it is, yeah.

Speaker 1:

When you hear those girls talk about what their day-to-day is, it is a fucking lot of hours and a lot of work.

Speaker 2:

You know, the worst part would really gotta make you fucking.

Speaker 1:

It's gotta fuck with your head too, the worst part.

Speaker 2:

You gotta spend a lot of time going.

Speaker 1:

What am I doing with my life?

Speaker 2:

if you get really recognizable, that would be the worst part, like if you really but I don't think you would- I don't think.

Speaker 1:

Everywhere you go, people are like yeah, but you wouldn't get.

Speaker 2:

I don't think you would get recognizable from doing gay stuff. I think the only people that really get recognizable are, uh, women.

Speaker 1:

Those are the only ones, I think, and even in those, I think, the only women to get really recognizable from porn are the ones that cross over into meme culture. Huh, like, once you become a meme, you know like, or once you start, or whatever. She's a meme now I think she's more famous for memes than she is for porn I don't know her, but well, I think once you start taking a political stance on things, if, If you saw the meme, you would recognize it's the meme where she's like oh, feck yeah.

Speaker 2:

I'm a porn star and I'm hot on Hamas or whatever.

Speaker 1:

Oh, Jesus Christ.

Speaker 2:

I've got an opinion about Israel. Can you imagine they're just like doing their thing and they stop in the middle to be like and now I just want to talk to you about Israel.

Speaker 1:

I don't have to imagine, I've seen it.

Speaker 2:

Not exactly that, but I've seen it on Twitter.

Speaker 1:

I've seen porn stars on Twitter being pro Hamas and being like well, I guess I can't jerk off to you anymore.

Speaker 2:

I generally don't follow people like that on Twitter.

Speaker 1:

Oh hey. So you know how I'm. I'm, like, you know, a liberal. Uh, what did we call it lib? You know, I'm like a super libtard yeah so I mean, I never, I never called you that? Just for the record oh, all right, I mean, I've always thought that, but I would never say that, Right, yeah yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so yeah.

Speaker 1:

So we were doing some exterior shots at work the other day on the show and I saw a car had a bumper sticker on it that said you know what? Is it? Something, brandon yeah, let's go, joe biden yeah, let's, let's go brandon or whatever, and I go. Whose fucking car is this? And it was the guy that I'm working for. It was like my boss yeah and I was, and he was like that's my car, and I was like why the?

Speaker 2:

fuck, would you do?

Speaker 1:

that like I didn't. Even even then I didn't back off. I was like why the fuck would you do that like I didn't? Even even then I didn't back off. I was like why the fuck would you do that? And uh, it does I. It does seem to have strained the relationship. I think I do feel that he, uh, is a little bit less buddy buddy with me now uh, yeah, it might have just caught. It might have cost me some work.

Speaker 2:

I mean, listen, you can have your own opinion.

Speaker 1:

I kind of regret it, but then I kind of don't regret it.

Speaker 2:

You know, listen, I totally.

Speaker 1:

Fuck, I hope this doesn't cost me work. But then I'm like, well, do I really want to work With someone that has that on their car? It's embarrassing.

Speaker 2:

I mean, if anybody's on the let's go Brandon Train, it's me.

Speaker 1:

But I still think you're entitled to your opinion, but you're not going to put it on your car, but you wouldn't put that on your car for every stranger on the road to get road rage Like no matter what. I don't have an Obama sticker on my car.

Speaker 2:

I mean, I generally don't put anything political on my car, but you know what? I did see a sticker that made me laugh so hard the first time I saw it, which was a uh giant meteor, like 2024 sticker or something giant meteor, yeah like like, let's hope this all ends soon.

Speaker 2:

yeah, that and it. But it had like that political look to it and it was so fun. I've seen it a bunch of times now, but the first time I ever saw it I was like, oh, that's fucking brilliant. That made me laugh so hard. So I'm down with that. Yeah, I mean, I get it. Listen, you're not going to change anybody's mind with a fucking bumper sticker. I'd rather put my video stuff on my truck than some sort of political whatever. Uh-oh, dustin froze, I'm right here.

Speaker 1:

We got to reboot, we got to reboot. Dustin Starting over. We I'm right here, we gotta reboot. We gotta reboot dustin starting over. Anyway, you look you like got that.

