Strive Seek Find
In life we have two choices: experience or exist. Every week each of us make that choice: To seek a way to live or to simply get by. Walk alongside me each week on Strive Seek Find as we continue seeking our own Brilliant Future.
Podcasting since 2020 • 138 episodes
Strive Seek Find
Latest Episodes
Knocking the Rust Off
This week on Strive Seek Find , I find myself knocking the rust off some old farming relating skills while teaching them to my kids. We had a week that ranged from fencing to gun safety with many things in between. Wi...
Season 3
Episode 25
Stressed distracted and relationshps?
You can be right or you can be in a relationship, but in the current world why are relationships so difficult that people are struggling with isolation?
Season 3
Episode 24
Keeping Simple
So we got out of town overnight this week. It was a great reminder that simplicity isn't always a bad and complex isn't always good. Camping and kayaking with family and , as always, trying something new.&nb...
Season 3
Episode 23