The sibling pair of aspiring entomologists Dante and Mia Centuori take a closer look at the sometimes annoying, often entertaining, and always interesting creatures known as insects. Insect View will cover a host of insect related topics, from specific species to fascinating stories. Sit back, relax, and enjoy learning about insects from the comforts of your own home, where there are significantly less mosquitoes.
Podcasting since 2020 • 34 episodes
Latest Episodes
Insect News 8: Where in the world is Blattella germanica?
The mystery of where the German cockroach originated from has been solved! There's also a new ant species named after Voldemort. In this news episode we cover the aforementioned as well as how mosquitoes can be used for bird feed, how rusty pat...

Honey Bees Part 1
Ah the venerable Honeybee. Humanities history with this insect stretches back beyond the written word, even beyond podcasts. This incomprehensible timeframe has left people with a lot of time to figure out many different ways to keep, collect, ...

Insect News 7: Toxic Galls, French Bedbugs, and What the Wright Brothers Have To Do With Apiculture
Hear about the bedbug infestation terrifying the city of Paris, an interesting new way of detecting heavy metal contamination (hint, if you were planning on eating plant galls in industrial areas, don't), and why there's a journal of apiculture...

Pierre Andre Latreille
Pierre Andre Latreille, a French entomologist who lived from 1762-1833, is probably best known for having his life saved by a beetle. However there's a lot more to his story, and he went on to make a number of sigificant contributions to the fi...

Insect News 6: Why insects get caught at lights, the AMNH's new wing, and the LAPD
Get the scoop on why insects fly to light, the bugs at the American Musuem of Natural History's new wing, and what happened to the LAPD officer who was attacked by bees in this new news episode! Sourceshttps://www.bior...