Performance Coaching - The Man That Can Project

How to Assemble Your Personal Board of Advisors #574

May 23, 2024 Lachlan Stuart - Men's Performance Coach Episode 574
How to Assemble Your Personal Board of Advisors #574
Performance Coaching - The Man That Can Project
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Performance Coaching - The Man That Can Project
How to Assemble Your Personal Board of Advisors #574
May 23, 2024 Episode 574
Lachlan Stuart - Men's Performance Coach

Message me your 'Takeaways'.

Mentioned On Today's Show:
🤝 Build a personal advisory team for financial, spiritual, and personal growth.
🤝 Overcome hurdles and reshape your approach to challenges.
🤝 Harness the power of environment and intentional media consumption.

Applications are Open for the Strong Men Of Value Academy 

Intake starts July 1.

If you need help setting goals & creating a vision. Start with the Self-Discovery program

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Message me your 'Takeaways'.

Mentioned On Today's Show:
🤝 Build a personal advisory team for financial, spiritual, and personal growth.
🤝 Overcome hurdles and reshape your approach to challenges.
🤝 Harness the power of environment and intentional media consumption.

Applications are Open for the Strong Men Of Value Academy 

Intake starts July 1.

If you need help setting goals & creating a vision. Start with the Self-Discovery program

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My Online Course For High Performing Men:
💻 💻 Self Discovery Program:

Join us in the Strong Men of Value Academy

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Do Something Today To Be Better For Tomorrow

Speaker 1:

Why we need a personal board of advisors the team that is guiding me Now. This, I believe, will be one of the most impactful newsletters I've done podcasts that I've spoken about individually that will allow you to rapidly transform your life, meaning going from the man you are now to the man that you want to become. One of the biggest problems that I faced for a very long time growing up was I didn't have the right role models to help me become the man I needed to be, and what that means is ultimately learning the skills that I needed to developing the right beliefs and confidence within myself, to know what I want and how I can create that, and to build my risk tolerance to try new things, because one of the things that held me back and how I can create that, and to build my risk tolerance to try new things, because one of the things that held me back and maybe you can relate was the fear of judgment, was the fear of criticism, was the fear of failure and, more recently, the fear of success, and these are very common things for men out there, and the problem of this was because of all of these things, I was limited by my location, or I perceived I was. I grew up in a town where there was, about growing up, maybe 80,000 people, which for some of you may seem astronomical, as I know there's some small towns where there are just absolutely no people, but you'll benefit from this and then there are many of you who go, wow, that is like a blink and you'll miss it kind of town, because you've grown up in cities where there's hundreds, if not millions, of people. So that location really limited me and because of that, I thought that I became a product of my environment. I didn't understand the time. We lived in 2024, as I'm recording, this is one of the most exciting times. You're watching this or listening to this, or maybe you've read this through my podcast or through the YouTube channel.

Speaker 1:

I personally have done the same things with my board of directors that I've been able to learn from them take their concepts, take their frameworks that I believe are going to add value to my life and then start implementing that to create change, and that has happened across all areas. Now. 20 years ago that was not possible, so it was a little bit harder there. Your location, meaning the environment that you set in the town that you're in, definitely was a limitation. That is no longer the case If you want to start building and then grow out of it. It was a huge problem that I faced not really leveraging that online space for a very long time. So I was almost walking alone and I was struggling for a bit there and, as you guys, I guess the cliche saying, as I always say, cliche is a cliche for a reason.

Speaker 1:

But we are heavily influenced by those that we spend the most time around. So what we consume heavily impacts us and influences us. So for me, I had to stop watching or one day I realized I should probably stop listening to sad songs. I still remember I used to listen to bands like Sum 41 and Green Day and AFI and a lot of those sorts of sad rock style bands that sometimes they make you feel good, but a lot of the time I actually walked away feeling sad. You know it got me thinking about a breakup or not feeling good enough, and that influenced how I showed up in my life, because we know that the level of our energy, we know that our mood, influences the opportunities that we see. So if I was to continue listening to that, it was only going to pull me apart.

Speaker 1:

The next thing was like looking at the news that just made me feel crap all the time and being around negative people had to distance that because that was a whole, I guess, a drawback in my own success. And it's important for us to recognize the environment that we're putting ourselves in, what we're consuming. Is that adding value to my life? Is that moving me closer to the life that I want or is it holding me back? And when you get really clear on the man that you wanna become, when you get really clear on the life that you wanna live, this will help you make decisions. The decisions don't get easier. You just are very clear on why you need to make a specific decision if it means removing people from your life, et cetera.

Speaker 1:

So a big pain point for me before learning and looking into the board of the directors was money. It was something that I never discussed. It was something that I avoided at all costs. I never checked my bank account. I tried not to, I guess, manage it until I'd get an alert from the bank or I'd go to buy something and the card would say insufficient funds. And because I put my head in the sand, it only kept kicking the can down the road and, as with anything whether it's your health, whether it's your relationship or whether it's your finances if you put your head in the sand because it's uncomfortable and you don't want to, I guess, be more involved in improving it, it's only gonna go one way and that is fucking bad. It is terrible. What you track you can manage. So if you're not looking at those things, it will have an impact and for me it started straining my relationships. It strained, I guess, declined and was detrimental to my own self-esteem and self-worth, because I just knew I sucked with money and I did not have money and I was using money as a measuring stick of my success. Now, it's quite funny that I would use that as a measuring stick of my success, but I would never track it and I wasn't learning or looking to improve it. Quite weird, very contradicting.