Speaker 2:

You got that, joe biden. Look on your face for a second. You look like mitch mcconnell standing there.

Speaker 1:

I was gonna say you mean mitch mcconnell. Okay, oh boy, both of them have done it.

Speaker 2:

I said I think I sent you one with Joe Biden looking so scared for a moment. Like he just saw the fucking face of God and realized he was in deep shit. But he's like standing at the podium on camera and you're like, oh my God, what is that guy seeing? He's like seeing a demon or something.

Speaker 1:

Could you imagine what a shit show would be if he dies Like what? If he dies like two days before election day, the day before election?

Speaker 2:

day Bro is like he's near the end. I mean you look at his face and you're like you don't have much left.

Speaker 1:

It's hard to know, right? Because, like I mean, I've definitely seen people that look way closer to death.

Speaker 2:

I honestly think that once he's done being president, he's maybe got two years.

Speaker 1:

I think he'll be dead within two years after he's done being president, oh so that's six years from now.

Speaker 2:

Maybe. Maybe it's six, maybe it's two, I don't know.

Speaker 1:

Or no, the presidency ends in February. That's seven years from now, Dude.

Speaker 2:

I could see him dying within five I could see him dying today anything could happen anything could happen anything, I'm still gonna vote for him. What's that song?

Speaker 1:

uh, I think you got it, he could he could keep, he could keep living.

Speaker 2:

That's the other crazy thing. Yeah, some people just never fucking die, like. There's actors that I'm like, oh, they're definitely dead, and it's like, no, they're, they're still alive somehow yeah, yeah, some people never die like terry shivo.

Speaker 1:

I mean some people some I don't know who that is, but sometimes you see somebody and you're like, oh, they're definitely gonna die. And then they live like 15 more years and you're like, jesus, how are they fucking? What kind of life is that? I don't want that to be me. I, I don't really. I'm not uh ambitious about living a long time. I just would like to make one movie before I die now we got opiates, you don't have to live so that's another thing that I'm finding out.

Speaker 1:

That's kind of disheartening to me.

Speaker 1:

And I had a similar kind of thing with weddings in Colorado and stuff where, like for me, I did weddings because it was just an opportunity to make videos. You know, it was an opportunity to practice filmmaking. I'm getting to operate cameras, I'm getting to set up lights and then I'm getting to learn how to edit and it was always a stepping stone to making movies. And so when I started meeting other people like and having more peers and stuff that were other wedding videographers, and finding out that, like you know, no, but like other people didn't think that like people were just like, no, I, I am a wedding videographer, cause I love being a wedding videographer, or, uh, you know, or like you, like you want to do documentary and you want to. You know you want to do lifetime, like what does it call? What do you call like, documentaries, following bands and stuff, and like, like you're not really interested in making movies or and then, like Drake just doesn't, hasn't seen any fucking movie for the last like 30 years, and so I'm interested in making documentaries.

Speaker 2:

It doesn't have to be about music, it could be about anything Right.

Speaker 1:

But anyways, my point is it was shocking to me to find out that everyone wasn't like me, that other people aren't dying to make a movie, and so then I was like, well, I'm going to move out here and there's a film scene and at least everybody around here will be kind of the same as me. And now I'm on the show and getting to know people and what they're interested in and what their ambitions are, and I'm learning that, like most of the people on set, they don't really love it. They don't really love making films, they don't really care about the. You know, if they ever make their own film, like they don't have any ambitions to be, you know, like I think, like, oh, everybody here wants to be a dp, or everybody here wants to be a director, and they're just doing this till they can work their way up and then finding out people are like, no, I just uh, I just want to be a grip because the money's good.

Speaker 1:

And then, or the one guy is just straight up like I hate this job, I hate being in film, but I'm, I'm trapped here because you know I can't do anything else and this is.

Speaker 1:

You know, I'm just here for the money and it's. It's been fucking heartbreaking for me a little bit. I mean, I guess it's a good thing, right, like if every single person there was also trying to be a director, cinematographer, that maybe could be fucking make it that much harder for me. But it's also kind of heartbreaking being like I just I don't think it's a good job, I don't think it's a good industry, I don't think it's a good way to have a nice quality of life because of the hours and the instability and and all that stuff that I just feel like you put up with that stuff. If you have this deep passion and this drive to make films, if you're just doing it because it's a good job, there's fucking way better jobs. There's got to be a better way to make money there's gotta be a better way there's gotta be a bet, I don't know.

