STOPTIME: Live in the Moment.

Meditation for Healing Physical & Emotional Pain: Embracing Love and Forgiveness

April 10, 2024 Lisa Hopkins, Wide Open Stages
Meditation for Healing Physical & Emotional Pain: Embracing Love and Forgiveness
STOPTIME: Live in the Moment.
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STOPTIME: Live in the Moment.
Meditation for Healing Physical & Emotional Pain: Embracing Love and Forgiveness
Apr 10, 2024
Lisa Hopkins, Wide Open Stages

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Embark on a transformative journey with us as we navigate the healing realms of mind and body, casting off the shackles that pain and emotional burdens have placed upon us. Our latest meditation session is a sanctuary for your spirit, where guided visualization and deep breathing meet the harmonious energies of your chakras. Picture pain not as your foe, but as a shape you can tenderly dissolve with love, leaving you free and unburdened. Together, we'll infuse each chakra with vibrant color and positive energy, fostering balance and confidence that opens your heart to the universe's nurturing embrace. 

Feel the warm embrace of self-love as this episode's heart-centered practice guides you through powerful affirmations of forgiveness and acceptance. The Healing Power of Love Meditation illuminates the path to wellness, releasing you from past grievances and welcoming the effortless flow of healing into your life. As you reemerge from this experience, you'll find yourself rejuvenated and intimately connected to the pulse of the universe. Join me, and let's step into a state of empowerment, where each breath we take is a testament to our own magnificence and our collective journey toward serenity. Namaste, my friends.

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You will also have the opportunity to connect directly with me via email to let me know what kind of meditations you are looking for, share your episode insights and suggest guests that you might be interested in hearing from so that I can create content for you!

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Let us know what you enjoy about the show!

Embark on a transformative journey with us as we navigate the healing realms of mind and body, casting off the shackles that pain and emotional burdens have placed upon us. Our latest meditation session is a sanctuary for your spirit, where guided visualization and deep breathing meet the harmonious energies of your chakras. Picture pain not as your foe, but as a shape you can tenderly dissolve with love, leaving you free and unburdened. Together, we'll infuse each chakra with vibrant color and positive energy, fostering balance and confidence that opens your heart to the universe's nurturing embrace. 

Feel the warm embrace of self-love as this episode's heart-centered practice guides you through powerful affirmations of forgiveness and acceptance. The Healing Power of Love Meditation illuminates the path to wellness, releasing you from past grievances and welcoming the effortless flow of healing into your life. As you reemerge from this experience, you'll find yourself rejuvenated and intimately connected to the pulse of the universe. Join me, and let's step into a state of empowerment, where each breath we take is a testament to our own magnificence and our collective journey toward serenity. Namaste, my friends.

If you are enjoying the show please subscribe, share and review! Word of mouth is incredibly impactful and your support is much appreciated!

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Subscribe to premium content today and have access to bonus episodes worksheets and meditations. Whether you are looking to relax, recenter, reduce stress, increase motivation, fall asleep peacefully or wakeup ready to take on the day, these meditations and visualizations are for you.

You will also have the opportunity to connect directly with me via email to let me know what kind of meditations you are looking for, share your episode insights and suggest guests that you might be interested in hearing from so that I can create content for you!

Subscriptions begin at $3/month and subscribers who choose $10 a month subscription also receive a monthly coaching exercise from my client workbook.

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Speaker 1:

Hey there, today I'm going to offer you a guided visualization for pain relief. This can be applied to actual physical pain, but it can also be used for any pain that you are holding emotionally that you are holding emotionally. So, when we focus on pain, our body tenses and we don't breathe correctly and our muscles they tighten. And again, whether it's physical pain or emotional pain, our body responds or reacts in the same way. So learning to relax our body and reduce tension can ultimately release and reduce the pain that we experience. So this visualization, coupled with meditation, can be an excellent pain reliever when used on a regular basis. So before I guide you into this visualization and meditation, take a moment to set an intention for today's practice. Specificity is so important because it guides our brain and our thoughts on what to focus on and by setting an intention, this allows us to get the fullest benefit of the practice. So I want you to settle into a comfortable position, making sure that you will not be disturbed and, when you're ready, just close your eyes and take a deep inhale for the count of four, three, two, one, holding at the top and exhaling for a count of four, three, two and one, and while you continue to breathe in this way, in your own rhythm. As you inhale, just say to yourself breathing in, and on that exhale, simply say breathing out. As you continue to breathe in this way. On the inhale, breathe in a warm air that flows throughout your body, providing energy to your chakras. With each deep breath, notice how your muscles are becoming more relaxed and your mind is slowing down. If your mind wanders to a thought, that's perfectly normal and part of the process, as we let go, so just gently bring it back and continue to focus on your breathing, breathing deep from your stomach. Inhale a soft, glowing red, bringing it towards your root chakra, at the base of the spine, in the tailbone area. Imagine the red light glowing brightly in this area, keeping you grounded and encouraging feelings of balance and security, slowly moving up towards the belly button. Now breathe in a soft, glowing orange color, sending it to your sacral chakra, two inches below the navel. Imagine this bright, radiant light energizing this area as you feel your emotions becoming more balanced.

