Bringing You Back Into Balance

Dealing with Cancer

Harinder Ghatora

In this episode, we’re delving into a deeply personal topic that touches so many of us: cancer. 

Few words strike more fear in people’s minds than cancer. Being faced with a diagnosis, whether directly or through a cherished loved one, can be extremely frightening.

Cancer can have a huge, often devastating impact on a person’s life. But I believe that the more we know and understand about it, not just from a purely physical perspective, but also from an emotional and spiritual perspective, the more opportunities for healing open up.

In this episode, I talk about the unconscious emotional and energetic patterns linked with cancer. And with the help of a moving case study, we explore a) how these energies can show up in a person’s life and b) how through Divine Healing they can be cleared.

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In this month’s podcast I’m talking about an issue that’s deeply personal and will touch many of us at some point in our lives, if not directly then through someone we know and love. 

I’m talking about cancer. 

This is Harinder Ghatora, Holistic Life Coach, and you’re listening to the Bringing You Back into Balance podcast.

There are few words that strike more fear and terror in people’s mind than cancer. The mere mention of the word can evoke a strong physical reaction in many of us. Receiving a cancer diagnosis can be extremely frightening. In an instant it can turn a person’s world upside down and make the future feel very uncertain. Even more so, if there are children or loved ones involved who depend on you as a caregiver.  

Cancer can have a huge, often devastating impact on a person’s life. But, I believe that the more we understand about it, not just from a purely physical/physiological/medical perspective, but also from an emotional/energetic perspective, the more the possibilities for healing open up. 

Over the years I’ve worked with a number of people who have received a cancer diagnosis and it’s been eye-opening to discover what’s really been going on underneath the surface – energetically and emotionally speaking – when cancer manifests in a person’s body. These are clients who have come to me for energy healing (Divine Healing is the modality that I work with) and they have received spiritual healing while undergoing conventional medical treatment. 

I need to be absolutely clear at this point. I am not saying that healing is a cure for cancer. I would never discourage anyone from seeking medical advice and treatment or suggest they rely on alternative therapies alone. It can however be a very useful complementary therapy as part of a holistic treatment plan because, whilst the doctors are dealing with the physical aspect of a person’s being, healing can access the deeper, mental, emotional and spiritual parts, and aid the clearing of any discordant energies that could be lying underneath the manifestation of this illness. 

So, what causes cancer?

According to the medical and scientific community, various causes have been identified. From a purely physical perspective, according to Cancer Research UK, cancer has been linked to smoking, insufficient physical activity, being overweight, alcohol use, diet (this includes toxins in our food), and infections. 

But we’re now understanding (and the medical/scientific community is catching up) that disease in the body is not only caused by what’s going on in our environment or what we put into our bodies. It doesn’t just have a purely physical cause. We are becoming more and more aware that the body and mind are intimately connected and what happens in our minds has a major impact on our physical health. Our emotions affect our health. Our soul imprints affect our health. We are multi-dimensional beings that operate on and from many different levels.

Our physical health is closely linked to what is going on in our consciousness – by this I mean our mind, emotions and soul. 

Now of course, some of this is at a conscious level but a lot of our energy exists at an unconscious level. Whatever is going on in our minds and emotions, whether we are aware of it or not, will affect the physical body at some level. In this sense, illnesses, disorders and damage to the body are a signal that something is out of balance deeper within. 

I have this amazing book which I use extensively in my healing practice. It’s called ‘Messages From The Body’. It’s written by Dr Michael J Lincoln. It details with incredible accuracy the emotional and psychological patterns that cause disease to manifest in the body. Most identifiable diseases are covered in this book and cancer is one of them.

So what are the mental, emotional, behavioral, spiritual states and patterns linked with cancer? Well, there are 5 big ones, according to the author of this book. 

Before I continue, I must stress that the patterns that lead to illness are largely unconscious. I’m not for a second suggesting that anyone is to blame for causing their cancer. We can’t take ownership of something and judge ourselves for something that we are not consciously aware of, right? Right. 

Now, more and more people are becoming aware of the fact that emotional repression leads to illness. When we are struggling to deal with powerful emotional energies that threaten to overwhelm us or we have been conditioned to behave in a certain way then our psyches, in an attempt to either avoid our feelings or manage them in the moment, push them into the shadows and lock them away…out of our awareness.  

