STOPTIME: Live in the Moment.

Meditation: Connecting With Your Authentic Self

April 16, 2024 Lisa Hopkins, Wide Open Stages
Meditation: Connecting With Your Authentic Self
STOPTIME: Live in the Moment.
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STOPTIME: Live in the Moment.
Meditation: Connecting With Your Authentic Self
Apr 16, 2024
Lisa Hopkins, Wide Open Stages

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Have you ever felt like you're constantly performing, wearing a mask that society has crafted for you? Join me on a quest to peel back the layers and rediscover the essence of your true self. Our latest episode is a heartfelt voyage into the realms of deep self-awareness, where I lead a guided meditation to quiet the critical voice and amplify the nurturing one that validates your inherent value. You'll learn to embrace the duality of your strength and vulnerability, shedding the limiting beliefs that may have held you back. Together, we'll illuminate the unique light within you, daring to let go of what dims your brilliance.

Waking up to a world that demands your attention from the get-go can be overwhelming, but imagine starting your day grounded in gratitude and self-love. That's precisely what we foster in the second half of our episode, as we gently transition from meditation to motion, encouraging the body to reawaken with a renewed sense of purpose. I highlight the importance of honoring every breath and the role you play in this world, reinforcing your worth with each mindful step. As you move through your day, let this practice be a beacon of love and light, guiding you to live authentically and celebrate the magnificence that is uniquely yours. No guests join us this time—just a tranquil space for us and our thoughts, a sanctuary for self-reflection and growth.

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Subscribe to premium content today and have access to bonus episodes worksheets and meditations. Whether you are looking to relax, recenter, reduce stress, increase motivation, fall asleep peacefully or wakeup ready to take on the day, these meditations and visualizations are for you.

You will also have the opportunity to connect directly with me via email to let me know what kind of meditations you are looking for, share your episode insights and suggest guests that you might be interested in hearing from so that I can create content for you!

Subscriptions begin at $3/month and subscribers who choose $10 a month subscription also receive a monthly coaching exercise from my client workbook.

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Let us know what you enjoy about the show!

Have you ever felt like you're constantly performing, wearing a mask that society has crafted for you? Join me on a quest to peel back the layers and rediscover the essence of your true self. Our latest episode is a heartfelt voyage into the realms of deep self-awareness, where I lead a guided meditation to quiet the critical voice and amplify the nurturing one that validates your inherent value. You'll learn to embrace the duality of your strength and vulnerability, shedding the limiting beliefs that may have held you back. Together, we'll illuminate the unique light within you, daring to let go of what dims your brilliance.

Waking up to a world that demands your attention from the get-go can be overwhelming, but imagine starting your day grounded in gratitude and self-love. That's precisely what we foster in the second half of our episode, as we gently transition from meditation to motion, encouraging the body to reawaken with a renewed sense of purpose. I highlight the importance of honoring every breath and the role you play in this world, reinforcing your worth with each mindful step. As you move through your day, let this practice be a beacon of love and light, guiding you to live authentically and celebrate the magnificence that is uniquely yours. No guests join us this time—just a tranquil space for us and our thoughts, a sanctuary for self-reflection and growth.

If you are enjoying the show please subscribe, share and review! Word of mouth is incredibly impactful and your support is much appreciated!

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Subscribe to premium content today and have access to bonus episodes worksheets and meditations. Whether you are looking to relax, recenter, reduce stress, increase motivation, fall asleep peacefully or wakeup ready to take on the day, these meditations and visualizations are for you.

You will also have the opportunity to connect directly with me via email to let me know what kind of meditations you are looking for, share your episode insights and suggest guests that you might be interested in hearing from so that I can create content for you!

Subscriptions begin at $3/month and subscribers who choose $10 a month subscription also receive a monthly coaching exercise from my client workbook.

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Speaker 1:

