

Christine Envall

Christine Envall, renowned Educator, Creator and World Champion Athlete.

Christine holds a  Bachelor of Science in Food Science & Nutrition from RMIT University, Melbourne (Aus). 

At 16 she took up weight training, and her hobby soon led her into the competitive sport of bodybuilding. 

In 4 short years of competing, at 23, Christine became known as ‘Australia’s Most Muscular Woman’ and by 29 had won 3 Overall World Titles and become and Professional Bodybuilder in the prestigious IFBB, competing at the Ms Olympia.

By utilising her formal education in Food Science and her practical experience gleaned from her years as an elite athlete she began developing sports supplements for Australian brands before launching her own range International Protein, in 2001. 

International Protein is now Australia’s leading brand, sold in more than 10 major markets around the world, including India, Brazil, Asia and Europe.