Speaker 1:

Moving up towards your upper abdomen, about one inch above your navel, breathe in a vibrant, glowing yellow, sending it to your solar plexus chakra. This chakra is about self-esteem, confidence and self-worth, so spend some time here, if these are areas that you would like to improve in your life. Imagine the sunshine yellow energizing your solar plexus moving up towards your heart. Breathe in a beautiful green color and send it to your heart chakra. This chakra enables us to feel love and open our hearts. So, with each breath in, imagine filling your heart with pure love and energy. Open your heart and allow yourself to be loved and to love others. Feel at peace as the green energy transforms your heart.

Speaker 1:

Moving up towards the throat, breathe in a deep blue color into the throat chakra. This area enables our body to communicate and express ourselves. Imagine a beautiful blue color energizing this area as we move up towards the forehead and between the eyes. Let's breathe in a vibrant indigo color, sending it to our third eye chakra. This represents our ability to focus, to see and solve problems and to foresee what the future holds. Allow this energy to grow stronger as you breathe in more indigo and feel your intuition and insight becoming stronger. Finally, we'll move up towards your crown chakra, at the top of the head, breathing in a glowing violet color, and send it to your crown chakra, the highest chakra in your body. It represents spirituality and our ability to be one with the world. It is the center of pure bliss and nirvana. Be one with the world. It is the center of pure bliss and nirvana. Feel the violet. Grow stronger, will you become more aware of your body, your mind, your spirit and the world around you?

Speaker 1:

So now we're going to take some time to be present in our bodies, feel the different sensation of positive energy flowing through your feet and your legs and your trunk and your arms and your hands, your chest, your neck and head and, with your mind's eye, look into your body and focus on an area of pain. If it's emotional pain, draw awareness around where in your body you are holding this emotional pain. If it's actual pain, physically focus on the muscles around that area. I want you to imagine this area of pain as a certain shape, whatever comes for you, and highlight the shape. Now I want you to imagine stepping into that shape, knowing that it is perfectly safe to do so, and, as you are standing there, look around and smile. Maybe you rub your hands along the shape and you feel nothing but love and compassion for this shape. Feel the shape becoming warmer. You are becoming warmer While standing in the shape. Close your eyes and repeat I forgive you, I forgive you.

Speaker 1:

Notice how the shape is becoming brighter. See this in your mind's eye. It's beginning to sparkle Sparkles all around you. It's draining down shimmering sparkles. They're dissolving into your muscles and your bones and your blood vessels and your nerves and your cells. And as you hold your hands up and gently feel the sparkles against your skin like snowflakes, tell your shape that you love it. Open your heart and feel immense love radiate towards your shape. Tell your shape that it is okay to let go and feel love In your mind's eye. Place your hands on your heart and repeat I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you. Watch and see your shape becoming even brighter as it shimmers with love. See the shape dissolve around you and the sparkles dance away full of loving energy. The sparkles dance out of your body and gradually disappear into the universe like stars. As you look back at where the shape used to be, see a place of renewed vitality and health. Notice how pink and healthy the area looks now. See your cells function perfectly. See your blood flow perfectly.

Speaker 1:

Step back out of your body, remembering that you are completely safe, letting go of any judging thoughts. I want you to imagine a warm water flush through your body, and with it comes security, compassion and forgiveness. Feel your body, let go. Allow your body to be free to feel alive, breathe into it. It's okay to be you. It's okay to feel healthy. You are in control of your life. Only you can be the beautiful person that you are and always have been. Let them release and when you're ready, we're going to repeat the following affirmations I am patient with my body.

Speaker 1:

I trust in the power of love to heal my body. I allow my body to feel love. I am love. I create love. I let go of any past grievances and forgive others. The more I let go, the healthier I become. It is safe for me to be open to love. To be open to love, I receive healing energy from myself. My body fully supports and guides me with love throughout my healing journey. I am a magnificent, radiant being. I allow myself to be healed. I love and accept my body exactly the way it is. Healing flows into my body easily. I'm going to count from five through one. Starting at five, you begin to wake up from the meditative state. Four you are becoming more alert. Three stretch your arms up and take a deep breath. Two slowly begin to open your eyes, and one open your eyes fully. You are now fully awake, or maybe you've fallen asleep, but when you awake you will be feeling refreshed and energized. Namaste, my friends.

Guided Visualization for Pain Relief
Healing Power of Love Meditation