We repress our emotions. And this is all done for good reason. Sometimes the emotional pain and angst are just too intense, we can’t handle them. Sometimes we don’t have the emotional tools to deal with these feelings in a safe, healthy way when they arise. We may have been too young to handle what was going on. The traumas were just too big for our young minds. We had to survive so our psyches had no choice but to repress these difficult feelings in an attempt to avoid overwhelm. Sometimes life is too busy and we don’t have the time to process our emotional truths. For some it can actually be dangerous to express their feelings and they fear the consequences of doing so. Others have been brought up to believe that it is not acceptable to express emotions at all. They grew up in households where emotions were denied or worse still vilified. 

There are a myriad of reasons why we don’t deal with our emotions in the moment. We simply take a deep breath, and push them into the shadows of our being so that we can get on with living and being accepted.

So, if you are dealing with some serious health condition, then please do not think that anything I am saying in this podcast is pointing to you being consciously responsible for manifesting illness in your body. What I’m attempting to do here is to help you recognize what could possibly be going on in the depths of your psyche so that you can release these old, buried energies and help your body and mind return to a place of balance.  

According to Dr Lincoln the five energies usually found underneath the manifestation of cancer are: 

Suppressed rage. This is where there is a lot of inner conflict, guilt and hurt about the way life has turned out….a deep sense of overwhelm and devastation about life feeling so empty. These are usually people who have intense feelings of inadequacy and self-rejection. They feel helpless and hopeless. They’re people who on the outside are very loving, supportive and kind, but who repress their own feelings because of their low self-worth and engage in a continuous quest to serve others. They have a self-sacrificing attitude. They’re great at taking care of others but not themselves. They never complain. They just ignore their own inner pain while constantly seeing to everyone else’s needs. 

The second energy pattern is a sense of futility – a deep sense of worthlessness. There may be strong feelings of failure and incompetence – these are people who feel they haven’t achieved anything worthwhile. They make up for this by constantly being there for others but at the same time burying their feelings of anger. They feel deeply hurt and frustrated that their life plans haven’t materialized due to circumstances outside of their control or due to other people. Deep down, these people are troubled and sorrowful that they’ve had to suffer in silence.

The third possible emotional/energetic cause is hatred – a deep-seated hatred of the world and the people in it. These people have a lot of unresolved feelings of revenge, envy, jealousy and anger that they try to hide but which can come out in subtle little ways, for example, through passive aggressiveness or through making other people feel guilty. They feel they are in a bad situation but can’t see any way out. They’re afraid to openly express their rage about their life situation so it has got buried in the body.

The fourth emotional energy pattern is a deep pining for love – this describes a pattern where a person is endlessly searching for love, but when they get close to someone, they’re unable to connect and let love in. These people are deeply lonely, but they can’t admit it – they repress these feelings. They’re people who are very self-critical (which is often linked to childhood experiences and having an over-critical parent). They feel hopeless and fearful and often experience a deep sense of loss. In fact, sometimes the cancer is linked to the loss of a loved one they looked after or were dependent on – and when that person is no longer there, they feel despair and a loss of purpose.

And, lastly there  is fury – a seething volcano. These are the people who sit on a lot of fury and who live out their life acting on these feelings. They are the long-suffering victim or the martyr. They might lash out at others believing they deserve it. They feel the world is an unjust and cruel place. These people really identify with their role as the saintly sufferer and are often unaware of the feelings of anger and revenge that are driving their behaviours.

So, it seems that the two key themes most closely associated with cancer are feelings of anger and rage and feelings of worthlessness. Both of these energies are a) very destructive and b) hard to accept and handle by the human psyche. 

Because it’s far more interesting to listen to a case study than it is for me to talk about things in an abstract way, I’m going to present Aman. He is a thirty-year old Hindu Panjabi male, single, working as a banker in the City of London. 

Aman is a fictional character, drawn up so that I can protect my clients’ privacy but the details I’m going to present are a composite of real client work. 

Aman was sent to me by his uncle, someone I had worked with in a counselling capacity years ago. Aman had recently been diagnosed with throat cancer. A persistent cough and hoarseness had led him to the doctor and following investigation he was told that he had a tumour growing on his voice box. This was absolutely shocking news for Aman and his family, and as you would expect, caused all of them considerable anxiety and distress. By the time he approached me he was already working with an oncology team at the Royal Marsden. And, it was good to hear that Aman felt well cared for and that his treatment had started. 

