What's new from Buzzsprout

Buzzsprout is always getting better. Here are some notable updates.

There have been 13 updates to Buzzsprout in the past 12 months.

September 26, 2024

Podcast Website Customizer

With Buzzsprout's new podcast website customizer, it's easy to create a polished, professional website. 

Make real-time updates to colors, fonts, images, Podroll, Fan Mail, and more—all from one place. 

Now, you can design a site that perfectly reflects your podcast’s unique style and brand.
September 19, 2024

IAB v2.2 Certification

Buzzsprout has been IAB-certified since 2020 and is now certified to the latest v2.2 standards. 

This ensures that both podcasters and advertisers can trust the reliability and accuracy of Buzzsprout's statistics. 

Every podcast on Buzzsprout has statistics that meet v2.2 certification regardless of their plan. 
September 11, 2024

Redesigned Podcast Websites

Buzzsprout podcast websites
Buzzsprout podcast websites

Buzzsprout's podcast websites have been completely rebuilt to give you a professional podcast without the hassle.

They've been redesigned to look polished from day one and can be customized to match your unique branding. Your website will be visually appealing, easy to navigate, and optimized for any device.

You can feature guest and host bios, display Fan Mail, promote your favorite podcasts, search through episodes, and offer premium content—all in one place.

Learn more on the Buzzsprout blog.
September 09, 2024

Added Lock Screen Widgets

Stay connected to your podcast with Buzzsprout's Lock Screen widgets.

Monitor today's downloads or progress toward a milestone without unlocking your iPhone.

Then tap the widget to open the Buzzsprout app, where you can explore detailed stats or make changes to your show.
July 01, 2024

Buzzsprout Rebrand and Redesign

Buzzsprout logo redesign
Buzzsprout logo redesign

Today, we’re excited to unveil a refreshed Buzzsprout that captures our mission of helping creators keep podcasting.

Buzzsprout still has the same name, team, and commitment to podcasting, but we have a fresh new logo, colors, and typography to reflect our growing mission. 

Buzzsprout colors
Buzzsprout colors

Buzzsprout probably wasn’t why you started podcasting—that was your own inspiration—but if we do our job well, Buzzsprout will be the podcast partner that helps you keep podcasting.

Start Podcasting, Keep Podcasting
Start Podcasting, Keep Podcasting
June 24, 2024

Released Buzzsprout for Android

Buzzsprout for Android.png
Buzzsprout for Android makes it easy to manage your podcast anytime, anywhere. 

It will send you real-time alerts, allow you to make changes to your episodes, and check your podcast stats from anywhere.

Learn more about Buzzsprout’s mobile apps, and download Buzzsprout for Android on the Google Play Store.

June 12, 2024

Chapter Markers Now Work in Spotify

Chapter Markers in Spotify
Chapter Markers in Spotify

Buzzsprout has added support for Podlove Simple Chapters.

Buzzsprout first added chapter marker support in 2018, and now supports three standards for chapter markers: chapter markers embeded in MP3 files, Podcast Namespace Chapters, and now Podlove Simple Chapters.

Adding support for Podlove Simple Chapters means that chapter markers created in Buzzsprout will display in Spotify.
May 24, 2024

Backup your podcast episodes

Bulk download podcast episodes
Bulk download podcast episodes

Buzzsprout makes it easy to create a local backup of your podcast. Just click Download your audio files, and we'll prepare a .zip file with all of your podcast episodes. 

May 03, 2024

You've got Fan Mail!

Fan Mail inside of Buzzsprout
Fan Mail inside of Buzzsprout

Fan Mail is the best way for listeners to reach out to their favorite podcasters!

Buzzsprout podcasters can now add a Text the Show link to their episode descriptions. When listeners click the link in the episode description, it will let them text the podcast encouragement and feedback right from their phone.

All the texts are handled by Buzzsprout and appear in your Buzzsprout account. If you're using Buzzsprout for iOS, you'll be notified that your podcast has received Fan Mail!

April 26, 2024

Run Ads on Specific Podcasts

Advertisers now have more control over where they run their ads.

Advertisers can turn off "Auto Approve Podcasts" and then screen all the podcasts that want to run their ad.
Turning off auto approve podcasts in Buzzsprout Ads
Turning off auto approve podcasts in Buzzsprout Ads

This gives advertisers more control and allows them to run targeted campaigns.

Buzzsprout Ads is now flexible enough to run broad brand lift campaigns across entire podcast categories or to run targeted campaigns for a single podcast's audience.

Vetting a single podcast in Buzzsprout Ads
Vetting a single podcast in Buzzsprout Ads