Speaker 1:

It wasn't until I was really diving into growing my own business and wanting to become more of an entrepreneur that I started learning about board of advisors and how a lot of companies had them to help the company grow and be the best that it could be, and it clicked for me. One day I thought if a business does that and their goal is to be the best that it can be, and it obviously has KPIs around what that looks like. Wouldn't it make sense for me to have a personal board of advisors that are going to help me live my best life and help me, you know, thrive? And that's where this whole concept and idea came from, because I thought, okay, regardless of where in the world I am, you know, ideally in the town that I'm in, yeah, you want to get some close friends and, ideally, some colleagues that you can use as a board of advisor to brainstorm with, be challenged with and test ideas.

Speaker 1:

But more so for me to grow into the man that I want to be, I know that I need to develop my skills. I know that I need to start forming my own opinions. I know that I need to be hanging around and listening to conversations that are talking about things that I don't understand. That will heavily influence my life. And so I started looking into business, I started looking into money, I started looking into health, I started looking into relationships and, over time, what I've realized is that, as I've gotten better with these areas, I've noticed connections. So, as I've understood business more, I've realized how some things that I talk about in business can benefit my relationships. As I've gone down the route or rabbit hole of learning how to improve the relationship with myself or with my wife, I've recognized, hey, these lessons are applicable to achieving my training goals. And the cool thing is is the more you think about it, the more you learn from these vast areas. You recognize you as an individual is so powerful. You have a lot of these skills and understandings. You just need to put it in a way that you relate to, right.

Speaker 1:

So when I look at a personal advisory board or collective, as my framework is, you know, I would picture it as building a team. If you love Premier League football, if you love hockey or if you love NFL, over here they're always trying to find the right piece to the puzzle so that they can have a championship winning team. Your personal advisory collective is your championship winning team. Who needs to be on it to support you, to grow the framework that I've got? Now, if you're listening, grab a pen and paper out or you can head over to themandthatcanprojectcom and check out the newsletter. Personal advisory board.

Speaker 1:

Now, the first one is identify key areas of your life. So these could be. You know these are different for everyone, but for me if I just go off the top of my head, sorry there's physical health, there's mental health, there is finances, there is love, there is friendship okay and then there's spirituality. Let's use those ones as an example. You can list out your own key areas of life. It may be less, but maybe more. Whatever works for you. This is you taking ownership, but I want you to determine those areas of life that you want to improve on.

Speaker 1:

So we move into step number two, which is research, the experts in that space. So find three to five experts for a specific space that you can start learning from, and from that you're going to start understanding which ones have more similar beliefs or which ones talk in a way that you enjoy, that you gravitate to. An example would be who do I wanna talk about health? Let's talk about money. So there's so many people who talk about money. You've got Robert Kiyosaki, you've got Grant Cardone, you've got Dave Ramsey, for example, and I've listened to a lot of all of their stuff. I've read their books, I've listened to their YouTubes and their podcasts and I have spent different, I guess, times with them, learning how they think about things and talk about money, etc. Right now, dave Ramsey is someone who resonates with me most. The way that he talks his beliefs around money and what he's creating suits the season of life that I'm in.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so research those experts take bits and pieces, but I think ultimately, after a little bit of time, you will gravitate more to one expert in that area and I do believe you want to get it down to one expert for some focused learning, so that you can not always be contradicted, because there's so many differing opinions out there that one day this person could say the best way to create wealth is through the stock market. The next person, for example, grant Cardone, the best place to build wealth real estate. Then you could have someone in the crypto space the best place to build wealth crypto. And then you're like well, what am I supposed to do? So what I do is I'll go all in on one person that I'm resonating with and I'll do that and I'll follow that and I'll cut out and block out all the outside noise and just do what one person says in that specific field until I achieve my objective. Okay, so I just want to recap quickly Point one identify the key areas of your life that you can improve areas of your life that you can improve.

Speaker 1:

Number two research experts. Number three consume their content. So, as I said, engage with a couple of pieces of their content. You'll get a feel for them, whether you like them or you don't. Number four is select your advisors. So choose your favorite expert in each of the areas that you have determined. So I'm going to share with you my new board of advisors in a moment, if you watch till the end.

Speaker 1:

I have recently just changed mine, after about two and a half three years. I'd had a board and I consumed a lot of their content, read all their books, went to their events, etc. And it really helped me grow and develop. But, as with everything that season's done, I'm on to a new one and there's some new people with some new ideas and ways of thinking that I'm really into. So I've changed that board and I think it's important to recognize that as you grow and evolve, other things in your life need to grow with the times. So, five there was lock in your board.

