VideoBros | Life, Love, Video.

Dustin's Hunger Strike, Stock Footage in Films & Classic TV Theme Songs

VideoBros | life. love. video. Episode 32

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When Dustin decided to embark on a water fasting journey, neither of us expected the fucking rollercoaster of symptoms and mood swings he'd face, especially 18 days in. Listen in as we navigate the often misunderstood world of extended fasting, where Dustin grapples with flu-like symptoms and an obsession with food that contradicts the popular belief of fasting ease. Alongside the health talk, we can't resist a trip down memory lane, humming our favorite classic TV show tunes, and swapping stories about "Boy Meets World" and "Sanford and Son." Plus, we debate the potential impact of AI on creative industries and the fine line between innovation and the loss of the human touch.

Wrapping up, we ponder the peculiar use of stock footage in films and the quirky behind-the-scenes stories that only those in the industry can truly appreciate. It's a packed episode that promises irreverent humor, a bit of nostalgia, and a glimpse into the realities of maintaining health, creativity, and friendship in professional pursuits. So grab your earbuds and a glass of absynth; this conversation is one you won't want to fucking miss.

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Speaker 1:

Hey everybody, michael here with the video. Browse podcast Dustin over there.

Speaker 2:

Hey, it's Dustin, I'm starving Hot Lana.

Speaker 1:

Oh, you're in.

Speaker 2:

Pretty low energy.

Speaker 1:

You're on day no, you're on day 18 of your fast.

Speaker 2:

Day 18 of a water fast. Yeah, and I have no energy. Everything is difficult. The research I'd done, the stuff I read about the third week of long-term fast being like super easy, that was a fucking lie.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

This actually isit sucks, dude. I mean it's going on 18 days or just feeling like I have the flu and I have no energy. It's starting toI mean I'm pushing through and getting stuff done, but I'm definitely moving at a slower pace, so it's hurting my productivity for sure, and I'm constantly thinking about food. It's all I'm thinking about. I've been watching a lot of videos on YouTube of people cooking, planning out. I guess, when this fast is over, I'm going to become a full-time chef, because that's all I watch now.

Speaker 1:

You don't look very smart. You look like your brain is losing water weight.

Speaker 2:

You probablyI think my brain is yeah, I'm definitely slow. I accused my wife of putting the towels away in the wrong drawer and she said that I had done that and I said that's not possible. And she said, yeah, you did it yesterday when you were all ooh, I'm so weak. She made fun of me.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, well, this feels like the appropriate time to ask if you're recording on your end for this podcast.

Speaker 2:

Yes, we're two minutes and 16 seconds into it oh thank God, yeah, thank God. Totally botched that last week. I'm down theI don't know 32 pounds or something. So that's dope 32 pounds in 18 days, that's pretty slick.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I thought you said you weigh 32 pounds.

Speaker 2:

No, don't be ridiculous, I'm still fat as fuck.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, no, I thought it was a joke. I thought you were making a joke.

Speaker 2:

No, no, I've lost like 31, 32 pounds, yeah, so hopefully I'll lose another. I got four days to go. I'm losing about a pound a day now. I was losing about two pounds a day at first. Now I'm losing about one pound a day. So I kind of think in the future, a third week is not worth it. Two weeks is a pretty good fuckingboom. The way I think of it in my mind, though, the first two weeks is how much weight I lost, and the third week is I'm just losing enough weight that I'm just losing all the weight that I'm going to put back on as soon as I start eating, because once I fill up my guts with meals again, I'll probably put on like from what I've read like eight to 12 pounds in about the first seven days or so. So once I get back up to having food in my belly, I'll gain back basically everything that I lost in this third week. So that's what I'm doing it for. So, when it's all said and done, hopefully I will have lost like 25 pounds.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but are you going to change your diet after this or are you going to continue to live moss?

Speaker 2:

No, no, this isno, this is. Did you laugh at that? Yesterday you asked me what are you going to do with your diet plan after this? And I just said live moss.

Speaker 1:

No, my wife thought it was funny, but it actually made me mad. I tend toyou know what I've noticed.

Speaker 2:

No, your wife is the funny one.

Speaker 1:

I tend to get upset at people's life choices.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, me too. I think everybody'snobody knows how to behave.

Speaker 1:

It makes me really angry when, like a friend of mine tells me something and I think they're making a bad choice, I like I stew over it for like a week.

Speaker 2:

Have you been stewing over my fast?

Speaker 1:

I get angry because I was like man, this is awesome, dustin's doing this three week fast. I'm like really impressed and blah, blah, blah. And then you told me you were going to go to Taco Bell afterwards and then I just was like pissed for like the rest of the day.

Speaker 2:

That's a joke. Obviously I'm not going to just go eat Taco Bell. First of all, if I go straight to Taco Bell, I'll end up in the hospital. There's awhat is it called Like refeeding syndrome or something. You can get pretty fucking sick.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, you got to reintroduce yourself slowly with like a bone broth or something.

Speaker 2:

Oh. Jesus what was that it's mostly a luge, but I think there's blood in it. You should probably edit that out. Oh, fuck, yeah. So on day one it's just going to be juices and bone broth. So the juice I'm going to get fresh veggies. I have a juicer and really glad to use it because we bought. I bought like the most expensive juicer on the market. This is like eight or 10 years ago or something.

Speaker 1:

Is this the Vitamix?

Speaker 2:

And my wifeno. No, that's not a juicer, that's a smoothie machine.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, that's a blender, I forgot.

Speaker 2:

That's a blender. It did arguably kind of worth it, like I've seenI've watched a lot of videos. We don't have one. I don't know that we're ever going to go down that road. We have a Ninja, it's fine.

Speaker 2:

But no, the juicer is a Breville and at the time it was like the mostI think it was $350 or $400 or something and my wife was pissed then and I don't even know if we were married back then. I mean, this is like 10 years ago, but I use it like once every three or four years and she's always like we should get rid of that thing. It's expensive and I'm like, no, no, this was a buy it for life purchase, because when you need it, you need it. So yeah, I'm going to be making fresh juice. I'll use kale for the greens, maybe some spinach as well.

Speaker 2:

Not a high yield, it's not a masticating juicer, but that's all going to my greens. I'll throw in maybe a banana sweetens everything up a couple of carrots, some apples green apples make it nice and kind of tart, tangy, anyway. So that's what I'll be drinking, maybe two or three times a day on the first day, and then also I'm going to make bone broth. I've been watching a lot of videos, but I've never done it. But I got to go to a meat market and be like do you have any extra shins around?

Speaker 1:

I'm looking for a foot.

Speaker 2:

Do you have a calf foot? I need a marrow bone, an ox tail, which I found out ox tail is. Do you know what ox tail is? No, all right, here's the shocker. It has nothing to do with an ox. It's part of the cow, it's literally just the cows. It's the very back end of the calf, of the cow. So not the cow's tail, but right before the tail, it's just that strip right there and it's basically a bunch of vertebrae, it's the spine, it's the back of the spine basically, and it's got a bunch of collagen and stuff around it that when you do a bone broth it breaks down and then that's part of the good, healthy shit that you want and anyways.

Speaker 2:

So I'll do that in the pressure cooker, watch a bunch of videos. So I think what I'll do on Monday morning I'll wake up, drink the juice and then I'll immediately start making my bone broth and then by like around lunchtime the broth will be ready. Then day two fresh fruits, maybe a salad and maybe, if that's going well, if I'm digesting that stuff okay, I'm not getting sick or whatever maybe graduate to like a chicken vegetable soup that night, maybe put it over rice, because I don't want to go into noodles and I think maybe a little too soon to get into gluten. What's funny that I said graduate.