Speaker 2:

So it's been a little disheartening kind of realizing that I do, I am I just, I guess, I just always think everyone's like me I think the, I think the days of just that fucking lax kind of like I make one movie every four years and I get paid a shit ton and well, there's only like 10 people that in the world that get to do that yeah, I think that I think it was a and I think it was a little more common 20 years ago.

Speaker 2:

I think I think it might be over now. I mean, I don't know, I guess if you already lived that life, then maybe you could keep it rolling somehow based on your reputation. But like God, I don't know, I feel like if you didn't make your money doing that already, like it might be too late. It might be too late. I don't know. Maybe I'm wrong.

Speaker 1:

Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe I'm wrong. I like to think that you and I are gonna be unpredictable time.

Speaker 2:

I like to think that you and I still have a chance at being, uh, matt and trey, parker slash matt. Well, what's the other guy's name? Parker?

Speaker 1:

and I mean, it doesn't. It doesn't seem like we're taking any steps in that direction.

Speaker 2:

No no.

Speaker 1:

That doesn't just happen on accident. We have one big obstacle to overcome, which is you're not that interested in making entertaining content.

Speaker 2:

I'm interested. You know what I mean.

Speaker 1:

Like content, that is specifically for entertainment is what I'm saying. You're not as interested in the entertainment industry. You know what I mean, like content that is specifically for entertainment is what I'm saying I mean you're not as interested in the entertainment industry, as you know, like I don't care about branding, that's like I don't give a fuck about advertising and marketing, and you're more interested in that kind of stuff. I want to make art and I want to make entertainment. Actually, I don't even want to make art, I just want to make entertainment.

Speaker 2:

I would make entertainment. That's funny. Yeah, I don't even know that I, I don't even know that that's my goal I would do. You know what I saw recently that I thought was funny. I saw, um, I hadn't seen it really before and I I haven't seen much of it. I I only saw like two sketches. But I watched like two Shane Gillis sketches on like YouTube and I was like I would make that kind of stuff. That stuff is funny to me. I would enjoy that.

Speaker 1:

But it's not a movie. I don't think you appreciate how difficult that is.

Speaker 2:

I think it's difficult, but I think it's also more doable than making a Spider-Man movie. It's more doable than making an Adam Sandler movie.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Dustin froze up again. Look at him.

Speaker 1:

I had to send off one quick uh email anyway, um, I was definitely engaged in the podcast and everything that you were talking about yeah oh, hey, let's talk about. Let's talk about this. You and I assume you weren't being serious, but you said something about like, let's do a little camping trip and make some kind of video or something.

Speaker 1:

I was being serious you were being Okay, so tell me more about it. Because then I said, show me a video, but then you just sent me the guy's Instagram. I'm not going to sit there and Just send me one video. So I know what you're talking about.

Speaker 2:

Well, you could just watch one video off the Instagram.

Speaker 1:

Well, now that we're here, why don't you?

Speaker 2:

just describe exactly what it is that you want going to take and like what is the point? Uh, I, it really is the guy you might as well tell the audience johnny roams, but there's other people like him, so there's johnny roams, j-o-n-n-y and then roams, but it's all.

Speaker 1:

I think it's all one word on instagram why would you spell johnny and not spell roan?

Speaker 2:

everyone can spell johnny and roams could like roams like oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, r O a M S, but like he roams around, see I would have spelled it R H O M E S.

Speaker 1:

Oh boy, but I for sure would have got Johnny right?

Speaker 2:

No Well, I actually got Johnny wrong, cause I always think of it as J O H, n and Y or something.

Speaker 1:

All right. So what kind of shit does he make, just like, I I like being outdoors. I drive around, I travel the country or first of all is he on camera a little bit only behind camera, I mean, he's mostly behind camera, but it's he's.