Before booking in any divine healing sessions, I spend an hour with a client carrying out an initial assessment. I discovered that Aman had a history of cancer in his family. Now, the only positive thing about this was that there were three members of his wider family had already gone through cancer treatment and recovery, they were able to give him lots of advice. He was helped to put together a holistic team to support him through this healing journey. In addition to the doctors and nurses, he was working with a psychotherapist, a nutritionist and I was approached with a view to doing some energy healing work with him.

When anyone presents with a physical illness my first port of call is always Dr Lincoln’s book ‘Messages from the Body’.  I look up the illness and simply present all the hidden psychological causes to my client with a view to discovering which ones resonate. There are often a number of possible causes to talk through.

During the initial assessment I discovered that Aman’s younger life was anything but happy. His dad had died at the age of 12. Aman had older brothers and sisters and was a late baby. All his siblings had left home by the time Dad died and Aman found himself left alone with his mum. I discovered that there was serious trauma surrounding Dad’s death. Aman had come home from school one day and found his dad collapsed on the living room floor in a pool of blood. He was only 12 and this was so shocking. He panicked and ran out back out into the street and thankfully his neighbour was there. He called the emergency services and phoned Aman’s mum. Other than this horrific memory of finding his Dad in this way Aman couldn’t actually recall any other memories from his early teens. This is a classic response to trauma.  

Life went on as it always does, and Aman thought he was handling things quite well. He made it through school, went to university, graduated in Maths and found a job in the City. He said he found work quite challenging in his twenties. He would often feel overwhelmed but hung in there…doing his best to a) keep going and b) to fit in…. until that is he got this weird cough and his voice started to go funny. 

The wonderful thing about Dr Lincoln’s book is that it helps me ask the most appropriate questions and the answers to these questions give me a clear idea of what energies and experiences we are looking to work through and clear. I also know from my other spiritual work that the location of an illness in the body provides further valuable insight into what could be contributing to the energetic imbalance that has manifested as disease. I know that matters to do with the throat are related to the throat chakra and this chakra is related to clear and authentic communication.

I asked Aman three questions:

Q1. What was he angry about?

Q2. Who was he angry with?

Q3. What is that he needed to/wanted to say but felt that he couldn’t?

What unraveled from these enquiries was desperately sad. Aman had grown up pretty much fending for himself mentally and emotionally speaking. Mum and Dad both worked full-time. He clearly wasn’t planned, the fourteen-year age gap between him and his next sibling and the age of his parents made that quite apparent. Aman said he grew up with this feeling that he was always in the way…. like he was a bit of nuisance. His siblings initially doted over him, but they left home one by one as they got married and/or moved on with their lives. At the age of 7 Aman found himself living alone with his mum and dad. 


I asked Aman about any other significant life experiences, accidents, traumas or difficulties that he’d lived through. He said that at the age of about 9 he had to deal with his mum being diagnosed with depression and anxiety. She was a very quiet, gentle, timid woman who always seemed so fragile, like she just could never cope with life. Aman remembers feeling responsible for her. The anxiety had made her agoraphobic and he would often find himself stepping in to help her whenever and however he could. He would run errands for her and do chores around the house on days when she was clearly struggling. Aman found himself worrying about her and he found himself constantly trying to make her feel better…to rest…to relax…to smile…to laugh. 


Aman also mentioned his youngest sister. It sounded like she had a very volatile relationship with her parents. Aman’s sister was quite rebellious as a teenager and her behaviour would trigger arguments in the house. Aman remembers his dad becoming quite agitated with and aggressive towards his sister when he was quite young. He remembers she would sometimes come home drunk late at night and there would always be a scene which would wake him up. Dad would get really upset about the clothes she wore, the people she hung around with and what he perceived as her general lack of respect. All of this resulted in a lot of shouting and screaming. Then one day she packed her bags and just left. Aman’s parents were absolutely devastated. They later found out that she had moved in with a man ten years her senior. Aman believed this was what caused his mum’s depression and he was really upset with his sister. He blamed her for his mum’s mental and physical health problems. Mum was never the same after his sister left. She became evermore distant and non-responsive, and then, when dad died life got even more challenging.  He disclosed feeling frightened, alone and overwhelmed all the time. 


