ValuationPodcast.com - A podcast about all things Business + Valuation.
Valuation Podcast.com - A video and audio podcast on all topics concerning business owners and valuations. Melissa Gragg is a Business Valuation Expert in St. Louis and the host, she interviews CPAs, company valuation experts, testifying experts, marketing experts, divorce expert witnesses, estate planning experts, management consulting experts, strategic planning experts, business lawyers and covers business topics pertaining to company owners and attorneys. http://www.ValuationPodcast.com (314) 541-8163 or email hello@valuationpodcast.com
Podcasting since 2020 • 97 episodes
ValuationPodcast.com - A podcast about all things Business + Valuation.
Latest Episodes
Valuing the Future | Business Valuation Case Studies - Estate Planning Strategies
Valuing the Future | Business Valuation Case Studies - Estate Planning StrategiesWelcome to ValuationPodcast.com, where we delve into the intricacies of business and valuation. I’m your host, Melissa Gragg, a seasoned financial mediator...

Business Valuation Case Study Example - Complexities of a Software Valuation & How to Utilize Mediation
Business Valuation Case Study Example - Complexities of a Software Valuation & How to Use MediationHello and welcome to ValuationPodcast.com, where we delve into all things business and valuation. I'm your host, Melissa Gragg, a fin...
Intellectual Property Valuation - Business Valuation Case Study
Intellectual Property Valuation - Business Valuation Case Study with Certified Business ValuatorsWelcome to ValuationPodcast.com, where we delve into the intricacies of business and valuation. I'm your host, Melissa Gragg, a financial m...
From One Generation to the Next: Strategies For Selling a Family Business
From One Generation to the Next: Strategies For Selling a Family Businesswww.valuationmediation.comWelcome to ValuationPodcast.com, a series dedicated to exploring the intricate world of business and valuation. I'm your host, Meliss...
Introduction to Business Valuation Case Studies: Expert Strategies for Valuation and Partner Disputes
Introduction to Business Valuation Case Studies: Expert Strategies for Valuation and Partner DisputesWelcome to ValuationPodcast.com, your space for all things business and valuation. I'm Melissa Gragg, a mediator and valuation expert b...