"I'm Glad You Said That" - Jim Minnery Talks Faith & Politics
"I'm Glad You Said That" is a weekly podcast/radio show featuring Jim Minnery, President of Alaska Family Council/Action. During these episodes, we'll talk about the things you're not supposed to talk about in polite company - religion and politics. We dive into both as they intersect issues like religious liberty, the sanctity of life, Biblical marriage and parental rights. Each show, Minnery interviews influencers across Alaska and across the nation to get listeners thinking on how to be salt and light in the public marketplace of ideas.
Podcasting since 2019 • 168 episodes
"I'm Glad You Said That" - Jim Minnery Talks Faith & Politics
Latest Episodes
Loren Leman - An Alaskan Icon in the House Tonight
My good friend Loren Leman is on the show today.Fisherman.Engineer.Christ-follower.Musician.Former Lt. Governor and Senator.Exemplary husband, father and grandfather.Loren and I will chew the fat on ranked ch...

Healing from Abortion - A Gift We In The Pro Life Community Must Engage In
Although Rachel in Scripture did not have an abortion, we know she experienced deep pain on many levels.Click

March for Life Energy in the House Today !
Erin Getz, Senior Director of State Walks with the

Senior Attorney at Alliance Defending Freedom on Protecting Children from Chemical & Surgical Abortions
A very short time ago, to think there would be an Executive Order from the United State President entitled "

Pediatrician Calls Out "Sex Impersonation" Medical Malpractice on Show Today
Dr. Ashton-Lazaroae is a pediatrician who takes the issue of gender ideology and it's harms to children, families and communities very seriously.She was a panel speaker in October of last year at The Christian Post's seminar "