When I asked Aman about his anger, he initially denied it. He didn’t remember feeling angry back then. He just remembered feeling upset and confused. When I gently explained that cancer is sometimes related to deep, unacknowledged, and unexpressed rage, Aman took a moment. Now at the age of 30 could he see that maybe he was angry, but being a child he couldn’t express his anger in any way so…perhaps…maybe…it’s possible that he simply swallowed it? He didn’t respond to this in the initial assessment, but I could see that he had begun reflecting on this. 


Well, we booked in a divine healing session and began the clearing process. When I presented Aman with the possible psychological causes of cancer of the throat it didn’t take long for him to come to a realization that some of what I was reading to him from my book was true. He owned it. This is really important in divine healing. You can only clear what someone is willing to own. 


Throat issues were to do with the following:


Firstly, deep grief and rage. Throat issues arise when someone has intense feelings of sorrow and resentment over all the pain and deprivation that they have experienced. They are full of criticism and judgement about how their world is and they don’t want any more part of it. They've reached the point where they are gagging on their anger and pain, and they can't swallow anymore of what life has been giving them. They’ve totally had enough. 


Secondly, they are engaged in feeling avoidance, where they're deeply suppressing their emotions. They are intensely avoidant of self-expression, and they are unable to express or speak up for themselves out of a feeling that they have no right to make any noise. There's also a deep fear that what they would say would set off World War 3 and so, consequently they sit on themselves, stifling their own creativity, expressivity and transmission of information.  


Thirdly, they live in a vast emotional wasteland. Their family is/was withholding when it came to love and nurturance. Any time they did get something it was invariably taken away. They've had many losses and as a result, they've had to swallow a lot of hurts without saying anything. They’re very angry about that but they dare not let that out of their mouth in case the little they do have is taken away. 


Fourthly, there is a refusal to acknowledge reality. They’re having great difficulty with accepting their reality and they don't know how to take it in. There is a lot of confusion and a lack of discernment. They have very deep feelings of distrust in the Universe, and they are like a turtle in its shell refusing to come out. They strongly feel that it's just too dangerous and disastrous to open their mouth and speak out their truth, so they just keep quiet. 


Well…this all led to a few moments of silence. Eventually Aman acknowledged that yes, this was all indeed true. Life was so tough back then when he was growing up. And now when he thinks about his younger self and what he had to deal with all on his own he does feel angry. He was angry…at the Universe…at Dad for dying and leaving him to deal with mum’s low moods…at mum for not being able to handle life and leaving him to practically fend for himself…at his sister for creating such commotion and turmoil. He could suddenly feel the anger in his body….the rage that he felt towards her. She was to blame for Dad dying and Mum being so depressed. She had caused all the stress that they all had to go through. She was the one who had caused all the problems. He was also so very angry at his older siblings. How did they not notice what he was going through? They visited often enough. Why couldn’t they see how much he was dealing with…how much he was struggling? They would all pop by but no one ever stayed, no-one ever talked to him….really talked to him…no-one bothered to notice…no-one asked him how he was doing. No-one took the worry that he felt for his mum off him. It felt like he carried the weight of the world on his young shoulders. No-one helped. No-one cared.

It's never nice seeing clients distressed like this but when this does happen, I know that something good has happened. In this case, Aman had unearthed his unexpressed anger. The anger he had carried around all this time. The anger he couldn’t handle for fear of complete overwhelm. Plus, what could he have even done with it? He felt so lost, so confused. He wasn’t old enough to make any sense of what was going on around him and, even if he could, what could he have done about any of it. He felt powerless and helpless most of time. He didn’t know to consciously ask anyone for help. But now that he had recognised his anger, it could be released.

When Dad was alive Aman was very quiet and compliant. He was easily overwhelmed by Dad’s aggressive moods, so it was easier just to stay out of the way. Mum was always so distressed, and this made Aman feel so uneasy that inadvertently it became his mission to help her practically, mentally and emotionally. 

It sounded like he trod on eggshells around Dad and experienced intense anxiety about mum’s mental and physical health – how awful and overwhelming this must have been. He became the person who tried to make things better for everyone … but at his own expense. In his young mind, if he expressed any discontent or drew any attention to his needs then there was a danger of his whole world collapsing around him. He couldn’t risk that. So, there was only one place for his anger and discontent to go and that was far into the shadows of his mind…pushed back down into his body.  

Wow! Now that made a lot of sense with regard to his cancer diagnosis. Even now as an adult he felt so insecure that he found himself constantly assessing everyone else’s moods, worrying about everyone else’s needs, trying to constantly keep the peace… even at work, never saying what was on his mind or what he was feeling … quiet, compliant vigilance. There wasn’t any space for him and his needs in his own life. 

