A Girl in the Middle | Titus 2 mentor encouraging women to love God and to love, well, their home and family.
A Girl in the Middle | Titus 2 mentor encouraging women to love God and to love, well, their home and family.
A Peek into Homeschool vs Public school; do they look the same?
With most children staying home instead of going to school, many families are stressed because of this abrupt change to their ordinary. One common thread to all mankind is that change isn’t easy, ever. So it comes as no surprise that a major change, such as a nationwide quarantine, with no time for preparation is even more difficult. To be sure, every family is impacted. Working parents aren’t accustomed to taking care of their children’s educational, emotional, spiritual and physical needs 24 hours a day (save expected school breaks and vacations), and quite frankly, they find it overwhelming. I think every homeschooling mom can certainly understand. The internet is full of tongue in cheek memes buffering the line between quarantined students and homeschoolers. Humor has its place, we need to keep our sense of humor sharply intact, but be careful friends…we are treading unknown waters here. Safely, we can pray for those families along with our own. Let’s reach out to one another in texts and messages of encouragement and support.