Speaker 1:

You guys are looking for a meal plan. Tune into the video breast broadcast.

Speaker 2:

You asked me what my diet plan is after this. This is not really my diet plan. This is more of how to break my fast without ending up in the hospital.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's what's doing, but then. So my plan is to be able to just get back to having, like I had before, like a very strong stomach tour. I could eat any fucking thing, and like my stomach doesn't get upset. You know I can just put down whatever gluten and dairy and meat and cheese, and you know, Taco Bell and whatever. And so I kind of need to get back to that, because what my plan for my diet going forward?

Speaker 2:

I'm going to be working on that show for six weeks as a grip and electric and they'll provide breakfast and lunch. So I'm going to eat whatever they're providing and I'm not going to be like a picky. You know whatever they're serving is what I'm eating. So if production buys pizza, that means I'm having pizza that day, and but I do want to keep losing weight. So I'm going to think about either maybe skipping dinners which they don't provide, or if that's just like I'm so hungry I can't sleep at night, and or it's, you know, like if that's a problem, then I'll go to just maybe fasting every Sunday or every Saturday.

Speaker 2:

So you know I'll, instead of losing, you know, 35 pounds in 18 days, I'll transition into trying to lose a pound a week, basically, and you know, then if I get a break in my camp like obviously I'm not super pumped to do another fast right now, but I think by the time I get to the weight I want to be, I'm sure I'll do a bunch more fasts. I don't know if I ever do 21 days again, but I think I might do seven days maybe, maybe 10 or 14, something like that. I have a feeling I'll do this, you know, three or four more times to get down to. I want to be 170 pounds.

Speaker 2:

So I don't know if that's possible, but I'm going to go for it.

Speaker 1:

It'll probably take me two years to get there, Dude that would be the next two years. That would be crazy, I know. I mean you would weigh you're saying you'd want to weigh 24, 25 more pounds than me.

Speaker 2:

I'm saying I would have lost 125 pounds. There you are.

Speaker 1:

I don't even know if that's possible. Yeah, sure it is, I feel like, 200 is a better weight for you.

Speaker 2:

All right, well, we'll see when we get there, but 171 is my goal. 171 is what I wrestled in high school. So if I could get back there, even if I get there and I'm like, oh, I don't like this, like I'm way too frail, whatever, but you know, like the heaviest weight on the Tour de France in the last like 30 years was 175 pounds. So you know how am I gonna be out there riding a bike at 200 pounds Ridiculous.

Speaker 1:

In the Tour de France.

Speaker 2:

What are you saying? It's too late for me.

Speaker 1:

I do hope you make it your mission to prove me wrong. That would be pretty cool.

Speaker 2:

Do you know who rode the Tour de France, not officially, but after it was over?

Speaker 1:

John Daly.

Speaker 2:

No, who's that the golfer?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

No, fuck, I don't know his name. Look at him up, it's Ethan something. He was an actor. He was the big fat kid on Ethan.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Blimey's World. He was the bully, oh nevermind, he was a poet, he was a big boy and then he was also on. My Name is Earl. Anyways, that dude, and there's a bunch of podcasters.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I know who you're talking about. He was in Blow.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, he's pretty jacked now. Was he in Blow?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, he was the fat guy in Blow. He was the fat guy in every movie he was in.

Speaker 2:

He has cocaine in the trunk. The old car is full of cocaine. He was in Remember the Titans. There's cocaine in the trunk. Yes, he was in Remember the Titans, that was like his big breakout, him and Gosling. Boy Mints World was his big breakout, was it? Yeah, gosling was sunshine. Yeah, boy Mints World was way before. What movie were you just talking about?

Speaker 1:

Step by step Boy Mints World. I don't know how any of you thought it was. It's two different shows, it's way two different shows.

Speaker 2:

No, step by step, day by day, that's step by step. Boy Mints World was when this boy meets world. Boy Mints World, Wandering down this road that we call life.

Speaker 1:

God, that sounds so emo. They were like emo before emo existed. Huh Boy Mints World.

Speaker 2:

I do love opening credits.

Speaker 1:

I liked Family Matters a lot.

Speaker 2:

I wanted to oh my God, everyone does Do-do. Do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do and it's a rare condition In this day and age To read any good news on the newspaper page With love and tradition of a grand disaster.

Speaker 1:

Some people say it's even harder to find. Hard to find. Well, there must be some magic, something where there's a side of these gentle wild wild holes. And the B-bobby-de-boo-boo.

Speaker 2:

I don't even remember the rest.

Speaker 1:

That's a good one, it's so good, and then there's that little guitar solo. When they finally got syndicated, they added like a little guitar solo, didn't they? They're like we gotta spice it up for WGN.

Speaker 2:

You know what also is a great theme song. It didn't have any lyrics to it, but one of the probably the greatest theme song ever is Sanford and Son. Did you ever watch Sanford and Son, or Wee Racists?

Speaker 1:

No, I didn't. It was way before my time and then not one of the things that I ever like.

Speaker 2:

It was definitely way before my time, but it was on like UPN or something during the daytime Syndicate. Really it would come on during the day, yeah, so like when you were home from school in the summer or if you ever were home sick or something. You watch your prices, right, obviously. And then you get right into Sanford and Son maybe pick up Golden Girls.

Speaker 1:

I never, really, I never saw it, I never saw it.

Speaker 2:

Jam Beats. It keeps going, but you get the idea.

Speaker 1:

Does that?

Speaker 2:

sound familiar to you at all, or do you?

Speaker 2:

just hate America, dude, you should definitely check it out. It's a good theme song. It was a good show too. I love that show. What's brilliant to me about it too is like I didn't realize until, like much older looking at it, they had like they had almost nothing to deal with as far as sets, like they had their living room and their kitchen. And then there's the living room. They just would block it over by the door, over by the couch, over by this wall, over in the back, over here. Somebody would come down from the stairs maybe. But like to do a whole show like episode after episode, season after year after year after year, and the whole fucking thing, just like it's basically right, there they're a living room, maybe they go to the kitchen and everyone throw out, I mean that's. I think maybe they could go out on the front door. Maybe they had he could open the door and kind of maybe somebody could be standing there. Esther.

Speaker 1:

Never seen it Wow.

Speaker 2:

It's about Fred G Sanford, and the G stands for Jack.

Speaker 1:

I've heard of it. I've never, I've literally never watched an episode.

Speaker 2:

But I should, it's real good. I should, it's real good. Yeah, I mean, I feel like classic sitcomery Step on the snap. So tell me about how you're helping to end artists as a, as a type of person. You're contributing to the demise of everything that makes us feel like life is worth living.

Speaker 1:

Go ahead. I'm just doing a little AI experimentation, just getting sucked into AI. You're canceled bud Getting sucked right in. I'm going to.

Speaker 2:

I'm going to resist AI as much as possible. I will say there's only one thing where I'm like well, I guess if AI could do this, I'd let it. What is it If? If I got back into being a wedding videographer, which is kind of on my mind, if I got back into that, I love how this podcast is basically.

Speaker 1:

You just getting sucked back into wedding videography week after week.

