STOPTIME: Live in the Moment.

Guided Meditation for Deep Relaxation, Healing and Calm

April 01, 2024 Lisa Hopkins, Wide Open Stages
Guided Meditation for Deep Relaxation, Healing and Calm
STOPTIME: Live in the Moment.
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STOPTIME: Live in the Moment.
Guided Meditation for Deep Relaxation, Healing and Calm
Apr 01, 2024
Lisa Hopkins, Wide Open Stages

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Embark on a serene adventure that promises both relaxation and self-awareness without leaving the comfort of your space. In our latest meditation session, I'll guide you to a tranquil state where each breath weaves a tapestry of calm, and where our intentions become the compass for our journey inward. We begin with a ritual of comfort and breathing, moving through a comprehensive body scan that connects you to the very essence of your being. As we traverse from the crown of your head to the tips of your toes, we linger in that sacred space just shy of slumber, enveloping ourselves in the healing rhythm of our own existence.

The heart of this episode beats to the rhythm of mindfulness, where sensations become our teachers and the contrasts of daily life transform into guides toward deeper understanding. We'll dance with the dualities of heaviness and lightness, warmth and coolness, dark and light, cultivating a profound gratitude for the present moment. As we gently awaken from this reflective state, I'll remind you of the sheer beauty found within and the perfection that you carry into the world. Close your eyes, take a deep breath, and join us for this meditative embrace—a celebration of the peace and clarity that's waiting to be discovered within.

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Subscribe to premium content today and have access to bonus episodes worksheets and meditations. Whether you are looking to relax, recenter, reduce stress, increase motivation, fall asleep peacefully or wakeup ready to take on the day, these meditations and visualizations are for you.

You will also have the opportunity to connect directly with me via email to let me know what kind of meditations you are looking for, share your episode insights and suggest guests that you might be interested in hearing from so that I can create content for you!

Subscriptions begin at $3/month and subscribers who choose $10 a month subscription also receive a monthly coaching exercise from my client workbook.

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Let us know what you enjoy about the show!

Embark on a serene adventure that promises both relaxation and self-awareness without leaving the comfort of your space. In our latest meditation session, I'll guide you to a tranquil state where each breath weaves a tapestry of calm, and where our intentions become the compass for our journey inward. We begin with a ritual of comfort and breathing, moving through a comprehensive body scan that connects you to the very essence of your being. As we traverse from the crown of your head to the tips of your toes, we linger in that sacred space just shy of slumber, enveloping ourselves in the healing rhythm of our own existence.

The heart of this episode beats to the rhythm of mindfulness, where sensations become our teachers and the contrasts of daily life transform into guides toward deeper understanding. We'll dance with the dualities of heaviness and lightness, warmth and coolness, dark and light, cultivating a profound gratitude for the present moment. As we gently awaken from this reflective state, I'll remind you of the sheer beauty found within and the perfection that you carry into the world. Close your eyes, take a deep breath, and join us for this meditative embrace—a celebration of the peace and clarity that's waiting to be discovered within.

If you are enjoying the show please subscribe, share and review! Word of mouth is incredibly impactful and your support is much appreciated!

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Subscribe to premium content today and have access to bonus episodes worksheets and meditations. Whether you are looking to relax, recenter, reduce stress, increase motivation, fall asleep peacefully or wakeup ready to take on the day, these meditations and visualizations are for you.

You will also have the opportunity to connect directly with me via email to let me know what kind of meditations you are looking for, share your episode insights and suggest guests that you might be interested in hearing from so that I can create content for you!

Subscriptions begin at $3/month and subscribers who choose $10 a month subscription also receive a monthly coaching exercise from my client workbook.

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Speaker 1:

Hey there, welcome. We're going to do a guided meditation to help you find a beautiful, relaxed awareness. So find somewhere comfortable to relax, maybe a cushion under your knees to support your back or a cozy blanket to keep you warm. Whatever you need. Just take a moment to allow yourself a place where you can fully relax. This is a wonderful way to allow your body the relaxed state of healing, to allow your body the relaxed state of healing, and you can also use it to guide you to sleep. Once settled, just take a few deep breaths with your eyes open, just being in awareness of where you are in the room, notice your rhythm changing and when you feel settled and safe, just go ahead and close your eyes and start to feel your body getting heavier with each breath, on whatever surface you're lying on, just connecting with awareness to the weight of the body, the sound of your breath.

Speaker 1:

This time is for you, for you to honor yourself, to connect with yourself. Nothing else matters for these next few moments together. There's no right or wrong way to do it. Just breathe and follow my voice In this beautiful relaxed space and state. Connect with the breath supported by the earth beneath you and, as you breathe, I want you to connect more deeply with your senses, to what you can hear around you, both inside and outside. What sensations can you feel on your skin and your body? Just allow your gaze to turn inwards, nothing to do but listen and breathe as I guide you through this process, remaining relaxed yet in conscious awareness. If your mind drifts, just guide it back to my voice. In this relaxed state.