This was all very heartbreaking. 

Well, we had it there…this was the focus for the healing. We got to work. We set about clearing the programmes around his throat…we cleared the shock and trauma from that day he came home from school and found his dad collapsed in the living room. We cleared the trauma of being emotionally abandoned and neglected, of being isolated, of not being truly seen by anyone, of feeling so vulnerable.  We cleared a big pot of fears – the fear of losing his mum, the fear of being alone, the fear of confrontation, the fear of being shouted at, the fear of emotional overwhelm, the fear of not being liked, the fear of upsetting people to name a few. We also did a big clearing around the anger and the rage.

We cleared some past life programmes. One quite fascinating thing came up which alluded to Aman having made a soul decision to be responsible for everyone and everything. We never get specific details with this kind of stuff but something intense must have happened to him in some incarnation which threatened his survival so much so that he had made a deep soul level decision to be a certain way in the future. This potentially explained his tendency to always put everyone’s else needs above his own. 

I was very mindful of Aman’s age. Cancer is often a manifestation of issues that have been going on for a while, yet for Aman it had manifested at the age of 30. He had disclosed a wider family history of cancer, so this suggested that maybe there were patterns and programmes that were running through his ancestral lineage…encoded into his genetics. I often see clients who have high frequency, evolved numbers on their soul plans bringing in karmic baggage that doesn’t belong to them specifically but to their entire soul clan. They are the light bearers that are on a mission to clear this intergenerational trauma. If you have ancestors or older relatives who went through a very distressing or oppressive event at some point in their history, their emotional and behavioural reactions could ripple through the generations of your family and affect you. I suspected this was going on for Aman and because of the family context so we did a big ancestral clearing and sent healing up several generations on both his paternal side and his maternal side.

Aman also had a deep inner conflict programme running where he wanted to speak up for himself but felt unable to do so out of fear and this hugely limited his experience of life. We talked about this and he concluded that this one was probably about him feeling fearful about causing trouble. For example, even now in his current life he wanted to express his anger towards to his sister but on the other he knows that if he does it would create a huge hoohaa, so he says nothing. 

Cancer is not only about repressed anger. It also has its roots in unworthiness. This was on Aman’s soul plan so I knew this would have been a major contributing factor. Aman could relate to this. He grew up with this feeling of being a nuisance…of always being in the way as he called it. Whilst he got a lot of attention from his parents and siblings when he was a baby but he said this all fizzled out as he grew older. He didn’t feel he deserved anything…that he wasn’t really that important…not even in his own eyes. This was a big issue, so we arranged a separate divine healing session to work through these core beliefs. Somewhere deep at his core he felt that he didn’t have the right to speak up, he didn’t have the right to ask for his needs to be met, and he didn’t have the right to expect anyone to meet these needs for him. 

Aman and I worked together for about four months and focussed mainly on the traumas from his childhood and the patterns and programmes related to anger and unworthiness. He underwent a surgical procedure and a course of radiotherapy, and I’m pleased to say that he made a full recovery. I’m not for a moment suggesting that the healing we did made a difference to the outcomes for Aman, but I do know that we cleared so much repressed emotional energy that I believe it would definitely have an impact on the cancer returning. Through our work together Aman also learnt to be mindful of his emotions and the importance of expressing all his feelings in a safe, healthy way. His self-worth, self-esteem, assertiveness skills and personal power all grew and this will stand him in good stead for the rest of this life.

This actually neatly leads into something I always see when a person goes through anything as shocking, frightening and difficult as cancer and that is the huge amount of personal transformation and spiritual growth that can result from the experience. I always believe that nothing happens by chance. Nothing in life is random. There's always some higher purpose of play.

As Aman discovered through our work together, we all need to learn to honour all of our emotions, even the unpleasant low-frequency ones like hate, jealousy and anger instead of suppressing them and pretending that they are not there. 

We also don’t always truly know what is going on at soul level with an illness as scary and potentially life threatening as cancer. Virtually everything that goes on at the spiritual dimension is hidden from our conscious selves. For example, by having to go through a difficult experience like this we may be transmuting karma. We may be clearing density that has been accumulating for millenia. Or, as I mentioned earlier we may be clearing low frequency energies for our entire soul clan. 