Speaker 2:

Over the course of about three years. Yeah, I mean, I'm not there yet. I'm not there yet, but it's definitely something that I'm I'm thinking about. One thing like one problem is like starting a whole company up from scratch. I'm only going to do that one more time. If I do it ever, I'd rather do it zero times, but if I'm going to do it again, it's going to be the last time, and so I don't feel confident that I'm going to. I don't just don't know that I want to do it here, like if that's going to be my life, what's the fucking point of me living out here? What was the point of me moving to a film hub? So it's kind of like, if I'm going to do that, I'm either moving back to Texas or I'm moving back to Colorado, and next time I move that, wherever I go, that's where I'm going to die. So are there a lot of black people in Atlanta Exclusively.

Speaker 2:

I'm the only white person I've ever met and I haven't seen another whitey in months. The only time there's ever been a white person here is when you flew here.

Speaker 1:

I feel like I've been in the wedding videography. I've been in the game for so long. No, I've been doing this for so long and I can literally count on one hand how many black people have been my clients. It's less than. It's less than this many. He's holding up five fingers.

Speaker 2:

When I, so you know, I started in Texas and I marketed and pretty equally in Austin, dallas and Houston and back then it wasn't a lot but I did a handful of black weddings in Houston.

Speaker 1:

I don't think they're into it as much. I think white that's like a white person thing. White people like it.

Speaker 2:

I don't think black people really care. It's a rich person thing, it's the economy.

Speaker 1:

I would agree.

Speaker 2:

I would agree, except for you think black people don't want memories of their wedding? What are you talking about? It's a very expensive luxury that we provide. It's $5,000, $6,000.

Speaker 1:

Or more.

Speaker 2:

Or 10, $15,000. Or more, no, don't be an asshole.

Speaker 1:

I'm trying to be, I'm not saying nobody's ever charged more than that.

Speaker 2:

Come on, I do kind of think about that also. That wedding that we did, was that me and you, or was that me and Mike Novelli, where we worked with those guys that were oh it was me and Novelli, you and Novelli.

Speaker 2:

Me and Novelli did a wedding with these guys that are like luxury photographers and they charge like $50,000 for that wedding and that's their average prices. They said most of them are at least $35,000 for most weddings they do and then usually by the time it's over they upcharge them on a bunch of other stuff and sell them prints and books and add on extra sessions and stuff like that, and the most weddings are $50,000 for them and they teach a course on how to go after that market and how to do that business. I kind of thought about it. I thought about it in a way that it kind of turned my stomach and it made me sick to be like, oh, I did this job for like fucking 15 years and I didn't even know that was possible.

Speaker 2:

You mean to tell me I could do one wedding a year? No, I think if you make that much, you then you go like, yeah, let's do it every month and become fucking wealthy. But that's one of the reasons why I kind of has made me think about wanting to get back in, because I'm like, well, what would it? How would I position myself to be able to grab one of those or two of those? And maybe not even on that level, but can I get 15 grand? Can I get 20 grand for a job that I used to do for $3,500?

Speaker 1:

I sent out a 12 K quote and Didn't get it, though I mean you never know. Like sometimes they get back to you later, but I don't know, I don't suspect that I'll get it.

Speaker 2:

I did one this year.

Speaker 1:

I think most of those people that most of those people that charge that much. They like to act like they're doing a volume play and charging that much, and most of the people that are doing that are not getting the volume.

Speaker 2:

They're maybe doing like two or three weddings a year, but they're fine with that.

Speaker 1:

Maybe six.

Speaker 2:

I don't wanna do like. Six is the most I would ever wanna do, Even if I start another business, I'm not gonna do more than six.

Speaker 1:

That's what you think, Certainly never more than 12. But the problem is you do those six and every one of them is very stressful because you feel like you're out of practice. For me when I notice when.

Speaker 1:

I do fewer weddings, I'm stressed out way more at each one versus if I do Cause you're not in the groove. Yeah, Like this year, I have a weekend where I'm doing three in a row. Like three days in a row, three different weddings. It's gonna be horrible, but when I do them, everything's gonna be going so fast back to back to back to back to back that I'm not gonna have time to really be nervous.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you know, I've noticed throughout my career that, like those first spring weddings, you do feel a little sloppy. You don't feel like not exactly sharp, you're not quite on the ball, Maybe you miss things by a few seconds or maybe something like oh yeah, I shoulda, whatever. Not a disaster and not anything that like the client could ever pick on, and probably not even anything that shows up in your final delivered work. But you feel it, you know. And then, like by the time you're like in the summertime, you're like fucking super in the groove, you know way on top of your game, just everything's going perfectly. And then by the end of fall you're just like I fucking been doing this shit. Like now you start to slip again cause you're starting to cut corners, cause you're starting to get like overworked and you've been doing it too much that you're just like, ah, fuck man, Like what's the fucking point? Do I really need to clean this, All of my lenses before every job? Do I really need to charge all these batteries? I bet I have enough battery if I don't double check on. I think you know it's just like all right, I guess. Okay, sunset photos too.

Speaker 2:

We've already done like four portrait sessions, but okay, yeah, I guess it's the sunset. We already did that one an hour ago, cause you said that we weren't gonna be able to do the sunset, so we got that out of the way. But now it turns out you are available sunset, so, yeah, let's go do that fucking fifth portrait session. I don't know. You know like you start to get a little, but if I just did like four weddings a year, you know, I don't think I'd get to that point.

Speaker 2:

And as far as like staying sharp, like I don't know, I just have to hope that I'm doing enough non-wedding work that I'm sharp from other shit. Or I just have to go like, hey, I have one of my four weddings and I'm being paid 15 grand for it, so what I'm gonna go do is go just grab my camera and shoot around town and I'm gonna go through all my equipment and I'm gonna look at their schedule and I'm gonna mentally walk myself through it. You like to do that right Before a wedding, don't? You like to sit down and close your eyes and visualize the whole day?

Speaker 1:

No, you don't.

Speaker 2:

No, I just wanna know. I got that from you. I thought you do that.

Speaker 1:

I might have.

Speaker 2:

I'm thinking of someone else it's the only thing or someone that gives a shit Now that I think about it.

Speaker 1:

I might have started doing that while taking a shower before the. Maybe I did for a period of time, but I don't do it now, cause now I'm so just like over it.

Speaker 2:

Maybe I'm thinking, do you do that with the equipment? Maybe not the day, but do you sit there and think about, like when you're on a destination, like where the checking. Honestly dude I could just warn you. You do something like this.

Speaker 1:

At this point, I'm so over it and I'm so embarrassed with myself when I'm at a wedding that I just I pretend to like. I pretend like I'm Edward Snowden and nobody likes me.

Speaker 2:

Well, you've always been a quiet guy. I pretend like I'm in the thought of my life, like Julian Assange or something, and I so when I look over to you and you're really quiet and you just look like you're just, you know, comfortable and confident, you're actually having a panic attack.

Speaker 1:

I've done it so many times that I probably am pretty comfortable overall. I mean you always look comfortable.

Speaker 2:

I've never seen you look stressed at a wedding ever.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but I also don't ever want to look like I'm stressed, so even when I'm stressed I probably look fine. People probably don't know that I'm stressed.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's definitely something I'm gonna change going forward. If I ever do it again, I'm gonna be a lot stressed.

Speaker 1:

You look stressed out at every wedding all the time. Every time I look over at you, you look like the most stressed out human being on the planet.

Speaker 2:

How do I stop that Cause I not necessarily am. Sometimes. It's not necessarily stressed, it's just more like I'm on, like I'm just fucking ready to go. You know what I mean.