Speaker 1:

Number six learn weekly. So learn regularly from those advisors. What I do is I subscribe to them all on YouTube, all on Spotify for the podcasts, and I try to consume their content as much as I possibly can. So, depending on what your lifestyle setup is, you will have time allocated for personal development. It may mean you can listen to one podcast a week, meaning every week you get to listen to a different area that you want to grow in, for example, or, if you have a little bit more time, it may be every day. Whatever works for your situation. There's no right or wrong, but you want to continue upskilling so you get new ideas, you can form new opinions, you can try different things to become more efficient, to build better results and to live a better life.

Speaker 1:

Number seven was implement one thing that you learn every week. This is a big one, because a lot of people will continue consuming content, but they don't actually implement anything, meaning they don't create change in their life. The only way you're going to improve your life is by doing something differently. Okay, so the education part is the first thing. Right, knowledge is power. They say it's like no knowledge is potential power. Acting on that is what can create those powerful results for you.

Speaker 1:

And then the final point, eighth point, is refresh them. As I mentioned, I update them and refresh them when I feel like I need to learn from someone else or get a new perspective, okay. So the reason why, as you've probably gathered, is you can be a part of the conversations with these people. So, whether they run a podcast or are on other podcasts, you can sit in the room like a fly on the wall and learn how they would answer questions, how they think about things, what their journey has been like to achieve specific outcomes, and that in itself helps you build understanding. That in itself helps you feel supported. That in itself helps you feel like you're capable of achieving these things. Or you may be fortunate to listen to podcasts like this one, where we actually teach you things, as well as have the guest episodes, so there are things that you can like that framework that I just gave you. You can write that down and then go and do that, okay, and implement that for yourself. So it's really powerful for that.

Speaker 1:

The other thing is obviously the positive mindset conditioning. Listening to people who are talking about the things that you aspire to have is very motivating, and we all lose motivation. You set a goal and, whether it's a week later or 12 weeks later, life laughs at us and it gets in the way and our motivation declines. And one of the common questions I get is how do I remain motivated? Well, motivation comes when you get excited about something. For me, it's like, wow, I'm more looking for discipline. How do I remain disciplined to do what I know I should be doing so I can deliver the outcomes that I want? And, you know, listening to experts and my board of advisors is one way that really amps me up every morning and gets me inspired to continue making change, continue growing the podcast, continue coaching my clients.

Speaker 1:

Two final things I want to leave you with is, obviously, as you start learning this, you can start being more intentional with your time. It's very easy to feel like you're being productive by being busy when that is just a trap. When I talk about what you learn you should be implementing, it's because you need to implement things that solve problems in your life. There's no point being the smartest person this is my opinion but knowing so much about things that aren't actually directly influencing or impacting the quality of your life. There are a lot of people who know a lot of random shit, but their life sucks, and so what I realized was the benefit in the board of advisors was I was choosing people and maybe even micro niches that would help me solve a specific problem in my life so that I could have a better outcome.

Speaker 1:

So I want to give you an overall example. The example of this could be in the beginning you could go health, wealth, relationship and happiness as your four buckets. Now, as you start to get a very good understanding of health or of wealth, or of happiness, et cetera, you might go into some micro podcasts. So you might start then looking at Andrew Hoopman, for example, who talks on some very niche health topics and stuff that most people don't really care about. But you may be at the point in your life or looking for answers where you're like that is what I want, and that's the cool thing about, I guess, continuing to learn over a long period of time. You start broad and then you find out where your interests are or where your problems are and you start to solve those specifically and you get better results. And the second thing to wrap it up is, as you continue doing this, you will become more efficient. So this is how we get time back when you have understanding, you implement things and you look at your life holistically, you'll start seeing the connections and what you've learned over in health will be able to help you in business and vice versa, and you'll really be able to understand yourself A lot of the reason.

Speaker 1:

And I see a lot of blokes and I've actually worked with a lot of men where their life sucks. They have the success, but it's put strain on their relationship. And when I say success I mean career. They're killing it in their career, but it's putting strain on the household. Their health is shot, they're super run down, they don't feel comfortable with their shirt off and they haven't taken the lessons from business or their career success into other areas of their life. So what happens when you look at that? If I were to give you the example, the example of this is that in order to grow your career, you've got to build network, meaning you've got to show up, you've got to excel, you've got to continue growing. You show up even when you're sick. People won't show up for their family when they're stressed or when they're sick. People won't show up at the gym once again when they're stressed or when they're sick or they're tired. Their standards aren't quite there. So when you start recognizing hey, the reason why I've excelled in this area. If I do those exact same things over here meaning not the actual actions, but maintain the same standards, I will achieve a better outcome.

Speaker 1:

Thank you guys for listening. As always, do something today to be better for tomorrow. I'd love to hear from you guys. If you're listening on Spotify or drop it in the comments, shoot me an email on Instagram or on Twitter. What topics do you want to hear talking about, or just share some questions with me. Ask me some questions that I can do the weekly newsletter on, because I've got so many backed up that I'm going to be pushing out. But if there's something that you need help with specifically, just reach out and ask. Have a great day. Remember, leave a rating and review, share this with someone that you know will get value from it, and I will see you next Thursday.

Building a Personal Board of Advisors
Building a Personal Advisory Board

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