Veterinary Voices

Paving the Path Forward with Veterinary Voices

August 26, 2024 Julie South of VetStaff & VetClinicJobs Episode 200

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Join Julie South in this milestone episode of the Vet Staff podcast as she reflects on an incredible journey spanning 199 episodes, five continents, 100 countries, and 1400 cities. 

From its humble beginnings during New Zealand's 2020 lockdown to becoming a global platform for veterinary professionals, the podcast has defied the odds in a world where 90% of podcasts never make it past their third episode.

Julie shares a bit of the hard work, dedication, and passion that have fuelled the podcast's success, and she expresses heartfelt gratitude to loyal listeners around the world.

As the podcast evolves into "Veterinary Voices," Julie is excited to introduce a new chapter that continues to celebrate the veterinary profession in New Zealand and beyond.

In this episode, Julie previews the exciting line up of guests for the upcoming "Veterinary Voices," including Kevin Bryant, CEO of the New Zealand Veterinary Association, and Associate Professor Laura Harvey, President of the New Zealand Veterinary Nursing Association. 

With engaging conversations and inspiring stories, the new series promises to highlight the best of the veterinary industry in Aotearoa, New Zealand.

Don't miss out on this exciting transition! Hit the follow button on your favourite podcast app to stay connected and be part of the next 199 episodes celebrating veterinary excellence.

Contemplating your next career move?
Tania Bruce - VetStaff's passionate kiwi recruiter - would welcome the opportunity to have a 100% confidential chat with you. Tania's a former Ortho Head Vet Nurse so speaks your language!

How to get more bang for your recruitment advertising buck
This is what VetStaff is really good at so if you'd like to stretch your recruitment dollar, please get in touch with Julie because this is something VetStaff can help you with.

Committed to DIY-ing your own recruitment?
If so, then shining online as a good employer is essential to attracting the types of veterinary professionals who're a perfect cultural fit for your clinic.

The VetClinicJobs job board is the place to post your next job vacancy - to find out more get in touch with Lizzie at VetClinicJobs

Revive Your Drive - daily 2-minute videos for veterinary employers and employees to help revive their drives at work and at home.

Julie South [00:00:04]:
Hello. Welcome. You are listening to the Vet Staff podcast. I'm Julie south and this is episode 199. The Vet Staff podcast is powered by Vet Staff Limited, the only New Zealand recruitment agency dedicated to helping veterinary professionals find jobs they're excited about going to on Monday mornings in New Zealand vet clinics. Can you remember back to April 2020? I know it seems like a completely different world then to now. So much has changed since in April. Back then we were in New Zealand, at least we were in this thing called lockdown, and I ran my very first online event.

Julie South [00:00:54]:
From there I started putting a plan into action to launch this podcast. And here we are. Episode 199 weeks. Five continents, 100 countries and 1400 cities later, this podcast is still all bright eyed and bushy tailed. Not many people realize that around 90% of podcasters never make never produce their fourth episode. And from those who actually do get around to number four, only a fraction continue on to episode number 20. In fact, of the approximate 4.18 million podcasts loaded to Apple Apple Music, only 15.55% have had a new episode added to them in the last 90 days. That means that 84.45% have run out of steam.

Julie South [00:02:00]:
That's, sadly a lot of unrealised podcast launch dreams that haven't come true for millions and millions of people. So I'm pretty proud to be releasing this as episode 199. Producing a podcast is hard work. It takes a lot of time, it takes a lot of coordination and technical ability, and it takes a lot of consistency and commitment. On average, I'd probably spend around eight to 10 hours a week on each episode. Then there's the work that casual does behind the scenes from vet staff as well. If you're one of those who's listened to every almost or some this podcast, thank you very much. I really do appreciate your loyalty.

Julie South [00:02:51]:
The very first episode, the difference between independent, self employed contractors and employees is still the fourth most popular episode of all time. The number one episode in this show is the one where I introduce the star framework to answer behaviour based interview questions. And those are the questions where somebody says, tell me about a time when you whatever. I'd love to be able to say that this show is listened to on every continent, but it's yet to be downloaded in Antarctica. However, I still have to pinch myself that it's listened to in North America, Europe, Asia, Africa, South America and Oceania. Wow. Wherever you are in one of those countries, in one of those cities, a huge thank you from me to you. Interestingly, the majority of listeners are outside of New Zealand with the biggest audience in the US, then Australia and then the UK.

Julie South [00:03:53]:
So that's a the last 199 episodes. What's in store for episode 200? Great question and thank you for asking. Starting next week, veterinary Voices is the new Vetstaff podcast. The RSS feed will stay the same provided that you've hit that follow button on your listening app of choice. You'll still continue to receive the show just as you are doing right now. The music will stay the same, everything will stay the same. But starting or and starting next week, I've got a fantastic lineup of great guests. Veterinary voices is committed to celebrating all that's great in veterinary in Godzone, Ooteauroa, New Zealand kicking off next week with episode 200 is Mister Kevin Bryant.

Julie South [00:04:45]:
He is the CEO of the New Zealand Veterinary association. Following on from Kevin, we have associate Professor Laura Harvey, president of the New Zealand Veterinary Nursing association. Coming up after Laura, we have guest appearances from MPI, from Neza Brady, Immigration consultants and Massey University. I can't wait to share the chats I've had with you with these amazing people and they are all celebrating everything that's great about working in the veterinary industry in the veterinary sector in Godzone, Aotearoa, New Zealand. So to make sure that you don't miss out, please hit that follow button wherever you are listening to your podcast episode to this right now and it will automatically appear in your podcast feed so that you don't miss out. From me to you, this is a super quick episode 199 the last 199 weeks have been a blast and I'm looking forward to spending the next 199 bringing veterinary voices to you and sharing all that's great about working in veterinary in Godzone. O Tearoa, New Zealand, this is Julie southe signing off. Thank you for listening.

Julie South [00:06:04]:
I know this is a super quick episode and I can't wait to bring veterinary voices to you next week. Here's to wishing you a fantabulous week wherever you are. Take care. Kaketi ano.

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