Janny Juddly, The Therapist in my Pocket's Podcast


Janny Juddly, The Therapist in my Pocket Season 11 Episode 1

Have you noticed? Can you see, lovely one?⠀

Look deeply enough, long enough, with your heart wide open, and you'll catch it. That moment when a soul recognises a soul and remembers, with such a surge of love and compassion and fellowship, the oneness that we all are.⠀

It is a sacred moment, isn't it? It dissolves away all hurt, all blame, all sense of difference and separation. We suddenly remember that where this soul has travelled, we too have been. And that what we have known is profoundly familiar and understood by the other also. And that the greatest secret of all is that love is all there is.⠀

Because, in truth, there is actually no 'other.' Just one sacred, compassionate energy experiencing itself as form, infinitely evolving and extending, holding all in the most loving embrace.⠀

See oneness, beautiful soul, and live it bravely.⠀

There is only love here 💖

💫You Can Remember Who You Were Before Life Made You Forget!💫 Available NOW on Amazon and WORLDWIDE! All links in Bio!💫

Instagram: @jannyjuddly

Work with me: https://www.thetherapistinmypocket.uk