Janny Juddly, The Therapist in my Pocket's Podcast


Janny Juddly, The Therapist in my Pocket Season 14 Episode 1

That feeling of waking up to the day out of a night that's been disorienting, overlaid by disturbing dreams, the current worries of life, regrets about the past or anxieties about the future is something many of us have learned to dread. 

We can wake feeling drained, overwhelmed, flooded with sensations of anxiety or unease in our body. And, if we don't know how to dissolve it away, restore ourselves, we go into our day still carrying all this with us. 

The answer - or one answer - is to ground ourselves again in our body. 

This can sound counter-intuitive. Isn't it in our body that we're feeling all this! How can the solution be to go into all of that? Isn't it better to get busy? Do something to distract ourselves? Avoid our body altogether? 

When we've learned to believe that our body is an unsafe place, we want to go anywhere but there. Trouble is, that usually means living in our head, with a trickster mind in charge and us at its mercy, ungrounded and without firm roots to hold us steady. 

Deep inward contact with the Self that inhabits the body, and the breath that is our subtle life force, provides us with an anchor, and connects us to all the powerful resources of Self that are to be found there

This is a meditation to help you experience being fully in your body, in touch with the Self that inhabits it, and the life force that sustains it.

So come sit up, make yourself comfortable, close your eyes, and let's leave the night behind, and ease gently into the day. 

💫You Can Remember Who You Were Before Life Made You Forget!💫 Available NOW on Amazon and WORLDWIDE! All links in Bio!💫

Instagram: @jannyjuddly

Work with me: https://www.thetherapistinmypocket.uk