A Girl in the Middle | Titus 2 mentor encouraging women to love God and to love, well, their home and family.
Hello, this is Tamara from A Girl in the Middle: Titus 2 Mentor, Home Educator, encouraging women to love God and to love, well, their home and family. Your story is not over! "Of one thing I am perfectly sure; God's story never ends with ashes." ~Elisabeth Elliot
A Girl in the Middle | Titus 2 mentor encouraging women to love God and to love, well, their home and family.
21 Names of God, 12, Jehovah Rapha
Tamara| A Girl in the Middle
Jehovah Rapha
The Israelites were hot and thirsty too. Much like a mirage of water in the dessert, the water at Marah would turn out to be nothing more than hope imagined.
Instead of being chastised by the Lord for complaining, God again gives them a miracle and meets their most pressing physical need. But that’s not all; He also gives them a reminder. In doing so we see a picture of God’s grace and mercy.