Speaker 1:

I like how your whole body convulsed when you said I'm on.

Speaker 2:

On Like I'm just I'm ready.

Speaker 1:

You're starting to get a little bit Like I'm alert.

Speaker 2:

I'm alert, I'm focused, I'm in the game, I'm paying attention, I'm fucking anticipating, I'm ready and I can see how. To some people. Yeah, yeah, who's willing? Which one of you?

Speaker 1:

ladies out there is willing.

Speaker 2:

Maybe I shouldn't drink coffee before weddings.

Speaker 1:

You should I don't know, Do any. You should, literally not even. You should wake up and just be at one.

Speaker 2:

I should just never be a wedding videographer, you do.

Speaker 1:

It does seem like it's not quite.

Speaker 2:

15 years was enough.

Speaker 1:

It doesn't seem like you're calling, but I used to.

Speaker 2:

I mean, I feel like in my early years I was fucking really successful.

Speaker 1:

Hey, what's a job? This is a great question. What's a job that's good for someone with insane anxiety, where you'd want someone to be like, really like alert and hyper vigilant?

Speaker 2:

Not somebody that's trying to avoid anxiety.

Speaker 1:

You're saying like you should be like an air traffic controller.

Speaker 2:

I don't know.

Speaker 1:

I mean Fuck land now. Fuck, fuck land now. Land now. Flight 357, land now.

Speaker 2:

I don't think that'll help. I don't think that would help.

Speaker 1:

No, maybe it would.

Speaker 2:

I don't think anxiety is the right word for what you're describing.

Speaker 1:

There's this fucking planes exploding in Atlanta.

Speaker 2:

Every job, every job would be better done by a person who remains calm. That's the truth. Calmness is the virtue.

Speaker 1:

No, matter what the job is.

Speaker 2:

Oh boy, well, I mean there is. You can take it too far. I've also, and I'm sure. Well, maybe you don't feel this way, but have you ever hired people who worked with seconds that are just like have no hustle and you're just like guy, now's the time to do the fucking job hustle.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I've noticed the people that are employed in the corporate world.

Speaker 2:

They're fucking slow.

Speaker 1:

Like and nothing means anything to them. They can lose half of a reception recording of all the toasts and be like ah, whoops, and like it's almost like they don't feel anything.

Speaker 2:

Right, oh yeah, and me and you just want to hang ourselves.

Speaker 1:

It's like you live in a different world.

Speaker 2:

There's no consequences, nothing matters. Hey man, whatever happens, I'm gonna be doing something different in two years, so who gives a shit? Yeah, yeah. Whereas for me every audio file is the most important. Like this is my mission.

Speaker 1:

Like this is why I'm alive. I think that's everybody who works for somebody else. They kind of have that like whatever mentality versus the people who work for themselves.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and then I also think maybe, if I'm gonna go back into that industry, maybe this time go as a stills guy. I've always felt like they make more money with the less work.

Speaker 1:

It makes more sense if you're gonna get into the wedding industry just be a photographer or a planner.

Speaker 2:

It's way more I don't know it's way more profitable.

Speaker 1:

Even planning seems hard.

Speaker 2:

I don't think I'm suited for planning.

Speaker 1:

No, you would freak out.

Speaker 2:

I don't think I do a good job. It's just. That is not my personality at all.

Speaker 1:

You wouldn't do a good job you would cave in the heads of, like so many mothers I would you think I would be yelling at people? Mobs would be just getting obliterated left and right. You'd be like bearing. The problem for you with being a wedding planner is you'd be bearing bodies Like you would spend so much time at these venues, like kind of near the parking lot but like offsite, a little bit like bearing people.

Speaker 2:

What are you saying? Are you just saying I'm a murderer?

Speaker 1:

Are you?

Speaker 2:

saying everyone that was a problem. I would just be like well, you have to be eliminated. Dj, you didn't bring fresh batteries for your microphone.

Speaker 1:

Remember when we were driving home from Aspen from that wedding and you were like those people were taking pictures on the cliff side and you were like, man, we could just isn't it crazy? We could just push them right off.

Speaker 2:

We could push those people right off and keep driving. No one would ever know. You think like that too. Don't act like I'm the only one.

Speaker 1:

Well then I leaned on, I said that would be the ultimate game, wouldn't it?

Speaker 2:

Oh, you said that's the ultimate game.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and then you looked at me horrified, like I was an insane person, even though you brought it up.

Speaker 2:

I only brought it up because I know I was making fun of you, because I know that's how you think.

Speaker 1:

No, no, no.

Speaker 2:

Because I know you are obsessed with killers.

Speaker 1:

It'd be fun for a little bit.

Speaker 2:

Do you think I should start dying my beard?

Speaker 1:

You look like Wolfman Jack.

Speaker 2:

It's gotten very gray, like it's very gray for my age. I'm not you know I'm not quite 37. And my beard is white for most of it.

Speaker 1:

I always wanted to do a Just for men commercial.

Speaker 2:

Uh-huh, what's the commercial?

Speaker 1:

Just for gay, oh no, no, no, not just for gay, although that could be another product line Touch of gay.

Speaker 2:

Touch of gay. How does it work? What does it do for you?

Speaker 1:

It's the same as touch of gray, except another man puts the stuff in your hair for you.

Speaker 2:

But the same result.

Speaker 1:

It's not like if you use this dye.

Speaker 2:

It's not like if you use this dye now you have to sit to pee or something.

Speaker 1:

It's the same dye, it's just a different method of applying it, which is another dude's hand running through your hair.

Speaker 2:

I mean look how white. It's ridiculous. I don't know. I always thought it would be cool. My beard went gray. Personally I like it, but I'm just like I wonder if people are looking at me going. This guy's too old to hire to be a grip.

Speaker 1:

Dude. Honestly, if you just so, I never shave all the way down to the skin. I just use the shortest guard on the razor and that's it. So I always have a five o'clock shadow, basically.

Speaker 2:

You don't shave your cheeks or your neck.

Speaker 1:

No I have to do that I use it on the same guard, but you just trim it.

Speaker 2:

You don't razor shave your neck, no, I look significantly cleaner and sharper when I shave my neckline and my cheekline.

Speaker 1:

I would too, but I'm here here than you though. No, I don't think so.

Speaker 2:

There's basically no break between my beard and my chest hair, so I have to make a border in there.

Speaker 1:

We're both pretty hairy. I do not do the neck because at doing it at home it's like my skin is too sensitive, I always start bleeding and blah, blah, blah.

Speaker 2:

Oh, I have a ridiculously rigorous process because I have callix where in my neck, so down, especially on the right side. No matter which direction I shave in, it's bad. I'm shaving against the grain, no matter what. I'm either shaving against the grain right here or I'm shaving against the grain one millimeter to the side of it. I mean because it grows in every direction. So first I'll only shave after a long hot shower, so that'll soften my skin a bunch. And then I use a shaving cream that is like a unscented for sensitive skin. It's like the kind of a tub. I use a badger brush and I whip up my own shaving cream. I don't use that can stuff. Oh, that's crap. And then I use a double-edged safety razor.