Speaker 2:

He doesn't have like a talking role on camera really, he just like Does he voiceover? It's like voiceover, but it's not always even him. You know Like sometimes it's just voiceovers that he finds. You know Like it's not, I don't know, people can watch it, figure it out. But I was like, oh, it'd be cool to just go shoot something like that. That's like 60 seconds long and like a bunch of like locked off tripod shots and like I don't know whatever. I was just thinking it was something we could do while you were here.

Speaker 1:

I'm not saying we need to make a career out of this Well, yeah, no, because my, because you were saying come up in early april, let's do this thing, and like I'm already going to your house later that month anyway. So if we were actually going to do that, the time to do that would be then and I could change my flight and come like two days earlier that's what I was saying, just like you know well, I asked you how long it would take and you didn't really say oh yeah, you did ask me how long it would take and I ignored you, uh I mean, what the fuck?

Speaker 1:

this is why we're not going to betray stone and matt parker like a day or two all right. So where do you want to go?

Speaker 2:

well, that's the thing, most of it. Oh my god, my kid is trying to destroy my yard and by the way, is this really a better plan? Down dude. Why are you trying to break that thing? Do not have children yeah, this is a nightmare. This is a. This is a. This is why you can't record a podcast when you're responsible for two kids. I literally have to lock them out of the house. I have to lock them. I have to lock the door to the house so they don't come inside.

Speaker 1:

It's a problem oh, I have a situation with my dog right now, so the first.

Speaker 2:

Now my kid is holding a camping. Look at that, dude. Put it down, put it down.

Speaker 1:

Your phone is giving me like it's almost an impossible signal. Yeah, they are kind of going wild. It's kids gone wild.

Speaker 2:

I mean, they were basically eating each other out in the backyard, like when we first started I think you should stop talking like that. It's horrible I'm not for it, I'm against it.

Speaker 1:

I'm anti kids licking each other's buttholes all right, but the language I mean, he wasn't licking I don't think there was any tongue, but there was definitely nose all right back to the video thing. Is this, is this concept? Is this really more fruitful than the thing that we always talked about, that we never did? No which was to take a road trip where we were gonna just stop and make.

Speaker 1:

Uh, we're just gonna stop and try to shoot um for stock footage. We were going to just go from town to town to town getting the welcome signs of each city, and anytime we saw a farmer working we'd pull over and try and get footage of that. And if we saw an ambulance we'd pull over and shoot that.

Speaker 2:

Less fruitful If we saw a fire, we'd shoot that. Less fruitful than that, less Less.

Speaker 1:

Less work. Why don't we do that?

Speaker 2:

Because that's like a thing I just thought maybe more enjoyable.

Speaker 1:

You don't think my thing. You don't think that other thing sounds enjoyable stock footage trip.

Speaker 2:

That was my whole idea it was our idea. We came up with it together oh, at the same time we both thought yeah and remember, and I was like with it on a road trip on the way to a wedding, probably.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, no, we said it at the same time.

Speaker 2:

Remember, we were in the car. We both said at the exact same time we said hey, let's take a road trip where we shoot stock footage and I said jinx, shoot stock footage.

Speaker 1:

Jinx, yeah, yeah, just like that. So, stupid and I was like what if?

Speaker 1:

instead of shooting stock footage, we just went around and shot like native people with a gun and you were like what and I was like that would be the ultimate game anyway, I I am not saying no to that whole whatever you want to do thing, but if you want it to happen, you have to like text me back more than like once a week and we have to actually plan it. And I guess I need to watch this fucking guy's videos and see if it's do I. Can we just use your stuff so I don't have to fly with cameras?

Speaker 2:

oh no, I have to ruin my camera because you don't have a 6k and I don't want 4k footage oh my god, you wouldn't want 4k footage on instagram honestly, I don't even instagram, so I don't know.

Speaker 1:

I don't even Instagram, so I don't know. I don't really this. You know what? This is your thing.

Speaker 2:

I'll do it.

Speaker 1:

I'll do it, especially since you're so depressed without me all the time.

Speaker 2:

You know I was. I was listening to Tim Dillon this morning and you know what he said. He's like are people still watching two hour movies.

Speaker 1:

Oh, fuck that guy.

Speaker 2:

I'm not really a big fan. I was, I realized I was like oh, he's kind of got a point because I'm supposed to go see ghostbusters with my buddy aj tonight and I'm like is that that guy that, like, doesn't trim his fingernails?

