A Psychic Guide to Finding Peace
Ways to find inner peace and spiritual guidance during challenging times
33 episodes
Your Double body
What is your double body? Learn what it is in this episode and how to use it to help you get things done.

Renewal, Resurrection and Rebirth
With Spring and Easter upon us, learn how to renew yourself and discover who you truly are

What is Your Gift?
What is your special gift? We all have them, and sometimes we forger to use them. Rediscover your gift and how to share it with others.

The Peace Beyond All Understanding
How can there be peace beyond all understanding? We don't even have words to talk about it. Experience this peace as Julianna guides you through a meditation to do just that.
Season 2
Episode 3

What Are You Telling Yourself
Have you ever really stopped to listen to your thoughts? Our "Inner Dialogue" helps to shape our eternal reality. Here is a way to change your thoughts to change your life!
Season 2
Episode 2

The Message of Silence
Discover he message of silence in this episode, what it has to each us. Learn how to connect to silence through nature. Understand how silence, healing and peace of mind are intricately connected.
Season 2
Episode 1

Spiritual Guides
Who are our spiritual guides? Do we have more than one? How can I contact my spiritual guide? What are some of the requests I can make of my guides?These questions and more will be answered in this podcast. In the end,...

Light--what really is it? How does it have an influence on our life? Even before Christianity, light appears with spiritual happenings. Many New Age books proclaim that we are creatures of "light" living in a dens...
Season 2
Episode 25

The Aura
My readings are so accurate because I can read the aura. What is the aura. It is an electromagnetic-like energy that manifests around the head and shoulders; some even say it radiates from the entire body. Many books claim tha...
Season 1
Episode 24

The Indigo Children
Who are the Indigo children? Could you be one, or have one as a child? Indigo children have a stronger sense of intuitive abilities and a natural caring for humanity and the environment. Participate in a meditation that will c...
Season 1
Episode 23

Hearing from Spirit
Over 600,000 people in the U.S. died of Covid-19 without saying goodbye to their loved ones. Or did they have a chance to say goodbye? Listen to stories of many who saw and communicated with their relatives after they passed. Then t...
Season 1
Episode 22

Have you ever wondered if you have lived before? Have you gone to a new place and felt you had been there before? Have you met someone new and felt like you already knew them? Listen to my new episode "Reincarnation"and hear the sto...
Season 1
Episode 21

Cutting the Chords that Bind You
Have you ever not been able to stop thinking about someone? Perhaps it's a former husband, an old boyfriend/girlfriend? Have you also ever wanted to stop thinking about something, only to have the thought return and return again, ca...
Season 1
Episode 20

Be A Blessing
I see signs everywhere: "Be A Blessing". What does it mean to be a blessing? How do I be a blessing for others? How am I blessing to myself? How to stay in a constant state of blessing. Learn how in this podcast.

How to Communicate with Those who have Passed.
Do we live after we die? If so, how do we communicate with loved ones on the other side. What is mediumship? How can a medium help me connect to spirit? Can I connect to people I love who have passed on my own? I'l...
Season 2
Episode 19

Reflections and Resolutions for 2021
As we enter 2021, what resolutions do we want to bring with us? What reflections will keep us on the right path for 2021? I offer an acronym to help guide us through the year--a GPS system that you can use to help create the year yo...
Season 2
Episode 18

Preparations and Prescriptions for 2021
We are almost turning the page into 2021. What can we expect? How can we prepare ourselves for entering the new year? This entry will be positively influenced by The Great Conjunction, an alignment of planets that hasn't...
Season 1
Episode 17

Why would I want to talk about blessings in the middle of the worst pandemic in 100 years? Listen to my podcast to find out.You'll see how many blessings there are around you, even in the midst of our challenges. You'll also...
Season 1
Episode 16

How To Find Your Soulmate
What is a soulmate? Do I have one? Have I known them before? How will I recognize them? More importantly, how will they recognize me? These questions and more will be answered in this episode. You will also do a guided m...
Season 1
Episode 15

The Shadow Self
What is your shadow self? Why is it important that you identify it? How do you find it? Once you do, what do you do with it? These are questions that will be answered in this episode: "The Shadow Self". I will also...
Season 1
Episode 14

We Are All In This Together
You see signs everywhere: "We are all in this together." Well, what exactly does that mean? Unity has far more significance than merely fighting the corona virus. We'll trace the spiritual, physical, metaphysical roots of bein...
Season 1
Episode 13

How To Meet Your Spirit Guide
In this episode, you will learn about the many spirit guides we can call into our lives. There are spirit guides, relatives who have passed, situational guides, gatekeeper guides and arch angels to name a few. I will lead you through a meditati...
Season 1
Episode 11

How to Stop Self-Sabotage
In this episode you will learn: how you self-sabotage your past, present and future; the language of self-sabotage; how to stop being a victim; placing yourself in win-win situations; the language of self-care. Lastly, I will guide you th...
Season 1
Episode 11

After the Reading, Now What?
Now you have had your psychic reading? What do you do with the information? How do you create what I, Julianna the psychic, have seen for you? In this episode, I give concrete steps to help you continue to create what is possible fo...
Season 1
Episode 10

How to get a Good Psychic Reading
Have you ever wondered what exactly are psychic abilities? Do you have them? How do you get a good reading from someone who is psychic? In this episode I get you 10 tips on how to get a good reading--from changing your attitude to h...
Season 1
Episode 9