Speaker 1:

I only use whole fat cool whip.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. And then when that's over, I rub my neck down with a ice cube to very quickly cool and shrink those pores back up before blood can start gushing out. And then I put on a balm after the balm. So that's my routine and that has minimized my razor burn. It would not just raise it, not just the feeling of the burning, but like those red dots you know where it looks like. You've had like a breakout, like a rash, yeah. So I've pretty much gotten rid of that. Took me a couple years figured it out and I'll tell you the product. Hold on, oh, I'm looking for my phone. I'm talking to you on it. You know what I need to order more.

Speaker 1:

I just do the thing where I'm like. This is who I am. Everybody you know how like some girls don't shave their armpits.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, my sister is one of them.

Speaker 1:

Oh, a dry skin that's.

Speaker 2:

My sister, trufit and Hill, by the way, is the company and I use. They have one that's like unscented, it's like the, it's like for sensitive skin. You have a sister, it's English. You haven't met my sister.

Speaker 1:

I don't know.

Speaker 2:

Do you know? I mean, do you know how many siblings I have? I'm shocked that you don't.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Right, I'm one of four.

Speaker 1:

So I guess right.

Speaker 2:

Two boys. You've met my older brother maybe.

Speaker 1:

I met the one that looks like Connor McGregor.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's my older brother. I never thought of that, but sure, connor McGregor.

Speaker 1:

I didn't know you had a sister. Is she hot?

Speaker 2:

She's my sister.

Speaker 1:

But yeah, would you bang her. She's an attractive lady.

Speaker 2:

Do you like? You're such a fucking animal. What's wrong with you?

Speaker 1:

I guess not. She doesn't shave her armpits. Is she more submissive or more dominant?

Speaker 2:

She's not submissive, she's a liberal.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

She's a strong feminist.

Speaker 1:

Uh-oh, that's awesome and she's an intellectual she's Yikes. I like him with self-esteem personally.

Speaker 2:

She's more or less most of her career has been in academia, so she's a good student. Ultimate comfort Shaving cream. Oh yeah, ultimate comfort One time purchase.

Speaker 1:

How is this not the number one podcast in America?

Speaker 2:

This is the most meaningless, meandering, fucking, worthless conversations.

Speaker 1:

It's a nice break, though, right, we could be working or cleaning out our garage or whatever.

Speaker 2:

To me it is inconvenient because I was right in the middle of cleaning my garage, although, and then the other thing is, you know, I'd describe to you I'll have no energy and I'm just like very weak. Yeah, I, you know, when this is over, there's a decent chance that I'll have a difficult time getting productive again. Today, like, I'm not going to be in the mood to. Oh, also, I should be editing on that movie right now and I just like Oof. I got up today and I was like there's just no fucking way. There's just no way. Oh man, I'm going to spill some tea. I guess nobody's there. This is not going to get back to anybody because nobody listens to the podcast. So we had the actors over to do a voiceover and ADR thing, and it was the two lead actors, that's for Cold X, wendy or whatever. No, that's the show that I'm working on.

Speaker 2:

That hadn't started yet where I'm just a grip. This is the movie that I was the DP on, and so the movie has features quite a bit of stock footage which I'm not a fan of, and I mean I think some of the choices are I'm not pleased about, but at the end of the day it's not my movie.

Speaker 1:

So how does stock footage match up in terms of an aesthetic?

Speaker 2:

It doesn't. I was going to say it seems almost impossible, it's super out of place, not even with enough color grading and whatever.

Speaker 2:

I'm going to do my best, I'm going to do my damnedest to make it look, but I think if you ever watch this movie which I don't recommend I think that if you were with me, you would easily be able to go that's stock right. Yeah, that's stock right. Every single time it happened, you would know immediately it just it looks like an AI generated YouTube video about reviews. You ever go to look up a review for something and you find this top five, blah, blah, blah. And you click on it and you realize like, oh, it's all stock footage with the robot voice. That's what this, that's what parts of this movie.

Speaker 2:

But anyway, there's, there's one, there's one shot in particular that is so ridiculous. It's just such a silly abstract thought that, like I think anybody would be like what the fuck was that? And and the actor sent me. So we showed them a couple of scenes and a couple hours later that day he sent me a DM and it was.

Speaker 2:

I think it was sweet how much time he put into trying to find a way to tactfully say take that shit out of the movie. But like it was really tactfully, it was like I just want to show you, I just tell you how much I appreciate all the work you guys have done and I think what you've guys have done is amazing and blah, blah, blah and like just compliment, compliment, compliment and whatever. That being said, in my opinion this element, though creative, might be a slight distraction. It could potentially devalue the film. I share these thoughts with the utmost respect and understanding that the project is still a work in progress. Your commitment to excellence is evident and I trust your judgment in making this film something we can all be exceptionally proud of.

Speaker 1:

Dude it sounds. I'm pretty sure this dude is using AI to send his emails.

Speaker 2:

I just had to tell him like, oh, dude, I hate all this fucking shit too. It is not my movie. I was like, dude, I'm with you too and part of me. I feel two things.

Speaker 1:

One I am Hold on answer this question for me because I don't understand the decision to use stock footage Like where did that come from? Aren't you making a movie? Why would you even want stock footage? Wouldn't that be a no-go right from the start?

Speaker 2:

I feel the same way you feel. Yes, obviously I'm not the director, I'm not the producer, so it's not up to me. Yes, your thinking is correct. It is an insane thing to do, to be like, yeah, let's fill in.

Speaker 1:

Also like you could, never, you couldn't. How does that work? Because you even like. What if it was great? What if the movie turned out to be awesome but it had stock footage in it? Could you even? How would you deal with that? He's done this, but this is legally like if you wanted to sell it or you wanted to license it or you wanted to whatever.

Speaker 2:

No, it's licensed on. It's licensed. He's buying a license for it. This is what's going on on to be. This is why you and I don't watch to be. This is what's going on out there. This is what people are.

Speaker 1:

I mean, listen, the entire movie had like a eight thousand dollar budget or something mm-hmm, I mean, I've seen stock footage used in like Documentaries and stuff where they're doing kind of like these re-enactments or whatever well, I'll tell you how it's mostly used, as like establishing shots, mmm, a lot of it is establishing like aerial drone establishing shots.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that kind of stuff in front of buildings, that kind of thing.

Speaker 1:

It's like we need that we need the capital of Texas and yeah fly over with the capital building in the flag.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so it's a lot of that. And then it there's. There's a montage where they're falling in love and it's got like just, I guess, crossfading in and out of roses dropping and cherries in a bowl of water and, um, what do you want me to say? It's not good.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, hey, I. I can't see you. I'm looking at your ceiling.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah.

Speaker 1:

Actually it's. It's worth that. Let's just put it.

Speaker 2:

Fuck you. That response that I got from that actor made me realize like, oh, people are not gonna get that. This wasn't my idea. People are like. The way he was approaching me, I was like, oh no, he thinks that that's what I want. I thought it would be clear that this is, you know, not my call, like I. So now I'm just worried that, like people are not gonna be able to watch this and then realize like, like, basically what I'm trying to say is that now I'm weary of having my name on this because, because it doesn't represent me well, but I did it. Yeah, because I'm just you know what I mean, like I said yesterday, child exactly what I was getting into, so I'm like I'm doing that like everybody's.

