Strive Seek Find

Old Skills, New Ways

Chance Whitmore Season 3 Episode 21

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Tonight  I'm  back and talking about finding new ways to improve old, possibly discarded skills

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Hello there friends, both old and new. Welcome to the strife seek fame podcast. I'm your host, Chance Whitmore, home to bite size, lifestyle advice from a fellow traveler on the road to a better life. Brought to you by someone who is a longtime educator, writer, parent, and an outdoor enthusiast, who may just may like a good draft, because our future is set not just through our choices, but by our willingness to explore and find a better way. Hello, friends, Long time, no metaphorical See, I've started this episode countless times over the last few weeks. And it's never come out quite right, which at this point has to be fine. I keep thinking of the old commercial will serve no wine before it's time. Now, since that was an ad, when I was kid, I have no idea what it was four. But it was obviously effective, because it stuck with me all this to say, life got in the way. And I'm trying to work my way back. Got some stuff, I'm pretty excited for coming up in the next few months. And some other places to listen to me at the same time. Standby to the end of the podcast. And I'll hit you with more information on that. So instead of discussing all the stumbling blocks that I've hit recently, I thought I'd throw out there. I'm really, really glad to be back with you tonight, to the point where I have written basically two episodes and decided neither one was the right one. So what did I do instead? Started on the third, because I wanted to get back behind the mic tonight. And sometimes, that's enough to get me going. So without further ado, let's get started. I know you've heard me say it before. If you're not getting better at something, you're getting worse at it. It doesn't matter what skill that is, it tends to hold true. The evidence is everywhere. You take a year off in the gym and walk back on, you're not getting the same weight up. And you're gonna be one sore individual right after you try. Or if you pull out some writing, and it used to flow like fine wine. But you've been away from it for a while. There's going to be some struggling as you pound the keys, or even for a possibly too on the nose example. Take a long break from recording for instance. You forget a lot when you walk back into it. And for me, right now tonight. All of these examples are true. So it seems a good time for a little course correction. And is often the case in these moments. Nostalgia is playing a little role. I've been revisiting old stories, and they have me thinking of possibilities. Which is good. But I shouldn't be looking backwards to go forwards. In this case. I would love to do something with some of those stories at some point. But if I'm going to write again, I need to get behind the keyboard and do just that. Right. So while experimental, CELT classroom one is a fun story, well, it's darkest, I'll get out. And if you ever want to read it, just let me know. And I'll send you a link. But going back to that doesn't open doors for new learning for me, instead of takes me back to writing how I did two years ago, five years ago, 10 years ago, 15 years ago. And while there's value in that, I'm not the same person who created those works. All those years ago. Experiences changed everything. Focus, purpose, effort, go differently than they did in those times. But that's not a reason not to get after it. To work the problem to make yourself better, in a different way all over again. Because with hard work and effort, and possibly some planning, it's going to click all over again. completely differently, and possibly better than it could ever imagine. So maybe this is just a call to arms for myself. But I challenge him nonetheless, is there something that you love to doing that you put aside that you stopped working on endeavoring to create? Whether it's time in the gym, whether it's writing, filmmaking, gaming even have you given something and missed that part of yourself? Go find it. Make it your own. No matter how it looks like this time, you won't regret it. And for tonight, that's going to be enough. There's some cool things in the making that I'm going to share over the next few weeks. Of this week, I'm doing a guest spot on the tavern in question streaming show. Check it out if you'd like it should be a lot of fun. And working on a second project, a collaboration called the nerd rocket podcast. Very different from this one. And I think you'll enjoy the heck out of it. Check it out if you have an opportunity. More details to come a little closer to lunch. Well, friends, that's it for this week's edition of strife seek find. Thank you again for listening. If you'd like to join the discussion, or have ideas for future episodes, hop on over to the strife seek find podcast group on Facebook. Alternatively, if Facebook's not your thing, you can find me on Instagram at strife seek find podcast on Twitter. As at chance Whitmore five. We're even on email. The links for all those are in the show notes below. Until next time, my friends, keep seeking your own brilliant future