Hi there. Today's a meditation about really connecting with your authentic self. You know, deep with inside each and every one of us, if we listen hard enough and deep enough, there's a knowing, sometimes a gnawing or just an innate sense, a gentle pain or tug that tries to pull us back. And that voice inside, that voice inside that tells us there is more, don't settle. It's not the same voice that criticizes you, saying do more, be more. This is a very different voice and we're going to really tap into that voice today in our meditation. And we're going to really tap into that voice today in our meditation, the voice that tells us that we are more. So find yourself somewhere comfortable to sit or lie down, allowing your body to feel supported. Take the time you need. You can pause the track if you want to take the time to really transition into a different headspace, different physical space, no problem, no worries. And when you're ready, let's draw our attention around our legs and our arms, just gently resting by our side, and as you continue to breathe in, know that your beautiful heart is filling with energy and as you exhale, you're allowing your body just to release and soften and just be Keep drawing that breath into your core, into your tummy, into the center of your being, into the center of your being, allowing an openness to feel your strength and a softening as you exhale. Take a moment, as you lie here, supported, to feel gratitude for the knowing that you contain both strength and softness, love and connection, and that your authentic self is there for you to access and to shine. Because you, and only you, can do this. Only you can illuminate to yourself. Know that, as you are right here, you are perfect. You have traveled many roads and gained many experiences that have all brought you here to this moment. Go ahead and smile to know that you're perfect just the way you are right now, and tap into that beautiful energy that is all your own. Continue to breathe and listen to my voice and consider the idea that, as you have traveled through this journey of life, many people and experiences will have affected you. Many of those are things that have helped you grow, and some are some that you've had to adjust yourself to fit in, maybe feeling less than or not enough, maybe incapable, and yet this life is full of possibilities, opportunities to shed these things that make us feel less than, because deep within you there is you, the real, authentic, energetic self, the being that is only you, your core, your soul, this beautiful spark that glistens and glows as you breathe. See, see that glimmer within your heart, see that light, see it glowing and growing, breathing into your heart, space in the center of your chest, and meet with that glow. It may or may not be shining boldly, but it is there, drawing the breath down deeper into our tummy again, seeking that flicker of light or energy within Breathing, building that energy, feel it coursing through your body and, as you're stoking that fire, ask yourself what would it take to alter these flickers of light to shine brighter? What is it that is holding you back?

Speaker 1:

Take a moment to allow, simply opening and allowing resting in this space, this safe, safe space, to ask yourself who am I Beneath the labels of your job, of wife, of husband, of mother, of son, partner, friend? Who are you really? And just allow the answer to flow freely, free from judgment. There is absolutely no right or wrong answers, just an openness and an allowance. Allow the answer to flow. Are the answers loving and kind? Are you a compassionate, human adventurer, considerate? What is it that sets your soul on fire? Let the questions just stir and simmer and warm you up. This is your chance. This is your chance to connect to that space and ask, beneath these layers of life and humanness, who you truly are. Reconnect with that because you know. You know the answer, Breathing in and out through the heart, feeling more and more connected to you, to beautiful you. There is no goal here. We're not trying to get anywhere. We are just opening and allowing what is already within us, beneath the words that others have spoken that have caused you pain through the experiences that life has put in your path. Think about anywhere where you may have tried to mold yourself into a hole that you don't fit and allow yourself to remember or to know. Now. Does it feel uncomfortable? This information provides access to an unlimited energy source. That is us, that is you.

Speaker 1:

What beliefs are preventing you from blooming? Can there be lack of self-worth or lack of time, creating anxiety, stress, poor opinion of how you look? Because the universe can see beyond this and so can you. This is not who you are. You are not lack of time. You are not your stress or your anxiety. Allow yourself to see beyond, as the universe can see, for one day you can wake and these can be lifted like fog from the sky, as you are supported by the ground and your breath. Allow that breath to build that light within your heart and your belly. Feel that light grow and glow, burning away the fog, burning the old and clearing the debris.

Speaker 1:

Once those beliefs are gone, you have room to create and discover and rediscover who you are, who are you? Allow yourself to open to the possibility of connecting right now with who you truly are. Listen to my words and, if you like, repeat them in your head as I say them, as a testament to who you are. You are magnificent, you are unique and you are needed on this earth, needed to show up as the divine created, perfect whole. You Believe it, continuing to breathe and rest and open you, beautiful soul, and allow your perfectness, allow your uniqueness to be present. There is only one of you and that's what makes you perfect. There's no comparison. Nobody is you. Only you can be you.

Speaker 1:

Allow that beautiful, warm glow, that light to shine not only from your heart and tummy now, but to shine through your whole being, your emanating your whole body and magnificent glowing. You Breathe and feel as you breathe. Feel how alive you are, how lucky we are to be alive and draw that aliveness in, feel that vitality, feel vital, alive and vibrant. You are vital, you are alive, you are vibrant. Start to notice how this feels differently in your body. It may be that there's no words, no words to express how you're feeling right now, and that's okay. Just feel the knowing that is your essence how you're feeling right now, and that's okay. Just feel the knowing that is your essence that you're feeling, savor it and know that you can access it whenever you need. It's always there, and know that you can access it whenever you need. It's always there.

Speaker 1:

We're slowly coming to the end of this practice and I want you to take that spark and light and glow into your day. Breathing deeply now you feel your whole body breathing, maybe bringing gentle movement to your fingers and toes, Maybe a smile is coming over your face. You want to roll your head a little bit or curl up and then stretch, maybe a yawn, whatever you like and give thanks for making time for this practice. You deserve the thanks for taking time for you, because you are important. We need you. Breathing deeply now, when you feel ready, you can blink your eyes open slowly, come back up to a seated position, if you're not already seated, maybe bring your hands together and bow your head. I'm grateful for you. You beautiful, unique being, go and be you. Love and light. Namaste.

Connecting With Your Authentic Self
Morning Meditation Gratitude Practice