LAUNCH with Shari Jonas: Helping Parents Launch Their Young Adults into Adulthood
LAUNCH with Shari Jonas: Helping Parents Launch Their Young Adults into Adulthood. This podcast is for parents with adolescents and young adults who are struggling to become independent, responsible, and confident adults – or for those parents who notice early signs of failing to launch and want to prevent it. Each episode offers actionable steps and strategies to build confidence, resilience, and self-sufficiency. Shari Jonas, author, educator, and co-parenting consultant, dives into the ongoing challenges of guiding young adults through life’s obstacles. Her years of research and heartfelt insights will inspire you to connect, communicate, motivate your young adult. If you're ready to help your adult child achieve a life of independence, learn how to thrive in this world, and reach their full potential, than listen in to LAUNCH with Shari Jonas.