Wood for the Trees
A podcast about the messy questions. Hosted by Cait Macleod. In each episode, Cait explores a controversial contemporary issue by interviewing guests with opposing opinions. https://www.cantseethewood.com/
14 episodes
How to police a protest with Edward Maguire
The police have a duty to protect our right to protest while maintaining public safety. Too often they get the balance wrong. Edward Maguire is a professor of criminology ...
Season 1
Episode 7

Prison Reform: An African Perspective with Prof Lukas Muntingh
Prof Muntingh is the Director of the Dullah Omar Institute, a human rights organisation based in Cape Town, South Africa. He's been involved in criminal justice reform for three decades. We spoke about: Wins and f...
Season 1
Episode 6

The Compassionate Prosecutor
Professor Mark Osler used to push for heavy sentences for narcotics trafficking as a federal prosecutor. Now he helps prisoners petition for clemency. How's that for a plot twist? In this episode we discuss:- Whethe...
Season 1
Episode 5

The Abolitionist and The Prison Warden
Prison is supposed to protect, deter, and rehabilitate. But what if isn't a very effective way of doing those things? My guests offer two different visions of how the prison system could be re-imagined - including a glimpse of a Norwegian...
Season 1
Episode 4

Trailer Episode 4: The Abolitionist and The Prison Warden
Prisons don't do what we want them to do. Should we ditch them? Or perhaps reimagine them? Cait speaks to abolitionist and criminologist David Scott about why he hopes for a world without prisons. Then she interviews Are Ho...
Season 1
Episode 4

Bonus episode: Can psychedelic therapy eradicate depression?
A conversation with Ronan Levy, industry pioneer and CEO of Field Trip Health, a company that offers psychedelic-enhanced psychotherapy.
Season 1
Episode 3

Legalise? Decriminalise? Ban? Getting to the Bottom of Drug Policy
Drugs kill hundreds of thousands of people a year. The war on drugs hasn't solved the problem. Could legalisation be the answer? Featuring: Dr Keith Scott - retired general practitioner and co-founder of the South Afr...
Season 1
Episode 3

Trailer Episode 3: Getting to the Bottom of Drug Policy
Drugs kill hundreds of thousands of people a year. The war on drugs hasn't solved the problem. Could legalisation be the answer? Featuring: Dr Keith Scott - retired general practitioner and co-founder of the South Af...
Season 1

The Prevent Duty
The Prevent Duty is a legal obligation placed on authorities in the UK, including teachers, to identify and report signs of radicalisation. The goal is to stop people from being indoctrinated by terrorist ideologies. But activists argue that th...
Season 1
Episode 2

Trailer Episode 2: The Prevent Duty
The Prevent Duty: Countering Terror or Terrorising the Innocent?Featuring human rights scholar and counter-terrorism expert Professor Steven Greer and Professor John Holmwood, sociologist and co-chair of the People's Review of Prevent.&...
Season 1
Episode 2

Defund, Refund, Reform? The Unsolved Problem of Police Violence
After the murder of George Floyd by a police officer in 2020, the call from protestors was to defund the police. Since then, media coverage of this debate has waned but the problem of police violence hasn't gone anywhere. Cait interviews reform...
Season 1
Episode 1

Trailer Episode 1: Defund, Refund, Reform?
Defund, Refund or Reform? The Unsolved Problem of Police Violence. Featuring cop turned conservative policy expert Arthur Rizer and Alex Vitale, one of the leading voices in the movement to defund the police. Available...
Season 1
Episode 1