For some evolved souls, difficult experiences might be an initiation or a soul-level test. There are also very many souls that have incarnated in recent times to transmute darkness for the entire human collective, and this could be being done through the experience of cancer in their own bodies. 

Other positive things that could come out of such troubling experiences are feeling moved to let go of grudges and grievances that are being held against others. Practising forgiveness is a powerful way of releasing old, low vibing energies that we’ve been inadvertently carrying around. This can also include self-forgiveness. Guilt is an energy that keeps our frequency low. Forgiveness can bring deep acceptance and emotional healing as we release old baggage. 

We can also learn to truly love ourselves and take better care of ourselves and our needs. Cancer demands a level of radical self-acceptance if it is be overcome.

Many who have lived through cancer gain a new-found appreciation of life and learn to live life with profound joy and appreciation for the present moment. They no longer take life for granted and cherish every moment that they have with themselves and their loved ones. 

And, we all know that when our egos are as severely and violently challenged as with cancer this deepens our spiritual connection. When there is nowhere to turn and we are beside ourselves with worry then many of us, I definitely include myself in this, turn to God. 

We probably all know of someone … or have heard stories of people who have not only survived cancer against all the odds but are truly thriving following their recovery.  Somehow their illness became the catalyst for deep inner work and, in some cases, deep inner transformation.

One of most miraculous stories of healing from cancer I’ve ever heard is told by Anita Moorjani in her inspiring book, ‘Dying to be Me’. 

In 2002, at the age of 42, while living and working in Hong Kong, Anita was diagnosed with lymphoma after finding a lump in her neck. Having watched several people close to her succumb to cancer, including her best friend, she was terrified by the illness. At first, she explored many alternative and holistic healing practices and later, when these didn’t work, she underwent conventional cancer treatments. But after 4 years of battling with the disease, the cancer had spread throughout her body and doctors told her there it was too late to save her life.  

At this point, her organs began to shut down. On 2 February 2006, Anita fell into a coma. But while her family gathered around her, frantic with grief that they were losing her, something remarkable was happening. Anita entered into an extraordinary near-death experience where she was conscious of every single thought and emotion felt by those around her. What’s more, in this other realm, she was totally free of any pain and suffering. She felt incredible. Free, healed, and encompassed in a pure, unconditional love unlike anything she’d ever experienced before. In this state, she realised that she was inherently worthy, not because of anything she did, but just because she existed. She also came to recognise the actual cause of the cancer that had ravaged her body. And how it was linked to the way she felt about herself and the significant people in her life.

Miraculously, when she regained consciousness, Anita’s condition improved so fast that within weeks all the tumours had shrunk and she was able to leave hospital – without a trace of cancer in her body! In the years since, she has dedicated her life to sharing all that she learnt on the other side and a message of hope and healing.

In her book (and public talks), she speaks candidly about her childhood in Hong Kong and what it was like growing up in a largely Chinese and British community while being raised in a traditional Hindu family. Pushed and pulled by the different cultural and religious customs, she tried very hard to meet everyone’s expectations but found her own desires were sometimes in conflict with what others wanted for her. She battled to do things her own way and struggled to forge her own path. She admits that during those years she lived her life in fear of disappointing others.  When she couldn’t meet other people’s wishes, she felt there was something wrong with her. Fear ruled her life.

Reflecting on Anita’s story, it strikes me that the pattern of emotional suppression and feelings of low self-worth that we talked about earlier are so evident in her history. 

One of the biggest lessons she learned in the other realm when she died, she says, is to love herself. If she had known how to love herself, she would never have got sick in the first place. She learned that her only purpose in life is to be a full expression of herself – to love herself at the core of her being. And to share her heart and soul with the world without fear. 

If you haven’t read this book, then I would highly recommend you do. It’s a truly incredible read. Anita lectures all the around the world. She is living proof that we all have this healing power inside of us. 

I hope this podcast has shed a little light on the importance of self-love, self-care, self-empowerment, and given you some food for thought. So much goes on in the hidden realms that our conscious minds are not privy to. But if we have a little courage to look within who knows what we can find and release. And what difference this can make to our health and wellbeing.

Right so I’m going to finish off there. If you liked listening, then please subscribe…that way you won’t miss any future episodes…and tell people about it.  It’s all free and it could help someone create a happier, healthier, more peaceful life for themselves.

And, before I go, as always,  let me remind you… take really good care of yourself because you and I both know that if you don’t no one else will.

Bye for now…