Speaker 2:

Everybody's job on a movie is to serve the director and in this case and in this case the producer is kind of the director is a. Very the titling isn't really proper in this movie. Really the director is the producer, except for on set. He technically wasn't a. It's confusing, but like it's not my fucking movie and it's not my choice, and so it's like, yeah, I try to argue for better choices, but at the end of the day the guy gets what he wants paid for it. It's his movie, it's his vision. So then I put it out there and like, dude, I even had one of the actresses Recommend me for a role and said that they thought I did a great job directing on this movie and I had to make I was not the director. I was not the director just because the the director that's actually the director wasn't in the room and the director that is getting the director Credit wasn't really doing anything. I was not the director. Don't tell people, I directed this.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, it's, nuts it's just like it's too late for me to. I feel like it's too. And how do I say like, hey, I want to use a fake name. I did this whole thing for an IMDb credit, so I. Think, I just need to take the IMDb credit, because people will look at my IMDb list and they will not go watch the movie right.

Speaker 1:

No, nobody will look at your eye. And then?

Speaker 2:

if I get into, like if I get into a negotiation to you know where I'm having a meeting about DP, another film. Hopefully in that conversation I can explain like listen, there's some stuff in here, there's some stock footage that I need you to know. Like that's not my like, this film is not my creative vision and also, there's only so much a Camera. There's only so much camera in light. It can do with horrible sets.

Speaker 1:

When are you gonna be done with this project that you are ashamed of? Oh?

Speaker 2:

I'm quitting on Thursday, no matter what.

Speaker 1:

It is Thursday.

Speaker 2:

No week from today.

Speaker 1:

Oh, next, next Thursday. Next Thursday you will not tolerate anymore.

Speaker 2:

Well, because I already told him I have a hard out. That's when I started my show, and the show did get pushed back a week, but I didn't tell him that, hmm, so that's sure I'm working 12 hour days on an actual Pay like this job didn't pay me enough to keep going, to be honest, and we're now at a point where, like a lot of the notes and stuff he's sending me, is like bro, you said this scene was perfect three weeks ago. I'm not. We're not doing this. It sucks to work on.

Speaker 1:

I mean I will say you're not proud of. Yeah, it's awful, or you're ashamed of like you have to hide a shame of it Like I don't want anybody know that I did.

Speaker 2:

This Reminds me of when I bang that midget.

Speaker 1:

It's like you don't want anybody to know.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you keep that to yourself.

Speaker 1:

I was just doing it for her, not for me right.

Speaker 2:

That's why you get your own hotel room when you go to a bachelor party.

Speaker 2:

You're just trying to help this, the people the other thing is like Some of the people that are in the movie that worked on them, like a lot of people worked on this thing and a lot of people were in this thing, and I want like if they're, if they're proud of it, or if they think it's good or they like it, they're glad they're in it. I don't want to poo poo it, so I'm not gonna like just go there, hey, just so you know, I think this thing fucking sucks. But at the same time, if I go out there and I'm like, yeah, I'm really check out this movie we made, I'm really proud of it, ba-ba, didn't somebody watches it, and then they think that that's what I think is acceptable. It's Not acceptable, it's not watchable. So it's a weird fucking thing.

Speaker 2:

So, like getting that email from that actor and I'm just like, oh no, he thinks this is what I can do. He thinks this is what I am. He thinks I'm this. He thinks this choice was something that I would do. Mm-hmm, that was upsetting, yeah, but Whatever, you know, at the end of the day, like Some of the stuff that I like the most amazing shit I've ever done Fucking. Nobody knows about it, nobody saw it, so why would I worry about, like, why would I worry about people, you know, finding this piece of shit and judging me, when people are definitely not gonna find the shit that I want to name me for? Like, the best work I did was is Not mine, you know, it was when I was working with John and I.

Speaker 2:

Wasn't even allowed to take footage for real. So it's like Nobody's ever gonna know that I fucking Went up to Alaska and shot fucking whales off of the side of the boat without throwing up. I Was gonna know that I you know Film scientists on the North Pole fucking taken a 40 mile snowmobile ride out to get it and fucking camera froze and I Mean fucking dope ass shit. It's just I did it and I know I did it. Nobody else knows I did it, so why would I worry about? You know, people will see in this movie and be like I guys fucking lost his mind, you know? Oh, that guy's fucking corny.

Speaker 1:

That's an interesting part of like making videos and stuff.

Speaker 2:

We're like they go away, they go, they don't, you don't have a legacy.

Speaker 1:

What's the difference between somebody like George Lucas, steven Spielberg, michael, bit like those people seem to James Cameron. They seem to kind of get credit for stuff but then, like you know, other people who made like a really cool movie or whatever, they don't, nobody knows their name. You know what I mean.

Speaker 2:

Well, I think part of them were those that they were pioneers.

Speaker 1:

It's just the hit after hit, after hit, kind of thing.

Speaker 2:

It's the longevity, it's the repeatability. You know, like if Spielberg had made Jaws and then never made another movie, I don't think we would know his name, you and I Right.

Speaker 2:

People make great shit and then so yeah, part of it is the part of is that they were a little bit pioneers. Like you know, when Star Wars came out, there had never been anything like it, and now there's tons of sci-fi movies, there's tons of space movies, there's Star Trek, there's Star Wars, there's fucking battlefield galactica like there's. You know it can be done on a TV scale. Now you know it's it's. And Star Wars itself there's too much of it. So the fact there was groundbreaking, it was probably. It was like holy shit. But I think the longer film goes, the less and less like it's not that. It's not that often that you go see something. You're like I've never seen anything like this before, although I did experience that this week. I'd say poor things Is like fuck. I never seen anything like that before. It's not for everybody. It's a Shocking amount of nudity. With Emma Stone and see her doing that. Yeah, dude, she's getting fucked every goddamn. She's taking it from behind. She's getting fucked up against the wall. She's masturbating.

Speaker 1:

This is a movie.

Speaker 2:

See, yeah, it's fucking wild. What movie is that? It's called poor things poor things out. Yeah, it's on the theaters a couple days ago, wow.

Speaker 1:

It's fucking.

Speaker 2:

It's a wild fucking movie.

Speaker 1:

It's. There's no stunt acting in it.

Speaker 2:

No, it's just her neck it a lot I.

Speaker 1:

That's crazy is in it as well.

Speaker 2:

This is recent mark Ruffalo I saw in the theaters this week.

Speaker 1:

Oh, how old is she?

Speaker 2:

I Don't know our age, maybe, maybe, probably younger, younger than us. I don't know. Huh, look it up, did you see?

Speaker 1:

I'm not allowed to. My wife has a blocker on my.

Speaker 2:

You can't look. Your wife has a Emma Stone age blocker.

Speaker 1:

Dude, I can't even look up like half my shopping list.

Speaker 2:

I'm both glad and a little bit upset that you told me that your wife said it was funny when I said live moss. I'm glad that she thinks funny somebody should. But how much of the fucking shit that we. How often do you go like look what Dustin said to people, because you keep reporting back to me about your trainer's thoughts on my life and I don't fucking know the guy. I don't I really don't want to know. Fuck about him. Why not? And I don't? I want him to keep my name.

Speaker 1:

He doesn't know who you are. Yeah, first of all, I didn't tell him your name. You're an anonymous friend that I have. I'm just trying to get. I'm just trying to get an expert's opinion.

Speaker 2:

There's too many of those. There's more expert opinions. Yeah fitness space than any other fucking genre of information on the goddamn planet and, by the way, not just from like an idiot, jim rats, there's doctors.

Speaker 1:

He's not a jim rat, though. He's literally going to China in a week to coach their Olympic wrestling team. They're straight.

Speaker 2:

Okay, a lot of people are a lot of coaches, but do you understand what I'm? But do you understand?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, for the Chinese Olympic wrestling team.

