The End of the Day Podcast with Kari Watterson: Using Mindset Work to Live Your Best Life

Ep. 63 - Goal Plateau

Season 1 Episode 63

Bruce Lee said, "There are no limits, only plateaus." This is not just an inspirational thought but a truth of life that could shift everything for you when you feel stuck.

Plateaus acknowledge you've done work to get to where you currently are.
They also acknowledge there's more work to do to get where you want to go.

That's it.

Our brains like to complicate and make things very dramatic, especially when we desire an outcome but still wonder if it's possible.

But one of the gifts of being human is our ability to bring awareness to what we're thinking, being able to see what our thoughts are creating, and then recognizing that we have the choice to think something different in order to create a different result.

By the end of this episode, I hope you will see that plateaus are not barriers or ceilings, but simply opportunities to notice and challenge the thoughts that are getting in the way.


Some questions to shift your thinking during these times:

1.  Am I really at a plateau?

2.  What emotion am I actually trying to avoid feeling?

3.  What is the bottleneck? (paired with the focusing question, “What's the One Thing I can do such that by doing it everything else will be easier or unnecessary?”)

4.  Where I am hiding? Where am I playing small? Is my goal big enough?

5.  What am I not accepting about where I am right now? (aka resisting)

6.  Have I really been putting forth the effort?

7.  Am I actually managing my mind and thinking on purpose regularly, or do I let my mind wander?

8.  What skill might I need to learn?

9.  Where can I get help so I can offer my brain different insights & awareness so that my negative thoughts and limiting beliefs aren't the only input in my head?

10.  What do I need to stop thinking? What do I need to start thinking? What do I need to stop telling myself? What do I need to start telling myself? What do I believe, or, more importantly, what do I  want to believe?


Cited in this episode:

Bruce Lee

Hal Elrod  |  The Miracle Morning: The Not-So-Obvious Secret Guaranteed to Transform Your Life (By 8 AM)

Jim Rohn

James Clear  |  Atomic Habits:  An Easy and Proven Way to Build Good Habits and Break Bad Ones

Brooke Castillo  |  The Life Coach School Podcast

Gary Keller & Jay Papasan  |  The ONE Thing: The Surprisingly Simple Truth About Extraordinary Results

Ethan Kross  |  Chatter: The Voice in Our Head, Why It Matters, and How to Harness It



"There are no limits, only plateaus." -- Bruce Lee

"Your level of success will rarely exceed your level of personal growth, because success is something you attract by the person you become." -- Jim Rohn

"What is the ONE thing such that if you did it everything else would be easier or unnecessary?" -- Gary Keller & Jay Papasan


1:1 mindset coaching isn’t just for athletes or select special people. It’s for anyone who wants to ask more of themselves but knows their thinking is getting in the way.

If this is work you’re excited to do, sign up for my free offering (a 90-minute deep dive coaching call) so you can experience firsthand how managing your mind can bring more peace, happiness, and success into your life.

To book your free call, visit

At the end of the day, we have one life.
How do you want to live yours?
Think about it.
And then, let's get to work.


Instagram:  @_thisonelife