Speaker 1:

I, I don't know, but I, I was like is he a videographer that has poor hygiene and sometimes, like when he shaves he like, misses a spot. So there's just like a random patch of hair over here.

Speaker 2:

Is that AJ? Yeah, maybe.

Speaker 1:

Or am I thinking of someone else?

Speaker 2:

You might be thinking of the same person, but that was a while ago.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, I don't know.

Speaker 2:

He person, but that was a while ago, yeah, yeah, I don't know, he's not really like that anymore. I don't know what happened, but he kind of just suddenly stopped. Yeah, he like somehow. No, he got, like got with it somehow, but I have to go see. Well, I don't have to, but I agreed to go see ghostbusters with him and I'm like, oh man, I gotta go see ghost. Like he loves movies, like now you're dreading it.

Speaker 2:

But now I'm like man, I don't want to go see the same and honestly, I don't want to see any movie, because I'm realizing they're all the same movies that I saw 20 years ago. Yeah, it's just like different actors.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, the two hours isn't the problem. The problem is that every single fucking movie is you've already seen it right, which is why there is no industry of creating new shit which is why I'm watching pepsi.

Speaker 2:

Where's my jet on netflix? You know, spent four hours of my life watching that series, which is which is fine. It was all right. You can't say two hour.

Speaker 1:

Nobody's gonna watch two hours when it's like well, when the content is good, like listen, people fucking will watch. You know, a hundred hours straight of game of thrones.

Speaker 2:

So it's not the two yeah it's the fact that every fucking movie has already been made. But it is kind of the two hours because people are people are filling their time with way shorter shit, like they don't really care that much about like the length of it anymore. And I asked somebody who watches uh a lot of like netflix and stuff. I was like, wait a minute. So if I made a movie that was like a weird time, like if I made a movie that was 36 minutes, would you watch it?

Speaker 2:

it's not a movie, well, it could be a movie. How do you know? It's not a movie? Well, listen.

Speaker 1:

What defines, if it?

Speaker 2:

was the time.

Speaker 1:

The runtime defines a movie yes, yes, what you're describing is this what about a short?

Speaker 2:

what about okay?

Speaker 1:

it's a long short film.

Speaker 2:

A short movie.

Speaker 1:

A short movie. Look, you could make it, but no one's going to go to the theater to see it. No, they'll watch it online.

Speaker 2:

They said that. I said so, if it's. They said they're like I wouldn't see that in the theater but I would stream it.

Speaker 1:

Right, yeah, I mean what's his name, but everybody's streaming. Like Right, yeah, I mean, but everybody's streaming Like hardly anybody's going to the movie theater anymore. Why are you trying to make me? You're trying to bring me down.

Speaker 2:

I'm not trying to bring you down, I'm trying to make you think of a world outside of the movie theater, because I mean, look, I've already been making short films.

Speaker 1:

It's not dead, but it's like I get it.

Speaker 2:

The movie theater is like've already been making. It's not dead, but it's like.

Speaker 1:

The movie theater is like the mall I, realistically, I don't think I'll ever have a theatrical release. I don't ever think that I'm going to be successful enough to have a studio picture I don't either that's not really my goal, so I am but, but. But I want to make a 90. I want to make 90 minute films 90 minutes, that's my goal 90 minutes. That's a movie and people go oh, 90 minutes. I'll watch that and you can get a whole story in 90 minutes.

Speaker 2:

I bet you will, but I think it'll be Alvin and the Chipmunks.

Speaker 1:

But, like you know, the 9th one um, no, because I won't be making something that's already been made. I'm all. I only want to make original content. I had some pro like I when I was younger before, like before it got to to a point where, like, oh, every single fucking thing ever is a is a remake. I was like, oh, what would I want to remake? And I had couple of things that I'd like to make.

Speaker 2:

But now I'm like Debbie, I don't want to make any.

Speaker 1:

I don't want to. Yeah, of course Um. Dustin does Denver Um and then does Atlanta. And then does Atlanta, does Dustin, yeah, uh, thank you. Alright, I think we should end the podcast on that. I got you to laugh. That's the whole point. I'm gonna stop recording now. We'll talk next week.