Speaker 1:

State, I want you to open yourself to sense and connect with a wish or an intention. It can be a single word, a you. It can be anything you desire. It might be a word such as peace or clarity, abundance or health, might be an affirmation. I am confident, whatever comes to you, whatever your deepest desire in this moment or intention, whatever your intention is, it's time to connect with it consciously, consciously state it's time to connect with it, consciously, consciously state your intention, repeating thank you in your mind. You may now release and surrender your body and I want you just to bring awareness. You don't need to move.

Speaker 1:

Simply connect mentally with each area as I guide you through, beginning with your mouth, the sensations of your mouth, your tongue, third, fourth finger, fifth finger, and now moving your attention to the palm of your hand and then to the back of your hand, your wrist, your forearm, elbow, upper arm, your shoulder, upper arm, near shoulder. Breathing, breathing, simply being, and staying with my voice, allowing yourself the space between sleep and wakefulness. Now draw your attention to the left hand thumb and the second finger and the third and the fourth finger and the fifth, and now the palm of your hand and the back of your hand and your wrist and your forearm and your elbow and your upper arm and your shoulder. If you feel yourself wandering, just guide yourself back to my voice. Draw your attention from the waist to the hip and the thigh and the kneecap and the shin and the calf and the ankle and your heel, your elbow and your heel, the sole of the foot and the top of the foot and your right big toe and your second toe and your third and fourth and baby toe and baby toe. And we're going to do the same thing on the other side From your waist to your hip, to your thigh, to your kneecap and your shin, to your calf, your ankle and your heel, the sole of the foot, the top of the foot, left big toe, second and third toes, the fourth toe and now your baby toe. Take another deep breath here, a healing breath, a relaxing and releasing breath. Now we're going to go to the back of the body, drawing your attention to the right heel and the left heel and the right calf and the left calf and the right thigh and the left thigh and the right buttock and the left buttock and the left buttock and your lower back and your middle back and your upper back and your entire spine, your right shoulder blade and then your entire spine, your right shoulder blade and your left shoulder blade and the back of your neck and the back of your head and now the top of your head and your forehead and your brow and your right temple and your left temple and your right ear and your left temple, your right ear and your left ear, your right eyebrow and your left eyebrow, the middle of the eyebrows, your right eye, the middle of the eyebrows, your right eye and your left eye, your right nostril and your left nostril, your right cheek, your left, your upper lip and your lower lip, both lips together, touching your chin, your jaw, your throat and your right collarbone, your left collarbone and your left collarbone, your right side of the chest and now your left side of the chest, upper tummy, lower tummy, your pelvis, everything relaxing the whole right leg, the whole left leg, the whole left leg, the whole right arm and your whole left arm and your whole face and your whole head, your skull, your back, your back of the head and the whole torso.

Speaker 1:

Connecting again now with the breath, breathing in and breathing out, connecting with the sensation of heaviness, noticing which areas of your body feel heavy, breathing in. And then we're going to connect with a sensation of lightness. Where does it feel light? In your body? In your head, in your back, in your limbs, in your arms, in your limbs. Moving now beautifully through and between sensations, between opposites the feeling heavy, feeling your body heavy on the mat or the floor or the bed, arms heavy and sinking downwards, body sinking into deep, heavy, relaxed awareness.

Speaker 1:

Then moving to calm.

Speaker 1:

Where can you feel calm within your body? What does calm feel like? Now move into tension, feeling the body experience tension and tightness, and then back to calm, feeling calm washing over your body, noticing now the heat within your body. Where does it feel warm? And now moving to awareness of cold. Does the breath feel cool or hot? Where is your body cold?

Speaker 1:

Now we will consider light and dark. First, feeling darkness behind your eyes. Where in your body feels dark? Breathe into that space. Now, moving to the light when in your body feels light? Feel that light within you. Where is it situated? Then, feeling the whole body, enjoy this floating sensation of no thought, just sensation of being breathing into your whole body. And we're going to return to that original intention, or wish, your deepest desire. Allow yourself to connect with it again, repeating it in your mind with gratitude three times, returning your awareness back now to this space, to the room, becoming more aware of the sounds around you, engaging with the weight of your body on the mat. Take a few deep breaths here, giving gratitude and thanks to yourself for this practice. You're exactly where you're supposed to be. You're a beautiful human being, perfect as you are. Nothing needs to be fixed, nothing needs to be changed, just perfect in this moment in this life. So grateful for you, namaste.

Guided Meditation for Relaxation and Awareness
Mindfulness Meditation Practice With Sensations