Speaker 2:

Greco, roman, okay, but every single thing that he says. I can find you 100 doctors that say the opposite.

Speaker 1:

I can find you 100 professional coaches and yeah, but you couldn't find me 100 doctors that look like he does. Yes, you can. No, you can't. No, you could not. I promise you. I promise you, you could not in the fitment.

Speaker 2:

Bro, go on YouTube and just type in like how to get big arms. There's a thousand fucking meatheads out there and they all have different opinions. I'm telling you that the information is so fucking clouded, the there kind of is no way to fucking know. It's like I'm studied. That's not the problem. All right, well, and either way. I just didn't ask for it. I don't want it. And also, I'm in the middle, like Bro, when I'm on day 15 of a 21 day adventure and then you start trying to demail or derail my plans.

Speaker 1:

I'm not trying to derail it, he's like trying to derail my plans. He's like he could probably go for longer and get more of a benefit if he just like had a little bone broth. He's like he's gonna burn through that, those 50 calories, in like an hour.

Speaker 2:

What about um making a commitment to something and following it through, and not getting distracted because a guy I never met Texted a friend?

Speaker 1:

What about that? What about discipline?

Speaker 2:

you've met me, yeah, but I don't know him and I'm not interested and, by the way, I didn't even tell my brother about this. Who is like, who was a fitness trainer?

Speaker 1:

You didn't tell karmic recker about this.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I didn't mention it to him because, because he'll try to talk me out of it too.

Speaker 1:

I didn't try to talk you out of it. No, I said it. I said on multiple occasions I was impressed. But if I just say like hey, I'm gonna go, I, I just feel this I'm trying to talk you into a six month fast, but with Brone broth.

Speaker 2:

But if I say to you I've decided I've been thinking about something reading about it, I've decided I'm gonna go a hundred days in a row without tying these shoes. I'm gonna wear them with my laces long and Then on day 50, you're like, why don't you just get shoes with Velcro? It's like, dude, just fucking, just tell me before I start day one, or tell me after day 100. I'm in the middle of a journey now. So I'm trying to fucking derail. Every time we talk about it it's like you're trying to talk me into doing something else.

Speaker 2:

You're mid-journey, I'm like just fucking support me, I'm, I'm doing it, I'm in it.

Speaker 1:

He said I'm like my wife.

Speaker 2:

Your wife is. I bet most of the time your wife is right.

Speaker 1:

I don't think so.

Speaker 2:

I do, I do. Your wife is right. You're wrong. I don't know what it's about, but I'm on her side. Well, cuz I know how you are. She is hotter than me, so yeah, sure you're a good-looking guy, all right, it's a little skinny for my taste. You know, I like a big gal, like a hefty woman, something to grab on to. I'm kidding your life. Your wife is a very lovely, very attractive girl.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, what a looker how would I describe your wife, andre, the giant that's so mean? 100, my first my wife is like five, five five, six, I think something.

Speaker 2:

No, I would describe her top-heavy. She's large-breasted, but she's not overweight. You ever borrow her bra?

Speaker 1:

every once in a while just feel a little relief.

Speaker 2:

Oh, for my own massive tips. All right, I think we should probably wrap it up here.

Speaker 1:

Podcasts. We've done enough talking about enough video topics.

Speaker 2:

Didn't even talk about your polaroid thing, whatever yeah, nobody cares about that.

Speaker 1:

I I Actually have been pretty excited about your fast and very supportive, just despite what you're saying just by checking in on me every day, that's, I have two friends that have been really supportive not only that, but I was asking somebody who I thought had a lot of insight into that world To make sure that you weren't hurting yourself.

Speaker 2:

So if I hurt myself, hurt myself. I don't remember you asking any insights when I was like doing fucking cocaine and Molly at a concert, so I'll like do you care if I'm just skipping a few dinners?

Speaker 1:

This is the first time hearing. Hey that concept was I there at the concert all I'm saying is if I was I there and somebody hands me a pill, I'm gonna take it.

Speaker 2:

So why the fuck would I act up tight about a vaccine?

Speaker 1:

Was I present for that, I would I know I.

Speaker 2:

Don't know. I don't know. It's just a point about how I live my life. I'm a fucking filthy animal and so who kid like? What's the worst I mean worst thing that happens I die. I'm ready to die.

Speaker 1:

Here's the thing I Knew you when you were riding your bike every day, that's true. So I've already seen you. I've already seen you do it, so I know you can do it. So it's like you know you want to get. I want to get my friend back to that place where he's. No, I want to get my friend back to that play. I don't care if it's moderation or not, I want to get you back to that place where you're doing that stuff that you've really enjoyed. And Then, when you were done with it, you felt incredible and it was like the health, healthiest thing you've ever done. Why would I not want to get my friend back to that place? Right, that's, I know that's. Maybe it sounds like I'm trying to make fun of you or there's some sort of angle that I'm trying to know.

Speaker 2:

Not really. Well, I mean, you're definitely trying to help me come up with a better plan and I just feel like it's too late Not really made me.

Speaker 1:

I mean I think your plan is good. I was like three weeks is a little extreme for a fast, but I don't think it's a bad idea.

Speaker 2:

Yeah and it's. And it's twofold too. It's not just about the weight loss or whatever. It was also about discipline. Part of it was I wanted discipline, and I don't see how bone broth helps that, because that's delicious, and the other thing is just like trying to find out what works for my body and stuff. I've done juice fasting before and I found that Way harder than this, because the juice constantly like spikes up your insulin and so it keeps you in a state of hunger and I'm afraid that if I was doing broth it would keep me more hungry. There's the thing about the water fasting is it shuts down your entire Digestive system to a point where you're not really having a lot of hunger pains like I'm having a lot of cravings, like mentally I'm hungry, I'm thinking about food every second of the day, but my stomach is not like cramping or anything like that. Like you know, I'm not hearing. Like I'm hungry, like I probably would be if I was constantly digesting collagen and fat and all that other stuff that's in broth.

Speaker 2:

Digesting but also I felt that I was getting too comfortable and getting Disciplined with making myself uncomfortable, especially after I failed on that film. So this was also like a hey, why don't you just spend 21 days being miserable so that you can just fucking toughen up a little bit? It's about discipline, which is why a lot of religious people do this, and if all those fucking Muslims and Christians can do it, I can do it. They're idiots.

Speaker 1:

You should apply the discipline long term to your diet.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you're right, that's next I.

Speaker 1:

Think you can do it. If you can do it Honestly, if you can do this, it's so much. I mean, why couldn't you?

Speaker 2:

Right, right, you're right, you're right. I Mean I've done this before. I've lost like the same 50 pounds like 10 times, but I haven't gone further. Like I haven't gone below like 240 pounds since high school. So to go from 240 to like 170, my ultimate goal like that's where it's gonna be like Real lifestyle changes, real commitment in real long-term, stick to it.

Speaker 1:

Of this meat and vegetables did. Meat vegetables meat and vegetables. It dude. If you got rid of all the process, if you just said, hey, I'm not gonna eat anything that isn't real, that wasn't at some point an actual living thing, then you would be fine.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you would just gonna be you'd be there within a year. It's gonna be rice and it's gonna be Crunchwrap, supremes. I, so I would do without the rice, but Well, rice is much easier to digest than any kind of glute.

Speaker 1:

Jesse had to see meat and vegetables. You'll be good, keep it simple, all right, I mean.

Speaker 2:

Also think that you need to do things that are like like, if I make a plan to eat a lot of vegetables for two years.

Speaker 1:

You don't like salty grilled broccoli? I.

Speaker 2:

Mean like maybe once every two weeks.

Speaker 1:

What do you mean? It's so good, I make it all Two days in a row, I'll gag.

Speaker 2:

I fucking hate vegetables. I always hate it and they have not gotten better. Even salad like a salad could be really good, but if I have to eat it three days in a row I'm like fuck, this is so gross. I Hate vegetables. I always have that is. That is part of what's making all this difficult. What do you think about me getting a burrito at Chipotle? People act like it's like a go-to joke for you're gonna. I know yourself and stuff, but it's so hell, I don't literally never got.

Speaker 2:

Literally, I've never got rice and lettuce and tomatoes. What the fuck are people like? I like I don't eat beans, so maybe if you put beans in there or if you put queso in there, I could see, but other like it's, it's grilled chicken. Do the bowl rice? It's let what? Just the tortilla is gonna be the thing that pushes you over the edge.

Speaker 1:

Skip the tortilla, but the yeah, I always get a bowl.

Speaker 2:

Well, I wouldn't I, I can do it, rapper and it's I mean a tortilla is like Almost incontinent quenchel for macros not for you, not for you. Not if I'm trying to. If you get down to 170 then yeah, have a tortilla. The other thing that bums me out is I kind of want to start weight training again, but I know that I can't possibly do that with this job. Like, how am I gonna?

Speaker 1:

how am I gonna do?

Speaker 2:

a 12 hour day on set and then come home and lift weights. That's not gonna happen dude, I think you figure I commute, dude. It's 13 hours when you add commuting you have the same mentality towards everything.

Speaker 1:

As you do this three week fast, you're like I have to be extreme or I'm not gonna do it at all, and I think that's where that.

Speaker 2:

I think that's what I told you. Moderation is the most difficult thing for me, so what would you suggest just working out on Saturday? I've thought about that too, but I just hour a week. You don't make any gains that way. That's not we're doing. You don't make any game to work out once a week.

Speaker 1:

It's just not true. It's all about consistency and nobody wants to know. But everybody knows that it's all about consistency. I've been working out one hour a week for three years and I looked totally different.

Speaker 2:

You started fit and you've ended. You've never. First of all, you're not that different. No, no, no.

Speaker 1:

I started in major back pain. That was the thing that got me to go to the gym was I was like I'm going to physical therapy. At one point I could barely walk for like three days, like our nanny and my wife had to walk me to the car to get me to the emergency room. And then I was like after that I was like I'm never doing, I'm not going back to this. And then physical therapy wasn't doing anything. So then I told my friend like hey, you're the fittest person I know, would you train me? And so he started training me one hour a week for three years. And now I'm like a totally different person.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but if you worked out four days a week, you could have all the years.

Speaker 1:

I know, I imagine, but I didn't. I only worked out one hour a week for three years.

Speaker 2:

If you started working out five days, if you started lifting weights five days a week, and in like four months you'd look like a completely different person.

Speaker 1:

It'd be insane. Where'd you end up?

Speaker 2:

You look the same as you looked three years ago. I mean, maybe if I saw side by side nude photos. But to see you wearing clothes, you look exactly the same as you did when I met you.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but that doesn't matter.

Speaker 2:

Most people see you with your clothes on.

Speaker 1:

It does matter but but but also you don't know that it doesn't matter, because it's not about before you look fine. Now yeah, but it's not about how I look to other people. It's about feeling.

Speaker 2:

No, it's about just being, it's just back.

Speaker 1:

It's being. It's being healthier, being more fit. Yeah, I'm going to look the same if I'm wearing a sweatshirt, as somebody who's skinny and doesn't have any muscles. I'm going to look the same, that's OK.

Speaker 2:

I mean, don't you think doing a physical job is something?

Speaker 1:

it's like putting.

Speaker 2:

It's like if you put a baggy sweatshirt on is the most physical job on set, other than maybe a gimbal operator.

Speaker 1:

If you put a UFC fighter in a baggy sweatshirt, they would look the same as me, like who cares. But that's not why they're doing it.

Speaker 2:

You know so. So you advocating for me just lifting on the weekends? Are you saying that I should try to do whatever after a 12 hour day?

Speaker 1:

I would say whatever you can do every single week, want for one hour a week. If that's ride a bike, then do that. If it's lifting, OK, do that If it's. If you're like really into the what's the thing that's not the treadmill, the elliptical if you're like that biggest waste of time in the gym. If you like the elliptical, do that.

Speaker 2:

I don't care what you do. Ellipticals for fucking moms.

Speaker 1:

I don't care what people do. They have to do, whatever the thing, is that that that attracts?

Speaker 2:

Maybe the thing that I'm, but maybe the thing that I'm going to do, is fast. Maybe I'm going to fast every Saturday yeah, that's good or every Sunday. I can't decide.

Speaker 1:

Somebody was telling me do it every like three days on, four days off. So you fast for three days and then you, you just well, that doesn't work.

Speaker 2:

That doesn't work. It has to fit around my work schedule.

Speaker 1:

I'm not going to do that. Do whatever fits around. It's not going to happen. That's fine.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so it's either going to be Saturday or Sunday. That's fine. Sunday seems like a bummer because I wouldn't want to go into Monday morning being low energy, but then I'm going to eat breakfast Monday, so maybe like after that one meal be fine. The problem with fasting on Saturdays is like I kind of need to be able to take my wife on dates and stuff, and I think those have to happen on Saturday because we're not going to go out late on a work night Sunday. So I think probably I would have to do it on Sunday and then just eat a good breakfast on Monday.

Speaker 1:

How about I just take your wife out? I'll take her out.

Speaker 2:

You fast. I don't even like each other.

Speaker 1:

I'll take her out for the most awkward day ever.

Speaker 2:

You're going to fly out here to date my wife. I give you you know what, if you're going to make that commitment, I give you my blessing. You're going to fly out to Georgia every weekend to take my wife to dinner. I'm for it.

Speaker 1:

No, Are you going to visit me while you're in town or it's too much work? I don't think so.

Speaker 2:

Well, I hope you like Mexican food.

Speaker 1:

I don't even like Mexicans, what All right, all right, we'll see you next week, everybody.

Speaker 2:

Hey, I do want to come out to Colorado and shoot some weddings with you this year. I've been thinking one of the things that I've been thinking about, when I think about getting back in. I'm like I don't want to find new people, though I just want to shoot weddings with Michael.

Speaker 1:

What you're saying is on the best to shoot with.

Speaker 2:

I think at this point, yeah, because.

Speaker 1:

I have the lowest expectations for you.

Speaker 2:

But I mean, even if I was my company and I had to hire somebody to work for me, I'd rather just have you there than anyone else. It's not that you're the best shooter. You're a good shooter and you're reliable and I can count on you. But I was just like being around you and I know what I'm going to get with you. I don't have to train anybody Like the best shooter is Andrew.

Speaker 1:

Hmm, hmm.

Speaker 2:

No, you're good and I probably should try to learn more from you because your end result is hipper than mine Hip indeed. Yeah, you're definitely more trendy looking than me, which I think probably goes a long way in that business. But I guess I could just watch your films more in reverse engineer. I could just steal from you.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's not that hard. There's a formula.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, all right, dude, we'll talk later. See you, buddy.